
此文档由会员 优秀排骨 发布
摘 要
该建筑位于西安市,本工程为酒店空调工程设计,酒店高约33米,是一座综合性建筑物,总建筑面积为9120㎡,其中空调面积为8973㎡。酒店主楼地面10层,其中一层为商铺,层高为4.5米,二、三层为雅间、多功能厅, 层高为3.2米,其余四到十层为办公室、标准间,层高为3.2米。
HVAC design is mainly for indoor thermal environment, air quality in design, but construction must be fully aware of the requirements for HVAC and HVAC systems and equipment for construction and other facilities on the basis of design.
The building is located in xi'an.The project is the hotel air-conditioning engineering design .The hotel is a comprehensive building, The total building area is 9120㎡,but the air-conditioning area is 8973㎡.There are 10 floors of the building . The first floor is for shops which height of the first floor is about 4.5meters.Other layers of the building is 3.2 meters hight .The second and third layers is for Blair and the multi-function hall.And the remaining 4-10 layers is for office room and guest room.
Combine the characteristics of the construction .In summer, we use water-cooled chillers as a cold source . In winter,we use hot water pipe network of city as a source . In order to savings the operating cost. For accor and the standards room, such as small space we use the fan coil and new wind systems, There is one new air unit each layers so that fresh air can be into the indoor and fan-coil bears the indoor cooling load . Fan-coil and fresh air independent supply into room. As for the multi-function hall and shops, such as larger room, more staff, allowed temperature and humidity fluctuations in little,if you set the fan-coil water system will use more end equipments, resulting in a waste of investment. So the entire air system to be adopted. Because of the different types of hotel rooms, the room is not the same as hot and cold load can be individual rooms regulation. The design of air conditioning water systems use closed, vertical different way, the level of the same programs, dual control, single-stage pumps, variable flow system. Air-conditioning water system that is simple in structure, the initial investment, not easy to have a pipeline dirt and corrosion, the system does not need to overcome the hydrostatic pressure head, water pumps, small power consumption and so on.
KEY WORDS: air-conditioning systems, cooling load,water System, independent of fresh air system, fan coil
目 录
前 言 1
第1章 工程概况 2
§1.1 原始资料 2
§1.2 设计参数 4
第2章 负荷的计算 6
§2.1 夏季冷负荷的计算 6
§2.2 冬季热负荷的计算 12
§2.3 房间散湿量 14
第3章 空调系统的方案确 16
§3.1 空调系统的划分原则 16
§3.3 方案的确定 19
第4章 风量的计算 21
§4.1 全空气一次回风系统 21
§4.2 风机盘管加新风 23
§4.3 新风量的确定 25
§4.4 新风负荷 25
§4.5 空调系统的运行调节 26
第5章 空调设备的选择 28
§5.1 风机盘管 28
§5.2 新风机组选型 28
§5.3 空调机组选型 29
§5.4 换热器的选择 30
§5.5 冷水机组的选择 30
第6章 气流组织计算 32
§6.1气流组织的形式 32
§6.2 风口型式的确定 32
§6.3 气流组织设计算 33
第7章 水力计算 39
§7.1 水管水力计算 39
§7.2风管的水力计算 44
第8章 其它设备的选择 50
§8.1 分水器与集水器的选择 50
§8.2 冷却塔的选择 51
§8.3 系统定压方式 51
§8.4 水泵的选择 52
第9章 空调系统的消声、减振措施 56
§9.1 空调系统的消声 56
§9.2 空调系统的减振 57
第10章 管道的保温、防腐..
摘 要
该建筑位于西安市,本工程为酒店空调工程设计,酒店高约33米,是一座综合性建筑物,总建筑面积为9120㎡,其中空调面积为8973㎡。酒店主楼地面10层,其中一层为商铺,层高为4.5米,二、三层为雅间、多功能厅, 层高为3.2米,其余四到十层为办公室、标准间,层高为3.2米。
HVAC design is mainly for indoor thermal environment, air quality in design, but construction must be fully aware of the requirements for HVAC and HVAC systems and equipment for construction and other facilities on the basis of design.
The building is located in xi'an.The project is the hotel air-conditioning engineering design .The hotel is a comprehensive building, The total building area is 9120㎡,but the air-conditioning area is 8973㎡.There are 10 floors of the building . The first floor is for shops which height of the first floor is about 4.5meters.Other layers of the building is 3.2 meters hight .The second and third layers is for Blair and the multi-function hall.And the remaining 4-10 layers is for office room and guest room.
Combine the characteristics of the construction .In summer, we use water-cooled chillers as a cold source . In winter,we use hot water pipe network of city as a source . In order to savings the operating cost. For accor and the standards room, such as small space we use the fan coil and new wind systems, There is one new air unit each layers so that fresh air can be into the indoor and fan-coil bears the indoor cooling load . Fan-coil and fresh air independent supply into room. As for the multi-function hall and shops, such as larger room, more staff, allowed temperature and humidity fluctuations in little,if you set the fan-coil water system will use more end equipments, resulting in a waste of investment. So the entire air system to be adopted. Because of the different types of hotel rooms, the room is not the same as hot and cold load can be individual rooms regulation. The design of air conditioning water systems use closed, vertical different way, the level of the same programs, dual control, single-stage pumps, variable flow system. Air-conditioning water system that is simple in structure, the initial investment, not easy to have a pipeline dirt and corrosion, the system does not need to overcome the hydrostatic pressure head, water pumps, small power consumption and so on.
KEY WORDS: air-conditioning systems, cooling load,water System, independent of fresh air system, fan coil
目 录
前 言 1
第1章 工程概况 2
§1.1 原始资料 2
§1.2 设计参数 4
第2章 负荷的计算 6
§2.1 夏季冷负荷的计算 6
§2.2 冬季热负荷的计算 12
§2.3 房间散湿量 14
第3章 空调系统的方案确 16
§3.1 空调系统的划分原则 16
§3.3 方案的确定 19
第4章 风量的计算 21
§4.1 全空气一次回风系统 21
§4.2 风机盘管加新风 23
§4.3 新风量的确定 25
§4.4 新风负荷 25
§4.5 空调系统的运行调节 26
第5章 空调设备的选择 28
§5.1 风机盘管 28
§5.2 新风机组选型 28
§5.3 空调机组选型 29
§5.4 换热器的选择 30
§5.5 冷水机组的选择 30
第6章 气流组织计算 32
§6.1气流组织的形式 32
§6.2 风口型式的确定 32
§6.3 气流组织设计算 33
第7章 水力计算 39
§7.1 水管水力计算 39
§7.2风管的水力计算 44
第8章 其它设备的选择 50
§8.1 分水器与集水器的选择 50
§8.2 冷却塔的选择 51
§8.3 系统定压方式 51
§8.4 水泵的选择 52
第9章 空调系统的消声、减振措施 56
§9.1 空调系统的消声 56
§9.2 空调系统的减振 57
第10章 管道的保温、防腐..