自行车设计相关外文文献,外文文献提升自行车使用的设计策略研究1.介绍自行车,一种纯粹依靠人力运转的机器,最早是被发明用来作为转移和运输的工具,它一直持续不断地在结构上被改进以至于现在自行车不仅仅是用来作为有效的交通工具更是一种物理锻炼工具和休闲活动。[2]骑自行车可以让骑车者在 25km/h 的状态下消耗 780 千卡路里,让它变成了一种比其...

此文档由会员 陈海峰 发布
自行车,一种纯粹依靠人力运转的机器,最早是被发明用来作为转移和运输的工具,它一直持续不断地在结构上被改进以至于现在自行车不仅仅是用来作为有效的交通工具更是一种物理锻炼工具和休闲活动。[2]骑自行车可以让骑车者在 25KM/H 的状态下消耗 780 千卡路里,让它变成了一种比其他物理锻炼更有效的有氧运动。除此之外,考虑到国家每年在交通堵塞上付出的总数达到了 228 亿元的花费,增加 1%的自行车交通会产生经济的效果远比分解交通堵塞所引起的效果大,节省能源,并且也具有环境效益。并且,一千米自行车骑行可以减少167KG 二氧化碳的排放。因此,自行车是一种非常具有环境效益的交通工具。[1]然而,现今在南韩的自行车使用率仍然低于发达国家。道路结构以及政府交通政策将机动车放在了首要位置,让本来就不利的自行车使用状况更为糟糕。自行车交通换乘在南韩只有 1.2%,远远低于日本的 14%以及荷兰的 27%.同时,南韩的自行车量产工业基础也被削弱了,将第一占有率的市场转向了中国生产的自行车。结果,贸易逆差大幅恶化以至于现今出口了需求中 99.8%的自行车。[4]这样一种对自行车使用的漠不关心已经导致了自行车使用率的降低和相关产业的削减。这份研究检视了自行车设计的功能,作为一种自行车使用流行化的重要因素。根据调研,这份研究报告建议结构靠拢那些物质基础, 社会基础, 和自行车工业. 最终,它检验了自行车设计的功能可以在此类的结构内容中有所表现。
A Study On The Design Strategy For Promotion Of Bicycle Use
1. Introduction
Since a bicycle, an instrument operated only by human physical power, was originally invented as the device for transport and conveyance, it has been continuously developed in the structure and function for a long period of time so much so that nowadays bicycles are used not only as an effective transportation instrument but also as a tool for physical exercise and leisure-time activity[2] Bicycle riding enables the rider to consume 780kcal on 25km/h, which makes it a still more effective aerobic exercise than other types of physical exercise. Besides, considering that the national annual expenses required by traffic congestions amount to 22 billion 800 million won, the increase of bicycles' transportation allotment rate by 1% will generate the economic effect of more than 1 billion won by causing the dissolution of traffic congestion, energy saving, and environmental benefits. Also, the one-kilometer bicycle riding is equivalent to the reduction of CO2 by 167kg. Therefore, a bicycle is a pro-environmental means of transportation [1] However, the current rate of bicycle use in South Korea is still lower than other advanced countries. The road structures and governmental traffic policies which give first importance to automobiles, have aggravated the already disadvantageous condition for bicycle use, which had in turn led to the decrease in the rate of bicycle use. Bicycles' transportation allotment rate is 1.2% in South Korea, which is far behind in comparison to Japan (14%) and Netherlands (27%). In the mean time, South Korea's industrial foundation of bicycle production has been weakened, turning the market initiative over to the bicycles made in China. As a result, the adverse balance of trade has been so much exacerbated that currently imported products account for 99.8% of the demand for bicycle[4] Such an indifference to bicycle use has brought about the decrease in the rate of bicycle use and the decline of the related industries. This study examines the function of bicycle design as an important factor for the popularization of bicycle use. It uses as research methodology the investigation of the context surrounding bicycle use and of the problems that obstruct the invigoration of bicycle use. Based on the researches, this study proposes the structural approaches to the matters pertaining to material infrastructure, social infrastructure, and bicycle industry. Lastly, it examines the function that bicycle design may perform in such structural contexts.
自行车,一种纯粹依靠人力运转的机器,最早是被发明用来作为转移和运输的工具,它一直持续不断地在结构上被改进以至于现在自行车不仅仅是用来作为有效的交通工具更是一种物理锻炼工具和休闲活动。[2]骑自行车可以让骑车者在 25KM/H 的状态下消耗 780 千卡路里,让它变成了一种比其他物理锻炼更有效的有氧运动。除此之外,考虑到国家每年在交通堵塞上付出的总数达到了 228 亿元的花费,增加 1%的自行车交通会产生经济的效果远比分解交通堵塞所引起的效果大,节省能源,并且也具有环境效益。并且,一千米自行车骑行可以减少167KG 二氧化碳的排放。因此,自行车是一种非常具有环境效益的交通工具。[1]然而,现今在南韩的自行车使用率仍然低于发达国家。道路结构以及政府交通政策将机动车放在了首要位置,让本来就不利的自行车使用状况更为糟糕。自行车交通换乘在南韩只有 1.2%,远远低于日本的 14%以及荷兰的 27%.同时,南韩的自行车量产工业基础也被削弱了,将第一占有率的市场转向了中国生产的自行车。结果,贸易逆差大幅恶化以至于现今出口了需求中 99.8%的自行车。[4]这样一种对自行车使用的漠不关心已经导致了自行车使用率的降低和相关产业的削减。这份研究检视了自行车设计的功能,作为一种自行车使用流行化的重要因素。根据调研,这份研究报告建议结构靠拢那些物质基础, 社会基础, 和自行车工业. 最终,它检验了自行车设计的功能可以在此类的结构内容中有所表现。
A Study On The Design Strategy For Promotion Of Bicycle Use
1. Introduction
Since a bicycle, an instrument operated only by human physical power, was originally invented as the device for transport and conveyance, it has been continuously developed in the structure and function for a long period of time so much so that nowadays bicycles are used not only as an effective transportation instrument but also as a tool for physical exercise and leisure-time activity[2] Bicycle riding enables the rider to consume 780kcal on 25km/h, which makes it a still more effective aerobic exercise than other types of physical exercise. Besides, considering that the national annual expenses required by traffic congestions amount to 22 billion 800 million won, the increase of bicycles' transportation allotment rate by 1% will generate the economic effect of more than 1 billion won by causing the dissolution of traffic congestion, energy saving, and environmental benefits. Also, the one-kilometer bicycle riding is equivalent to the reduction of CO2 by 167kg. Therefore, a bicycle is a pro-environmental means of transportation [1] However, the current rate of bicycle use in South Korea is still lower than other advanced countries. The road structures and governmental traffic policies which give first importance to automobiles, have aggravated the already disadvantageous condition for bicycle use, which had in turn led to the decrease in the rate of bicycle use. Bicycles' transportation allotment rate is 1.2% in South Korea, which is far behind in comparison to Japan (14%) and Netherlands (27%). In the mean time, South Korea's industrial foundation of bicycle production has been weakened, turning the market initiative over to the bicycles made in China. As a result, the adverse balance of trade has been so much exacerbated that currently imported products account for 99.8% of the demand for bicycle[4] Such an indifference to bicycle use has brought about the decrease in the rate of bicycle use and the decline of the related industries. This study examines the function of bicycle design as an important factor for the popularization of bicycle use. It uses as research methodology the investigation of the context surrounding bicycle use and of the problems that obstruct the invigoration of bicycle use. Based on the researches, this study proposes the structural approaches to the matters pertaining to material infrastructure, social infrastructure, and bicycle industry. Lastly, it examines the function that bicycle design may perform in such structural contexts.