论资产并购中被收购公司的股东权和债权人利益的保护,全文约8200字论述翔实 关键词: 资产并购 股东投票权,异议股东退股权、事实合并、继承者责任 摘要:界定资产并购,并将其与公司正常经营过程中的其他资产处置区分开来,是保护被收购公司股东权和债权人利益的基础。被收购公司股东权主要是投票权和退股权。被收购公司债权人利益的...

此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布
全文约8200字 论述翔实
关键词: 资产并购 股东投票权,异议股东退股权、事实合并、继承者责任
The Protection of Shareholders' Rights and Creditors' Rights of Target Company in Asset Acquisition
Key words
Asset acquisition, sales of all or substantially all assets, shareholder's voting rights and appraisal rights, de facto merger, successor liability
Asset acquisition is a major form of corporate M&A, it is essential to define and distinguish asset acquisition from other property disposition in regular business course. The important legal issues relating to asset acquisition are how to protect the rights of shareholders especially the rights of dissent shareholders in the target company, which include the shareholder's voting rights and appraisal rights) and the rights of the creditor of the target company.
[6] Corporations 中信出版社 [美]艾伦。R.帕尔米特(Alan R.Palmiter)第四版 P596
[7] 见王保树主编《中国公司法修改草案建议稿》社会科学文献出版P20
[8] 《公司法》美R.W.汉密尔顿著,中国人民大学出版社2001年1月第1版P553-554
全文约8200字 论述翔实
关键词: 资产并购 股东投票权,异议股东退股权、事实合并、继承者责任
The Protection of Shareholders' Rights and Creditors' Rights of Target Company in Asset Acquisition
Key words
Asset acquisition, sales of all or substantially all assets, shareholder's voting rights and appraisal rights, de facto merger, successor liability
Asset acquisition is a major form of corporate M&A, it is essential to define and distinguish asset acquisition from other property disposition in regular business course. The important legal issues relating to asset acquisition are how to protect the rights of shareholders especially the rights of dissent shareholders in the target company, which include the shareholder's voting rights and appraisal rights) and the rights of the creditor of the target company.
[6] Corporations 中信出版社 [美]艾伦。R.帕尔米特(Alan R.Palmiter)第四版 P596
[7] 见王保树主编《中国公司法修改草案建议稿》社会科学文献出版P20
[8] 《公司法》美R.W.汉密尔顿著,中国人民大学出版社2001年1月第1版P553-554