基于智能仪表和plc的液位控制系统设计,基于智能仪表和plc的液位控制系统设计59页3万余字,为压缩文件,包含毕业设计文件,源代码文件,系统文件、截图、matalab仿真等摘 要微电子技术和计算机技术的不断发展,引起了仪表结构的根本性变革,以微型计算机(单片机)为主体,将计算机技术和检测技术有机结合,组成新一代“智能化仪表”,在测量过程自动化、测量数据处理及...

原文档由会员 lzj781219 发布
摘 要
可编程控制器(Programmable Logic Controller---PLC)是一种应用广泛非常的自动控制装置,它将传统的继电器控制技术、计算机技术和通讯技术融为一体,具有控制能力强、操作灵活方便、可靠性高、适宜长期连续工作的特点,非常适合液位控制的要求。
关键词: 液位控制;智能仪表;可编程控制器;PID;人机界面
Nowadays intelligent measuring appliance is improving more and more quickly.It has been used in more an more place of our life.It can make Electric circuit much easier than before.And the control can be realized much more precise and convenient. Microelectronics and computer technology continues to develop, led to fundamental changes in the structure of instruments to micro-computer (single chip) as the main body, the computer technology and the organic integration of detection technology to form a new generation of "smart meters" in Measurement of process automation, measurement data processing and functional diversification of the traditional instrument, compared to conventional measuring circuit, tremendous progress has been made.
PLC is a very useful control installment . It is widely used in a lot of control system in ourlives. It is the product of the computer,control,communication technology.It can make Electric circuit much easier than before.And the control can be realized much more precise and convenient.It very suits the control of water level. It will relay the traditional control technology, computer and communication technologies together with the control, and operation of flexible convenient, high reliability, suitable for continuous long-term characteristics of the work, very suitable for liquid level control requirements.
This thesis mainly introduces a design of water level control system with intelligent measuring appliance,SIMATIC programmable logic controller (PLC) and configuration soft. This system adopts increment type Proportional-Integral-Differential arithmetic to realize the water level automation. For convenience to monitor the system and process data in actual time.....
Keywords: Water Level Control;Intelligent measuring appliance;PLC;PID;HMI
目 录
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 课题研究背景、意义和目的 1
1.2 液位控制系统的发展状况 1
1.3 论文研究内容 2
第二章 智能仪表与可编程控制器基础 4
2.1 智能仪表基础 4
2.1.1 智能仪表的定义及发展现状 4
2.1.2 智能仪表的功能 4
2.1.3 智能仪表的基本组成 4
2.2 可编程控制器基础 5
2.2.1 PLC的历史和发展趋势 6
2.2.2 PLC的分类 6
2.2.3 PLC的基本结构 7
2.2.4 PLC的编程 8
2.2.5 S7-300型PLC的特性 8
第三章 PID控制器设计 10
3.1 PID控制器 10
3.1.1 PID控制器的基本结构 10
3.1.2 PID控制器各参数的作用 11
3.1.3 过程控制中常见PID参数整定方法 12
3.1.4 PID参数整定公式 14
3.2 数学模型 15
第四章 控制系统设计 18
4.1 硬件配置 18
4.1.1 智能仪表 18
4.1.2 PLC 19
4.1.3 检测装置 20
4.1.4 执行机构 20
4.2 控制流程 21
4.2.1 智能仪表控制 21
4.2.2 S7-300PLC控制 22
4.3 PLC程序设计简介 23
4.3.1 PID功能 23
4.3.2 控制程序设计 26
4.3.3 程序总体结构 27
4.4 STEP7编程界面简介 28
4.5 MATLAB系统仿真 30
第五章 人机界面设计 32
5.1 组态软件简介 32
5.2 组态王人机界面开发 33
5.2.1 组态王简介 33
5.2.2 组态王特点 33
5.2.3 组态王开发 34
第六章 系统运行结果 43
第七章 结论 44
参考文献 45
致谢 46
[1] 高钦和.可编程控制器应用技术与设计实例.人民邮电出版社.2004
[2] 马宁、孔红.S7-300PLC和MM440变频器的原理与应用.机械工业出版社.2006
[3] 张元良、吕艳、王建军.智能仪表设计实用技术及实例.机械工业出版社.2008
[4] 朱海锋.PID控制器参数自整定方法研究[D].中山大学硕士学位论文.2005
摘 要
可编程控制器(Programmable Logic Controller---PLC)是一种应用广泛非常的自动控制装置,它将传统的继电器控制技术、计算机技术和通讯技术融为一体,具有控制能力强、操作灵活方便、可靠性高、适宜长期连续工作的特点,非常适合液位控制的要求。
关键词: 液位控制;智能仪表;可编程控制器;PID;人机界面
Nowadays intelligent measuring appliance is improving more and more quickly.It has been used in more an more place of our life.It can make Electric circuit much easier than before.And the control can be realized much more precise and convenient. Microelectronics and computer technology continues to develop, led to fundamental changes in the structure of instruments to micro-computer (single chip) as the main body, the computer technology and the organic integration of detection technology to form a new generation of "smart meters" in Measurement of process automation, measurement data processing and functional diversification of the traditional instrument, compared to conventional measuring circuit, tremendous progress has been made.
PLC is a very useful control installment . It is widely used in a lot of control system in ourlives. It is the product of the computer,control,communication technology.It can make Electric circuit much easier than before.And the control can be realized much more precise and convenient.It very suits the control of water level. It will relay the traditional control technology, computer and communication technologies together with the control, and operation of flexible convenient, high reliability, suitable for continuous long-term characteristics of the work, very suitable for liquid level control requirements.
This thesis mainly introduces a design of water level control system with intelligent measuring appliance,SIMATIC programmable logic controller (PLC) and configuration soft. This system adopts increment type Proportional-Integral-Differential arithmetic to realize the water level automation. For convenience to monitor the system and process data in actual time.....
Keywords: Water Level Control;Intelligent measuring appliance;PLC;PID;HMI
目 录
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 课题研究背景、意义和目的 1
1.2 液位控制系统的发展状况 1
1.3 论文研究内容 2
第二章 智能仪表与可编程控制器基础 4
2.1 智能仪表基础 4
2.1.1 智能仪表的定义及发展现状 4
2.1.2 智能仪表的功能 4
2.1.3 智能仪表的基本组成 4
2.2 可编程控制器基础 5
2.2.1 PLC的历史和发展趋势 6
2.2.2 PLC的分类 6
2.2.3 PLC的基本结构 7
2.2.4 PLC的编程 8
2.2.5 S7-300型PLC的特性 8
第三章 PID控制器设计 10
3.1 PID控制器 10
3.1.1 PID控制器的基本结构 10
3.1.2 PID控制器各参数的作用 11
3.1.3 过程控制中常见PID参数整定方法 12
3.1.4 PID参数整定公式 14
3.2 数学模型 15
第四章 控制系统设计 18
4.1 硬件配置 18
4.1.1 智能仪表 18
4.1.2 PLC 19
4.1.3 检测装置 20
4.1.4 执行机构 20
4.2 控制流程 21
4.2.1 智能仪表控制 21
4.2.2 S7-300PLC控制 22
4.3 PLC程序设计简介 23
4.3.1 PID功能 23
4.3.2 控制程序设计 26
4.3.3 程序总体结构 27
4.4 STEP7编程界面简介 28
4.5 MATLAB系统仿真 30
第五章 人机界面设计 32
5.1 组态软件简介 32
5.2 组态王人机界面开发 33
5.2.1 组态王简介 33
5.2.2 组态王特点 33
5.2.3 组态王开发 34
第六章 系统运行结果 43
第七章 结论 44
参考文献 45
致谢 46
[1] 高钦和.可编程控制器应用技术与设计实例.人民邮电出版社.2004
[2] 马宁、孔红.S7-300PLC和MM440变频器的原理与应用.机械工业出版社.2006
[3] 张元良、吕艳、王建军.智能仪表设计实用技术及实例.机械工业出版社.2008
[4] 朱海锋.PID控制器参数自整定方法研究[D].中山大学硕士学位论文.2005