基于at89s52的多功能电子称,摘 要 该设计以51系列单片机at89s52为控制核心,实现电子秤的基本控制功能。在设计系统时,为了更好利用at89s52的资源,系统扩展了电子日历时钟与温度检测模块,系统可以分为最小系统、数据采集、人机交互界面和系统电源、时钟、温度检测和语言报数六大部分。最小系统部分主要包括at89s52和经典复位电路;数...
此文档由会员 清茶淡香 发布
摘 要
The design for the control of 51 computers AT89S52 core, to achieve the basic control functions of electronic scales. In the design of systems, to better use AT89S52 the resources, systems expand the electronic calendar clock with temperature detection module, the system can be defined as Least systems, data acquisition, man-machine interactive interface and the system power supply, clock ,the number of temperature measurement and number of languages reported six parts . Minimum System includes some AT89S52 and classic reset. Data acquisition is achieved by the load cell, signal amplification and A / D conversion components, signal amplification and A / D converter, which consists of specialized high precision 24-bit AD converter chip HX711; Interactive interface for the keyboard input and dot-matrix liquid crystal display, the main use of 4 * 4 matrix keyboard and LCD display 1602 Sun were public, you can easily input data and visual display of data; System power is an external 9V power supply and power supply circuit board designing for the core circuit to provide normal power supply system; Clock module is composed of clock chip DS1302 and the clock circuit; Temperature detection is achieved mainly by DS18B20; Voice reported that the number of modules can enroll in time for voice and electronic weighing system, the weight, unit price, amount and other audio content, primarily achieved by the SC1010B.Software part applies microcontroller C programming language to realize all the control functions of the design. The electronic weighing scales can realize the basic functions (weighing range of 0 ~ 5Kg, the weight of the error is not greater than ± 0.005Kg), and extended the clock, temperature monitoring and reporting the number of voice features, the module can also set the alarm clock function. The system at weighing has also super-range alarm. The whole system is simple, easy to use, fully functional, high precision, with some development value.
Key words: SCM; load cell; precision high-gain A / D converter; 1602LCD; matrix keyboard; DS1302; DS18B20; Voice Number.
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 选题背景与意义 1
1.3 研究现状 2
1.3.1 影响因素 2
1.3.2 产品质量 2
1.3.3 发展方向 3
1.3.4 电子秤的智能化 3
第二章 系统方案的设计 4
2.1 电子秤的设计要求 4
2.1.1 基本要求 4
2.1.2 特色与创新 4
2.2 实验原理及设计基本思路 4
2.2.1系统工作原理 4
2.2.2 系统设计基本思路 5
2.3 系统总体设计方案比较与论证 5
2.4 单片机的选型 6
2.5 数据采集部分的方案确定 7
2.5.1 传感器 7
2.5.2 运放与A/D转换器部分 10
2.6人机交互部分 13
2.6.1 键盘输入 13
2.6.2 输出显示 13
2.7 系统电源 13
2.8 具体实施方案简介 14
第三章 系统设计实现 17
3.1 基于AT89S52的主控电路 17
3.1.2 主控电路 20
3.2数据采集与信号处理转换电路 21
3.2.1 数据采集采用HL-8型称重传感器 21
3.2.2 信号处理转换采用24位A/D 转换器HX711 21
3.3 人机交互界面 25
3.3.1 键盘控制电路 25
3.3.2 液晶显示电路 26
3.4系统扩展与创新部分 30
3.4.1语音报数 30
3.4.2时钟部分 32
3.4.3温度检测部分 36
第四章 软件流程 42
4.1 主程序流程图 42
4.2 主要中断程序流程图 44
第五章 结 论 ..
The design for the control of 51 computers AT89S52 core, to achieve the basic control functions of electronic scales. In the design of systems, to better use AT89S52 the resources, systems expand the electronic calendar clock with temperature detection module, the system can be defined as Least systems, data acquisition, man-machine interactive interface and the system power supply, clock ,the number of temperature measurement and number of languages reported six parts . Minimum System includes some AT89S52 and classic reset. Data acquisition is achieved by the load cell, signal amplification and A / D conversion components, signal amplification and A / D converter, which consists of specialized high precision 24-bit AD converter chip HX711; Interactive interface for the keyboard input and dot-matrix liquid crystal display, the main use of 4 * 4 matrix keyboard and LCD display 1602 Sun were public, you can easily input data and visual display of data; System power is an external 9V power supply and power supply circuit board designing for the core circuit to provide normal power supply system; Clock module is composed of clock chip DS1302 and the clock circuit; Temperature detection is achieved mainly by DS18B20; Voice reported that the number of modules can enroll in time for voice and electronic weighing system, the weight, unit price, amount and other audio content, primarily achieved by the SC1010B.Software part applies microcontroller C programming language to realize all the control functions of the design. The electronic weighing scales can realize the basic functions (weighing range of 0 ~ 5Kg, the weight of the error is not greater than ± 0.005Kg), and extended the clock, temperature monitoring and reporting the number of voice features, the module can also set the alarm clock function. The system at weighing has also super-range alarm. The whole system is simple, easy to use, fully functional, high precision, with some development value.
Key words: SCM; load cell; precision high-gain A / D converter; 1602LCD; matrix keyboard; DS1302; DS18B20; Voice Number.
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 选题背景与意义 1
1.3 研究现状 2
1.3.1 影响因素 2
1.3.2 产品质量 2
1.3.3 发展方向 3
1.3.4 电子秤的智能化 3
第二章 系统方案的设计 4
2.1 电子秤的设计要求 4
2.1.1 基本要求 4
2.1.2 特色与创新 4
2.2 实验原理及设计基本思路 4
2.2.1系统工作原理 4
2.2.2 系统设计基本思路 5
2.3 系统总体设计方案比较与论证 5
2.4 单片机的选型 6
2.5 数据采集部分的方案确定 7
2.5.1 传感器 7
2.5.2 运放与A/D转换器部分 10
2.6人机交互部分 13
2.6.1 键盘输入 13
2.6.2 输出显示 13
2.7 系统电源 13
2.8 具体实施方案简介 14
第三章 系统设计实现 17
3.1 基于AT89S52的主控电路 17
3.1.2 主控电路 20
3.2数据采集与信号处理转换电路 21
3.2.1 数据采集采用HL-8型称重传感器 21
3.2.2 信号处理转换采用24位A/D 转换器HX711 21
3.3 人机交互界面 25
3.3.1 键盘控制电路 25
3.3.2 液晶显示电路 26
3.4系统扩展与创新部分 30
3.4.1语音报数 30
3.4.2时钟部分 32
3.4.3温度检测部分 36
第四章 软件流程 42
4.1 主程序流程图 42
4.2 主要中断程序流程图 44
第五章 结 论 ..