
此文档由会员 快乐改变生活 发布
The strategy about China's foreign trade enterprise’s development under the current economic situation
Abstract:The Financial crisis caused by Subprime mortgage crisis is spreading from the United States to the rest of the world. In the World financial crisis, the Demand Market is shrinking rapidly, and competition in the international market becomes more intensively, a lot of China's foreign trade enterprises exposed its inferior in the resistance to foreign trade risks, innovation and disadvantages of competitiveness. but I think our country's foreign trade enterprises should not be pessimistic , we should see the difficulties when we face this crisis, but what is more important is that we should give us insight into the financial crisis and seize opportunities for development. If we do it well, the global financial crisis is likely to provide an opportunity to make relatively small loss of China to adjust its economic structure and will most probably creates opportunities for the further "peaceful rise" of China. The further expanding of this article is towards this goal.
Keywords: financial crisis; external trade; independent innovation; structure; domestic demand
1 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 本文的研究的意义: 2
2 外贸企业面临的国际大环境与一些内外部问题分析 3
2.1当前外贸面临的国际经济形势分析 3
2.1.1经济危机引起世界经济下行,外部需求可能进一步减弱 3
2.1.2贸易保护主义威胁增大 5
2.1.3国际市场竞争更加激烈 6
2.1.4金融市场持续动荡,汇率风险加大 7
2.2当前形势下我国外贸企业面临的内外部问题分析 7
2.2.1我国企业面临的一些企业外部问题 8原材料涨价使得生产成本上升 8商业化的金融机构使得中小型外贸企业融资难 8人民币升值压力让外贸企业不堪重负 9
2.2.2我国外贸企业自身存在的一些内部问题 10传统出口产品附加值低,技术含量不高 10外贸企业经营管理能力相对落后,制约企业的发展 13金融危机中我国外贸企业风险抵抗能力相对较弱 14
3 金融危机下我国外贸企业面临的发展机遇分析 15
3.1国内市场为外贸企业转身提供机遇 15
3.2金融危机影响下电子商务为中小型外贸企业开启新机遇 16
3.3金融危机中新兴市场的让外贸企业存在更多机遇 17
3.4 金融危机是中国品牌崛起千载难逢的机遇 19
3.5 外贸企业利用国家外贸政策机遇 20
4 面对金融危机政府的经济政策及外贸企业的应对危机的策略分析 21
4.1解读政府的宏观经济政策及若干建议 21
4.1.1财政政策 21
4.1.2货币政策 22
4.1.3政府应该如何面对贸易保护主义 23
4.1.4扩大内需应注意的地方 24
4.1.5加快产业结构调整的步伐 25
4.2金融危机下微观的个体外贸企业应对策略分析 26
4.2.1面对能源上涨,降低能耗成为首要选择 26
4.2.2加快自主创新的步伐 27
4.2.3 中小外贸企业应对“融资难”与“难贷款” 28
4.2.4采取措施,防范或分散出口货款回收的风险 29
4.2.5 实施出口市场多元化策略,开拓新市场 29
4.2.6金融危机环境下外贸企业转内贸的策略 30
参考文献 32
The strategy about China's foreign trade enterprise’s development under the current economic situation
Abstract:The Financial crisis caused by Subprime mortgage crisis is spreading from the United States to the rest of the world. In the World financial crisis, the Demand Market is shrinking rapidly, and competition in the international market becomes more intensively, a lot of China's foreign trade enterprises exposed its inferior in the resistance to foreign trade risks, innovation and disadvantages of competitiveness. but I think our country's foreign trade enterprises should not be pessimistic , we should see the difficulties when we face this crisis, but what is more important is that we should give us insight into the financial crisis and seize opportunities for development. If we do it well, the global financial crisis is likely to provide an opportunity to make relatively small loss of China to adjust its economic structure and will most probably creates opportunities for the further "peaceful rise" of China. The further expanding of this article is towards this goal.
Keywords: financial crisis; external trade; independent innovation; structure; domestic demand
1 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 本文的研究的意义: 2
2 外贸企业面临的国际大环境与一些内外部问题分析 3
2.1当前外贸面临的国际经济形势分析 3
2.1.1经济危机引起世界经济下行,外部需求可能进一步减弱 3
2.1.2贸易保护主义威胁增大 5
2.1.3国际市场竞争更加激烈 6
2.1.4金融市场持续动荡,汇率风险加大 7
2.2当前形势下我国外贸企业面临的内外部问题分析 7
2.2.1我国企业面临的一些企业外部问题 8原材料涨价使得生产成本上升 8商业化的金融机构使得中小型外贸企业融资难 8人民币升值压力让外贸企业不堪重负 9
2.2.2我国外贸企业自身存在的一些内部问题 10传统出口产品附加值低,技术含量不高 10外贸企业经营管理能力相对落后,制约企业的发展 13金融危机中我国外贸企业风险抵抗能力相对较弱 14
3 金融危机下我国外贸企业面临的发展机遇分析 15
3.1国内市场为外贸企业转身提供机遇 15
3.2金融危机影响下电子商务为中小型外贸企业开启新机遇 16
3.3金融危机中新兴市场的让外贸企业存在更多机遇 17
3.4 金融危机是中国品牌崛起千载难逢的机遇 19
3.5 外贸企业利用国家外贸政策机遇 20
4 面对金融危机政府的经济政策及外贸企业的应对危机的策略分析 21
4.1解读政府的宏观经济政策及若干建议 21
4.1.1财政政策 21
4.1.2货币政策 22
4.1.3政府应该如何面对贸易保护主义 23
4.1.4扩大内需应注意的地方 24
4.1.5加快产业结构调整的步伐 25
4.2金融危机下微观的个体外贸企业应对策略分析 26
4.2.1面对能源上涨,降低能耗成为首要选择 26
4.2.2加快自主创新的步伐 27
4.2.3 中小外贸企业应对“融资难”与“难贷款” 28
4.2.4采取措施,防范或分散出口货款回收的风险 29
4.2.5 实施出口市场多元化策略,开拓新市场 29
4.2.6金融危机环境下外贸企业转内贸的策略 30
参考文献 32