此文档由会员 aa234217 发布现代企业管理中的员工激励问题
The management of modern enterprise staff incentive problems
【Abstract】: the globalization of competition in the market, make the enterprise pay special attention to the employees. One is because the enterprise staff is the most important resource, human resource input and the extent of the effect of significantly affect the competitiveness of enterprises; two is now the most intense competition is the competition of talents, the talent contends for battle rage.
How to retain talent is an eternal subject of enterprise management. All enterprises must face a paradox: how to solve the employees desire expand ceaselessly and pay relatively stable. In this era of change, facing the enterprise staff desires behind the eternal problem, the author thinks, the most important is how to establish the enterprise value system and the whole of the enterprise incentive mechanism, establish effective incentive mechanism of the enterprise innovation education, strengthening on the worker's potential development.
Nowadays, enterprises increasingly fierce competition, each enterprise are on the staff of every kind of incentive, in order to make the enterprise is in market competition remain invincible, but have quite one part enterprise employees incentive mechanism is not scientific, not perfect. How to effectively through scientific incentive mechanism to mobilize staff enthusiasm, creativity, becomes the business management the important topic.
Twenty-first Century the enterprise competition, in the final analysis is the competition of talents, only the enterprise staff work closely together, arouse their work enthusiasm and the immanent latent capacity, make their own wisdom, ability and demand and the development goal of the enterprise by combining efforts, to create, to innovate, to make the healthy development of enterprises. From the effective incentive effect, effective incentive problems should be paid attention to and how to carry out effective incentive aspects, combined with the actual business development, expounds the unique view, human resources management of enterprise has the actual application value.
Motivation is by meeting their needs and make them to work hard, so as to achieve the goals of the organization. Management is a crucial part in the management, human resource management is mainly realized through incentive. How to use the effective methods and means to maximize stimulate subordinate enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, to ensure that the goals of the organization, has become a major issue in human resource management.
【Keywords】: state-owned enterprise; knowledge workers; incentive; human resources; demand; incentive strategy
一、绪论 1
二、企业对员工激励中存在的问题 1
(一)以钱为本,重才轻德式的激励。 2
(二)墨守成规,大锅饭式的激励。 2
(三)不授权式的激励。 2
(四)期望过高式的激励。 3
(五)薪酬结构不合理满意度低。 3
(六)人才培养和选拔上主观随意性大。 3
(七)忽视了知识型员工的特性。 3
三、有效激励的作用 4
(一)调动员工的积极性 4
(二)留住企业优秀人才 4
四、有效激励应注意的问题 4
(一)了解员工激励的特点和员工的真正需求 5
1、基础性工作必须完善 5
2、精神激励不容忽视 5
3、激励不等于奖励 5
4、奖励失败也是激励 6
(二)运用“三位一体”的思维方法 6
(三)制定有效激励政策 6
(四)合理分析企业中三类员工 7
1、年龄较大,收入较高。 7
2、追求机会者。 7
3、追求发展者。 7
(五)确保激励的公正性 7
(六)物质激励和精神激励相结合,正负激励相结合 8
(七)构造员工分配格局的合理落差 8
1、重视人本管理 8
2、培育创新文化 8
3、激励性薪酬体系 9
4、职业发展规划 9
五、企业员工激励策略 9
(一)建立科学合理的薪酬和绩效考核体系 9
(二)转变管理观念,根据企业战略目标指导员工职业规划 10
(三)增强管理柔性,为员工创造良好的工作环境 10
(四)加强对知识型员工的教育培训,注重员工个体成长 10
六、如何进行有效激励 11
(一)坚持以人为本的原则,真诚对待员工 11
(二)了解员工需求,进行有针对性的激励 11
(三)建立科学的、公正的激励机制 12
(四)科学分析企业的工作岗位 12
(五)建立科学的绩效管理体系 12
参考文献 14