

试论人口制度文化与人口发展的关系,全文22页 2万余字摘 要本文立足于研究民族文化与人口发展的关系,从而提高民族人口素质,实现民族和谐发展的实践要求。在充分运用社会学、民族学、人口学和文化人类学等学科知识的基础上,主要运用了文献研究法、辅用社会态度研究法与环境研究法等方法。指出了西南民族人口制度文化的范畴,鉴于篇幅所限,...
分类: 论文>社会学论文


此文档由会员 20023286 发布


全文22页 2万余字

摘 要
关键词:制度文化 人口制度文化 西南民族人口

In this paper, based on the study of national culture and population development, so as to enhance national quality of the population, achieve harmonious development of the practice of national requirements. In full use of the basis of subject knowledge in sociology, ethnology, demographic and cultural anthropology, and so on. this paper has mainly used the research literature, Des Vex with social attitudes research and environmental research methods. We have given the space constraints about the systematic culture of national population of southwest, for our ability is limited so the emphasis on marriage and family system, reproductive system, social system of organization and customs system and cultural system and cultural content of the population to the population development of the positive and negative effects, the system attempts to National and regional cultural development of the relations between the population to make specific interpretation, to seek the development of the national population have a positive effect, to explore cultural and demographic patterns and coordinated development of the path, the better to solve the population problems that exist in the development of useful Thinking, which show the theory and practice of this value.
Key words: systematic culture,the systematic culture of population ,
nationalpopulationof the Southwest

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