

卖场服装营销模式浅析,摘 要作为衣食住行之首,毫无疑问,服装行业是个永远的朝阳产业,因为人类对服饰的追求永远没有止境。如今,随着经济生活水平的发展,人们对服装服饰类产品已有着越来越高的要求,服装不仅仅是要求能蔽体保温。谁都会希望自己拥有更多的漂亮、健康、个性化的衣裳,而且由于服装类产品更新换代的时间又比较快,所以服装市场的蛋糕将会越来越大。...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 danusha 发布

摘 要

Stores clothing marketing mode of
For example, SanFu
As head of the basic necessities of life, no doubt, the apparel industry is an eternal sunrise industry, because the human dress pursuit forever has no end. Nowadays, with the economic living standard of development, people to clothing products has been an increasingly high demand, clothing is not only required to cover the body insulation. Who would want their own more beautiful, healthy, personalized clothing, and because the clothing product replacement time and relatively fast, so the clothing market will be more and more big cake. Productivity is advanced enough times, average per capita has dozens or even hundreds of pieces of clothing products is no longer a dream.
China is the world's largest clothing consumption country, but also the largest clothing producer in the world, but Chinese garment industry whole development is very lopsided the clothing the competition between the enterprise also remains at a relatively low level, still basically stay in the price, style and other aspects of the competition, the vast majority of clothing enterprise product sales or in the wholesale market in the main circulation. In recent years, clothing enterprise brand awareness while continuously strengthened, but the Chinese garment industry has only a limited number of a well-known trademark in China, but also the lack of a truly international clothing brand, mainly through the low cost advantage in the international brand competition.
Due to obvious seasonal clothing, and apparel product updates faster and faster, the inventory problem become the most headache of garment enterprise. Do not handle it, keep long in stock will only lead to more inventory deva luation not to be worth a hair even more. To sell at a low price processing, so the out-of-season produce does not necessarily have to, and cheap out on so hard to build up brand image is a big blow, easy for consumers on product price system generates suspicion.
In this paper the characteristics of combination of Sanfu clothing stores, clothing stores, on its mode of marketing, from the clothing store clothing market current situation, characteristics, location stores clothing target market, the development of targeted marketing strategy!
Keywords: clothing, store, sale, mode, target market


卖场服装营销模式浅析 1
----以三福为例 1
摘 要 1
目录 3
1.1,服装市场现状及其特点 4
1.1,劳动力成本上升,加工型企业占据主导 4
1.2价格持续走低 4
1.3,品牌意识凸显 4
1.4经营方式多样化 5
二,卖场服装目标消费人群确定 5
2.1选择目标市场市场 5
2.2定位目标市场战略 5
2.3卖场服装目标市场的确定 5
三,卖场服装消费者行为分析 6
3.1消费者的资源 6
3.1.1消费者的经济资源 6
3.1.2消费者的时间资源 7
3.1.3消费者的知识资源 8
3.2消费者的购买动机 9
四,卖场服装经营特点 10
4.1种类齐全 10
4.2价格低廉 10
4.3摆放混乱 11
五,消费者及经销商对卖场服装的思维误区 11
5.1消费者眼中的低质量服装集散地 11
5.2管理混乱,摆放无序,精于砍价 11
5.3低价为主,无时尚潮流概念 11
5.4忽视对回头客的把握 12
5.5目标市场定位于不明确 12
六,提升档次,走出误区 12
6.1注重店面形象设计 12
6.2质量为先,留住老顾客 13
6.2.1重视质量,提升服务 13
6.2.2用价格优势稳定老顾客 14
七,根据卖场服装特点,选择最佳营销策略 14
7.1各种营销策略的特点 14
7.2针对卖场服装特点,准确运用营销组合 15
谢词 15
参考文献 16