工业机械手模型plc控制系统软硬件设计,工业机械手模型plc控制系统软硬件设计51页 3万字压缩格式文件,包含开题报告、论文、程序、cad图纸、文献综述、翻译等完整内容 摘要在工业生产和其他领域内,由于工作的需要,人们经常受到高温、腐蚀及有毒气体等因素的危害,增加了工人的劳动强度,甚至于危及生命。工业机械手就这样诞生了,机械手是工业机器人系统中传统的任务执行...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
51页 3万字
摘 要
In industrial production and other domains, because works need, the people frequently receive factor the and so on high temperature,corrosion and virulent gas harm, increased worker's labor intensity,even endangers life. The industry manipulator like this was born, the manipulator is in theindustry robot assembly system the traditional duty implementingagency, is one of robot key components. The electrical aspect has theelectrical machinery, the switching power supply, the solenoid valve,and so on the electronic device composition. This equipment has covered the programmable control technology, theposition control technology, the air operated technology and so on, isthe integration of machinery model represents one of instruments. Thisarticle introduced the manipulator is outputs four groups by PLCseparately to actuate the abscissa axis, the z-axis, the chassisrotation, hand turns an electric motor, controls the manipulatorabscissa axis and the z-axis pintpointing, the microswitch bequeathsthe position signal the PLC main engine; The electrical machinerydrives the hand fingernail and the chassis revolves; The solenoidvalve controls the air valve the switch to control the manipulatorhand fingernail to gather, thus realizes the manipulator proper motionfunction. This topic plans the industry manipulator model which develops to bepossible in the space to grasp puts the object nimbly, the movement isdiverse, may replace artificially carries on the work in hightemperature and the dangerous operation area, and may changes therelated parameter as necessary according to the work piece change and the movement flow request.
Key words:
Programmable controller PLC, manipulator,electrical machinery, freeposition.
摘 要 I
1绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.1设计的目的和意义 2
1.2设计要求 3
1.2.1控制要求 3
1.3 PLC的发展概况 4
1.3.1可编程控制器的产生 4
1.3.2 PLC的定义 4
1.3.3 PLC的特点 5
2 机械手概述 6
2.1 机械手的定义与分类 6
2.2 机械手发展情况 7
2.3机械手的发展趋势 8
3 控制系统硬件设计 9
3.1 PLC的选型 9
3.1.1 常用PLC介绍 9
3.1.2 确定型号FX1N-60MR 13
3.1.3 FX1N所具有优越性能 13
3.1.4 FX系列PLC型号的说明 16
3.2 三菱FX系列的结构功能 16
3.2.1 PLC内部功能 17
3.2.2 PLC输入输出接口的安全保护 18
3.3 手持编程器FX-20P-E的使用 18
3.3.1 HPP的组成与操作面板 19
3.3.2 HPP的操作过程 21
4各功能实现形式与控制方式 25
4.1 本机械手模型的机能和特性 25
4.2 夹紧机构 25
4.3躯干 25
4.4旋转编码盘 26
5软件设计 27
5.1 编程软件的使用 27
5.2 FX1N PLC梯形图中的编程元件 28
5.3 程序的总体结构 29
5.3.1 各部分程序如下 30
5.4 PLC程序的上载和下载 40
5.4.1 PLC程序的上载 40
5.4.2 PLC程序的下载 40
设计小结 41
参 考 文 献 42
附录 43
附录A:PLC接线图 43
附录B:指令表 44
致 谢 46
参 考 文 献
[1] 吴明亮,蔡夕忠.可编程控制实训教材[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2005.8
[2] 张桂香.机电类专业毕业设计指南[J].北京:机械工业出版社,2005.1
[3] 瞿大中. 可编程控制与实验[P].华中科技大学出版社,2002.12.
[4] 殷建国.工厂电气控制技术[M].北京:经济管理出版社,2006.9.
51页 3万字
摘 要
In industrial production and other domains, because works need, the people frequently receive factor the and so on high temperature,corrosion and virulent gas harm, increased worker's labor intensity,even endangers life. The industry manipulator like this was born, the manipulator is in theindustry robot assembly system the traditional duty implementingagency, is one of robot key components. The electrical aspect has theelectrical machinery, the switching power supply, the solenoid valve,and so on the electronic device composition. This equipment has covered the programmable control technology, theposition control technology, the air operated technology and so on, isthe integration of machinery model represents one of instruments. Thisarticle introduced the manipulator is outputs four groups by PLCseparately to actuate the abscissa axis, the z-axis, the chassisrotation, hand turns an electric motor, controls the manipulatorabscissa axis and the z-axis pintpointing, the microswitch bequeathsthe position signal the PLC main engine; The electrical machinerydrives the hand fingernail and the chassis revolves; The solenoidvalve controls the air valve the switch to control the manipulatorhand fingernail to gather, thus realizes the manipulator proper motionfunction. This topic plans the industry manipulator model which develops to bepossible in the space to grasp puts the object nimbly, the movement isdiverse, may replace artificially carries on the work in hightemperature and the dangerous operation area, and may changes therelated parameter as necessary according to the work piece change and the movement flow request.
Key words:
Programmable controller PLC, manipulator,electrical machinery, freeposition.
摘 要 I
1绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.1设计的目的和意义 2
1.2设计要求 3
1.2.1控制要求 3
1.3 PLC的发展概况 4
1.3.1可编程控制器的产生 4
1.3.2 PLC的定义 4
1.3.3 PLC的特点 5
2 机械手概述 6
2.1 机械手的定义与分类 6
2.2 机械手发展情况 7
2.3机械手的发展趋势 8
3 控制系统硬件设计 9
3.1 PLC的选型 9
3.1.1 常用PLC介绍 9
3.1.2 确定型号FX1N-60MR 13
3.1.3 FX1N所具有优越性能 13
3.1.4 FX系列PLC型号的说明 16
3.2 三菱FX系列的结构功能 16
3.2.1 PLC内部功能 17
3.2.2 PLC输入输出接口的安全保护 18
3.3 手持编程器FX-20P-E的使用 18
3.3.1 HPP的组成与操作面板 19
3.3.2 HPP的操作过程 21
4各功能实现形式与控制方式 25
4.1 本机械手模型的机能和特性 25
4.2 夹紧机构 25
4.3躯干 25
4.4旋转编码盘 26
5软件设计 27
5.1 编程软件的使用 27
5.2 FX1N PLC梯形图中的编程元件 28
5.3 程序的总体结构 29
5.3.1 各部分程序如下 30
5.4 PLC程序的上载和下载 40
5.4.1 PLC程序的上载 40
5.4.2 PLC程序的下载 40
设计小结 41
参 考 文 献 42
附录 43
附录A:PLC接线图 43
附录B:指令表 44
致 谢 46
参 考 文 献
[1] 吴明亮,蔡夕忠.可编程控制实训教材[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2005.8
[2] 张桂香.机电类专业毕业设计指南[J].北京:机械工业出版社,2005.1
[3] 瞿大中. 可编程控制与实验[P].华中科技大学出版社,2002.12.
[4] 殷建国.工厂电气控制技术[M].北京:经济管理出版社,2006.9.