asp应用之房屋销售系统,asp应用之房屋销售系统全文23页约12000字论述翔实目录摘要1关键字1引言11 概述11.1 web简介11.2 asp简介11.3 asp运行的软、硬件环境21.4 sql简介41.5 asp与数据库42 设计思想62.1 需求分析62.2 系统分析72.3 可行性分析92.4 总体设计102.5 数据库设计10...
此文档由会员 香烟无味 发布
全文23页 约12000字 论述翔实
目 录
摘要 1
关键字 1
引言 1
1 概述 1
1.1 WEB简介 1
1.2 ASP简介 1
1.3 ASP运行的软、硬件环境 2
1.4 SQL简介 4
1.5 ASP与数据库 4
2 设计思想 6
2.1 需求分析 6
2.2 系统分析 7
2.3 可行性分析 9
2.4 总体设计 10
2.5 数据库设计 10
3 具体实现 11
3.1 用户管理模块 11
3.2 房屋管理模块 15
4 总结 17
致谢: 18
参考文献: 18
附录: 19
Abstract: This paper mainly introduces using ASP and the HTML network programming language to establish house selling management system which based on the network under the IIS environment, and then puts the house information to the network for people to inquire and transact. The paper produces the detailed system design, the code, the debugging process, the system, and contains the building management module and the user administration module. It can dynamically inquire, increase, revise, delete the house information, and also can revise the user information and delete user. According to the "treats sells the house" information, the user can prearrange the house which he needs. The common user and manager's jurisdiction is different; the manager can increase, revise, and delete the house, while the common user cannot manage the house. This system has a certain practical value in terms of on-line house selling.
Key words: ASP,House- selling,Building management,User management,B/S
全文23页 约12000字 论述翔实
目 录
摘要 1
关键字 1
引言 1
1 概述 1
1.1 WEB简介 1
1.2 ASP简介 1
1.3 ASP运行的软、硬件环境 2
1.4 SQL简介 4
1.5 ASP与数据库 4
2 设计思想 6
2.1 需求分析 6
2.2 系统分析 7
2.3 可行性分析 9
2.4 总体设计 10
2.5 数据库设计 10
3 具体实现 11
3.1 用户管理模块 11
3.2 房屋管理模块 15
4 总结 17
致谢: 18
参考文献: 18
附录: 19
Abstract: This paper mainly introduces using ASP and the HTML network programming language to establish house selling management system which based on the network under the IIS environment, and then puts the house information to the network for people to inquire and transact. The paper produces the detailed system design, the code, the debugging process, the system, and contains the building management module and the user administration module. It can dynamically inquire, increase, revise, delete the house information, and also can revise the user information and delete user. According to the "treats sells the house" information, the user can prearrange the house which he needs. The common user and manager's jurisdiction is different; the manager can increase, revise, and delete the house, while the common user cannot manage the house. This system has a certain practical value in terms of on-line house selling.
Key words: ASP,House- selling,Building management,User management,B/S