新乡市民营企业文化现状与分析,摘 要 企业文化是一个企业全体成员所接受的价值体系,包括思维方式、行为规范、心里预测和基本信念。它是一个企业区别于其他企业的特色。 企业文化建设对企业核心竞争力的提升、对我国经济的稳定发展具有重要意义。企业文化决定了企业的价值取向和立足点,保障了核心竞争力的生成和连续性,同时企业文化...

此文档由会员 道客巴巴 发布
摘 要
Enterprise culture is a value system which is accepted by all the members of an enterprise, including mode of thinking and code of conduct, psychological prediction and the basic belief. It is a feature which make an enterprise is different from other enterprises' characteristics.
The construction of enterprise culture is significant to improving the enterprise core competitiveness and keeping the steady development of Chinese economy. Enterprise culture determines the value orientation and foothold of an enterprise, to guarantee the generation and continuity of the enterprise core competitiveness. At the same time, enterprise culture also enhance the relative stability and an inimitability of the core competitiveness.
Private enterprises has become one of most important driving force of Chinese economic development since China government performed reforming and opening-up. But most of culture construction of private enterprises lags enterprise development,to make an analysis and investigation of private enterprises culture is necessary. The private enterprises of Xinxiang city have make remarkable development after China reform and opening-up, and these private enterprise are representative in our country. Making a investigation and analysis of Xinxiang city to draw some helpful and guiding recommendations and methods.
Strong culture, create the strong, weak culture, create the weak. In today's society and future, only establish distinctive, advancing with the time's enterprise culture, only such excellent enterprise culture is established by the enterprise can make an enterprise obtain a long-term competitive advantage. So, enterprise culture to an enterprise, it is not optional - it is indispensable. When an enterprise's founders or first leader is gone, only the enterprises who have outstanding enterprise culture can make always development and progress.
Key words:Private enterprise;Enterprise culture;competitiveness
目 录
一、绪 论 1
(一)研究的目的和意义 1
1、研究目的 1
2、研究意义 1
(二)研究的现状 1
1、国外现状 1
2、国内现状 2
(三)研究思路与方法 2
1、研究思路 2
2、研究方法 2
(四)研究对象 3
1、民营企业 3
2、企业文化 3
二、新乡市企业文化现状及存在的问题 4
(一)新乡市企业文化现状 4
1、样本分布 4
2、对企业文化及企业文化建设的基本认知和理解 6
3、企业文化建设和管理现状 6
(二)新乡市企业文化现状中存在的问题 8
1、企业文化建设不够深入,只是停留在表面上 8
2、没有具体的企业文化职能部门,企业文化角色定位模糊 8
3、企业文化滞后于企业的发展 9
4、企业文化建设中,缺少对员工的关怀 9
三、新乡市企业文化发展对策 9
(一)企业应发掘企业文化的作用,将企业文化建设具体推进落实 10
(二)设立具体的企业文化部门,有统筹性的进行企业文化建设与管理 10
(三)明确企业文化的角色定位 10
(四)用战略眼光来看待企业文化建设 11
(五)摈弃家族式企业文化 11
(六)树立“以人为本”的核心思想,体现人文关怀 11
四、结语 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14
附录1 I
附录2 III
摘 要
Enterprise culture is a value system which is accepted by all the members of an enterprise, including mode of thinking and code of conduct, psychological prediction and the basic belief. It is a feature which make an enterprise is different from other enterprises' characteristics.
The construction of enterprise culture is significant to improving the enterprise core competitiveness and keeping the steady development of Chinese economy. Enterprise culture determines the value orientation and foothold of an enterprise, to guarantee the generation and continuity of the enterprise core competitiveness. At the same time, enterprise culture also enhance the relative stability and an inimitability of the core competitiveness.
Private enterprises has become one of most important driving force of Chinese economic development since China government performed reforming and opening-up. But most of culture construction of private enterprises lags enterprise development,to make an analysis and investigation of private enterprises culture is necessary. The private enterprises of Xinxiang city have make remarkable development after China reform and opening-up, and these private enterprise are representative in our country. Making a investigation and analysis of Xinxiang city to draw some helpful and guiding recommendations and methods.
Strong culture, create the strong, weak culture, create the weak. In today's society and future, only establish distinctive, advancing with the time's enterprise culture, only such excellent enterprise culture is established by the enterprise can make an enterprise obtain a long-term competitive advantage. So, enterprise culture to an enterprise, it is not optional - it is indispensable. When an enterprise's founders or first leader is gone, only the enterprises who have outstanding enterprise culture can make always development and progress.
Key words:Private enterprise;Enterprise culture;competitiveness
目 录
一、绪 论 1
(一)研究的目的和意义 1
1、研究目的 1
2、研究意义 1
(二)研究的现状 1
1、国外现状 1
2、国内现状 2
(三)研究思路与方法 2
1、研究思路 2
2、研究方法 2
(四)研究对象 3
1、民营企业 3
2、企业文化 3
二、新乡市企业文化现状及存在的问题 4
(一)新乡市企业文化现状 4
1、样本分布 4
2、对企业文化及企业文化建设的基本认知和理解 6
3、企业文化建设和管理现状 6
(二)新乡市企业文化现状中存在的问题 8
1、企业文化建设不够深入,只是停留在表面上 8
2、没有具体的企业文化职能部门,企业文化角色定位模糊 8
3、企业文化滞后于企业的发展 9
4、企业文化建设中,缺少对员工的关怀 9
三、新乡市企业文化发展对策 9
(一)企业应发掘企业文化的作用,将企业文化建设具体推进落实 10
(二)设立具体的企业文化部门,有统筹性的进行企业文化建设与管理 10
(三)明确企业文化的角色定位 10
(四)用战略眼光来看待企业文化建设 11
(五)摈弃家族式企业文化 11
(六)树立“以人为本”的核心思想,体现人文关怀 11
四、结语 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14
附录1 I
附录2 III
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