

分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 优秀排骨 发布

摘 要


Currently, there is an uptrend in college to use the advanced management information system and software development platforms. It carries on scientific information and networking management. The system for choosing a graduating design makes the entire design process of graduate student and the management of the design information for teacher comes into systematization, standardization, script-less.
The system aims at a task of graduate design management. Research, design and development of the system adopt ASP as development technology. During the development process, firstly, its main operation flow and the information exchange content are analyzed. Secondly, it unites management standards and requests according to the college. After a series of design for function models and database, it makes the whole system come true.
The paper carries on a simple introduction for the characteristics and the development tools of the system. And it also carries on a detail introduction from five phases include system acquirement analysis, general design, detail design, system achievement and system testing.
Key Words: Database; Graduate Design Management; Function; Systematic; ASP (Active Server Pages)
目 录

第一章 导言 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究概述 2
1.3研究方法 2
1.4本论文的特色 4
第二章 系统开发工具 5
2.1SQL Server数据库技术概述 5
2.2ASP技术概述 6
第三章 系统规划与系统分析 9
3.1系统的总体结构 9
3.2系统的业务流程分析 9
3.3系统的数据流程分析 10
3.4数据库需求分析 11
第四章 系统设计与实现 12
4.1系统设计 12
4.2系统实现 20
第五章 系统测试 29
5.1测试环境 29
5.2测试过程 29
5.3测试结果 30
第六章 结论 31
6.1本文所做的主要工作 31
6.2今后进一步研究的方向 31
谢 辞 33
参考文献 34
附 录 35