中国对外文化产品贸易的现状及发展对策,摘 要随着后危机时期的到来,世界各国经济开始恢复和发展,也极大地促进了世界各国国际贸易的增长。中国对外文化贸易合作近年来呈现跨越式发展,中国已经跻身世界资本输出大国的前列。与国家“走出去”战略实施初期相比,已经突破诸多瓶颈的约束,文化贸易已经成为国际贸易中的重要组成部分和新的竞争领域。中国发展对外文化产品贸易不仅可以提...

此文档由会员 chaozisiru 发布摘 要
With the post crisis era, the world economic recovery and development, but also greatly promoted the growth of international trade all over the world. Chinese foreign culture trade cooperation in recent years and displaying the great-leap-forward development, China has been among the forefront of world capital output power. With the national strategy of "go out" compared to the early, already broke through many bottleneck constraints, cultural trade has become an important part of international trade and the new competitive field.
China's development of foreign trade in culture can not only improve the international competitiveness, but also to break through the green trade barrier. Help ease the Chinese foreign exchange surplus is too large, excessive consumption of resources and the pressure, but also beneficial to relieving other national economic difficulties, so as to balance the global economy has played a very positive role, but also can improve the Chinese position in world economy structure, promote the healthy development of China's economy. Opportunities and challenges at the present stage with, Chinese foreign culture trade also exists a lot of problems. Through the study of foreign cultural trade related theory, analysis of China's foreign cultural trade current situation, summed up the Chinese foreign cultural trade problems of China, actively develop cultural trade current situation and the existing problems in the development of analysis, summed up the reason, and proposed the development of China's foreign trade in culture and countermeasures.
Keywords cultural industry cultural trade Countermeasures
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究目的和意义 1
1.研究目的 1
2.研究意义 1
(三)国内外研究现状 2
1.国内研究现状 2
2.国外研究现状 3
二、文化产品贸易概述 4
(一)文化产品的概念分类及特征 4
1.文化产品的概念 4
2.文化产品的分类 4
3.文化产品的特征 5
(二)文化产品贸易的概念特点及作用 6
1.文化产品贸易的基本概念 6
2.文化产品贸易的特点 6
3.文化产品贸易的作用 6
三、我国对外文化产品贸易的发展现状及原因分析 8
(一)我国对外文化产品贸易发展现状及存在问题 8
1.对外文化产品贸易发展现状 8
2.对外文化产品贸易存在问题 9
(二)制约我国文化产品贸易发展的原因分析 10
1.思想观念过于保守 10
2.我国法律制度不健全市场开发能力低 11
四、美国文化产品贸易发展状况以及经验借鉴 12
(一)美国文化产品贸易的发展现状 12
(二)中美文化产品贸易影响因素的对比分析 12
1.文化历史资源的对比 12
2.文化政策的对比 13
3.文化企业发展战略的对比分析 13
(三)对发展我国文化产品贸易的启示 13
1.生产适应国际市场需求的文化产品 13
2.积极介入当代国际文化贸易规则 14
3.积极拓展专业人才 14
五、加速我国对外文化产品贸易的发展对策 15
(一)政府推动 15
1.进一步完善相关法律体系 15
2.建立相关的社会公共体系 15
3.加快对外文化产品贸易体制的改革 16
4.建立面向国际市场的文化产业园区 16
5.注重专业人才培养 16
(二)企业层面上的对策 17
1.重视文化产品的文化折扣因素 17
2.创作和研发有民族文化特色的优秀产品 17
3.注重增强文化产品的科技含量 17
4.拓展文化产品贸易的营销渠道与手段 18
结 论 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21