
此文档由会员 王兴云 发布
The domestic accountant's offices have been faced with severe competition of the foreign accountant's offices since China joined in the WTO. This thesis begins with analysing clauses of WTO, and compares scope, human resource, serving quality, working environment, working scale, educating persons with ability of accountant's offices between inside and outside, we know status quo and gap, then it discusses how to develop the domestic accountant's offices by two aspects of macroscopical policies and accountant's offices. Macroscopical policies include policies, laws, working environment, educating persons with ability and how to use clauses of WTO for protecting rapid and healthy development of domestic accountant's offices; countermeasures of domestic accountant's offices include developing strategies, how to expand businesses, how to train and introduce into persons with ability and inner management.
Key words: World Trade Organization; General Agreement on Trade in Services; Countermeasure;
1 分析世界贸易组织关于会计服务业的法律规定
1.1 分析“国民待遇原则”
1.2 分析“市场准入原则”
1.3 分析“最惠国待遇原则”
1.4 分析保障条款
2 分析我国会计师事务所的现状及其差距
2.1 规模方面
2.2 人力资源方面
2.3 执业质量方面
2.4 执业环境方面
2.5 执业领域和范围方面
2.6 人才培养方面
2.6.1 对于会计教育
2.6.2 对于会计人员的后续教育
3 我国会计师事务所的发展策略
3.1 宏观方面
3.1.1 政策法规方面
3.1.2 职业环境方面
3.1.3 人才教育方面
3.1.4 利用WTO有关规定,保护我国的会计师事务所合理快速发展
3.2 微观方面
3.2.1 经营方向选择方面
3.2.2 业务扩展方面
3.2.3 人员引进、培训方面
3.2.4 内部管理方面
[6] 魏永存.入世与我国会计服务市场的开放———兼论我国会计师事务所的发展对策 交通财会2002.7
[7] 杨金莲.WTO直面走来,中国的会计师事务所应做些什么 经济师2002.6
[8] 陈晓芳,岳才保.加入WTO后中国会计师事务所面临的挑战和机遇 科技与进步对策2002.10
[9] 王传顺,李冬梅.加入WTO对我国会计师事务所意味着什么 山东审计2000.4
[10] 王小波,黎翠梅.加入WTO与提高我国会计服务业的竞争力 湘潭大学社会科学学报2002.6
[11] 罗韵轩.WTO与中国会计教育改革 经济师2003.2
[12] 赵栓文.我国会计教育的现状与改革 陕西经贸学院学报2002.6
The domestic accountant's offices have been faced with severe competition of the foreign accountant's offices since China joined in the WTO. This thesis begins with analysing clauses of WTO, and compares scope, human resource, serving quality, working environment, working scale, educating persons with ability of accountant's offices between inside and outside, we know status quo and gap, then it discusses how to develop the domestic accountant's offices by two aspects of macroscopical policies and accountant's offices. Macroscopical policies include policies, laws, working environment, educating persons with ability and how to use clauses of WTO for protecting rapid and healthy development of domestic accountant's offices; countermeasures of domestic accountant's offices include developing strategies, how to expand businesses, how to train and introduce into persons with ability and inner management.
Key words: World Trade Organization; General Agreement on Trade in Services; Countermeasure;
1 分析世界贸易组织关于会计服务业的法律规定
1.1 分析“国民待遇原则”
1.2 分析“市场准入原则”
1.3 分析“最惠国待遇原则”
1.4 分析保障条款
2 分析我国会计师事务所的现状及其差距
2.1 规模方面
2.2 人力资源方面
2.3 执业质量方面
2.4 执业环境方面
2.5 执业领域和范围方面
2.6 人才培养方面
2.6.1 对于会计教育
2.6.2 对于会计人员的后续教育
3 我国会计师事务所的发展策略
3.1 宏观方面
3.1.1 政策法规方面
3.1.2 职业环境方面
3.1.3 人才教育方面
3.1.4 利用WTO有关规定,保护我国的会计师事务所合理快速发展
3.2 微观方面
3.2.1 经营方向选择方面
3.2.2 业务扩展方面
3.2.3 人员引进、培训方面
3.2.4 内部管理方面
[6] 魏永存.入世与我国会计服务市场的开放———兼论我国会计师事务所的发展对策 交通财会2002.7
[7] 杨金莲.WTO直面走来,中国的会计师事务所应做些什么 经济师2002.6
[8] 陈晓芳,岳才保.加入WTO后中国会计师事务所面临的挑战和机遇 科技与进步对策2002.10
[9] 王传顺,李冬梅.加入WTO对我国会计师事务所意味着什么 山东审计2000.4
[10] 王小波,黎翠梅.加入WTO与提高我国会计服务业的竞争力 湘潭大学社会科学学报2002.6
[11] 罗韵轩.WTO与中国会计教育改革 经济师2003.2
[12] 赵栓文.我国会计教育的现状与改革 陕西经贸学院学报2002.6