公司法律制度的重大创新,——解读新《公司法》全文约8000字 论述翔实 内容摘要:我国公司法修订案已获得通过。这次公司法的全面修订进行了重大创新,是公司法制度重大突破。通过对新旧公司法的分析对比,从回顾此次修改的动因入手,揭示新公司法宏观和微观的创新路径与亮点,探讨此次创新对公司实务和法律实务的影响及其意义。 关键词...
此文档由会员 痴狂少年 发布
全文约8000字 论述翔实
关键词:新《公司法》 创新 路径 影响 意义
The Interpretation of the New Company Law
Jian Ji zhi
Abstract:Lately the revision to the Company Law of China has been passed. This overall revision to the Company Law makes an important innovation to the company law system, which is a momentous breakthrough to it, and the revision is also a significant step of the perfection of the company law system of China. By the analysis and comparison of the old and the new company laws, and beginning with the review of the motivation of this revision, the article aims at discovering the macroscopical and microcosmic innovating method of the new company law, and at discussing the influence and the significance to the company and legal affairs by this revision, thus to interpret the widely concerned new Company Law.
Keyword:new company law innovation the path influence
[13] 刘修文:新公司法的九项重大突破 中国人大网 2005年10月31日
[14] 刘武俊:可诉性:法律文本的脉搏《法制日报》2000年6月28日
[15] 新公司法:八大改动新鲜亮相 中国人大网 2005年10月27日
[16] 李有军、刘晓林:中国大幅修改现行公司法 中国日报海外版 2005年10月31日
全文约8000字 论述翔实
关键词:新《公司法》 创新 路径 影响 意义
The Interpretation of the New Company Law
Jian Ji zhi
Abstract:Lately the revision to the Company Law of China has been passed. This overall revision to the Company Law makes an important innovation to the company law system, which is a momentous breakthrough to it, and the revision is also a significant step of the perfection of the company law system of China. By the analysis and comparison of the old and the new company laws, and beginning with the review of the motivation of this revision, the article aims at discovering the macroscopical and microcosmic innovating method of the new company law, and at discussing the influence and the significance to the company and legal affairs by this revision, thus to interpret the widely concerned new Company Law.
Keyword:new company law innovation the path influence
[13] 刘修文:新公司法的九项重大突破 中国人大网 2005年10月31日
[14] 刘武俊:可诉性:法律文本的脉搏《法制日报》2000年6月28日
[15] 新公司法:八大改动新鲜亮相 中国人大网 2005年10月27日
[16] 李有军、刘晓林:中国大幅修改现行公司法 中国日报海外版 2005年10月31日