分离式车轮摆线传动装置建模与运动仿真论文,摘 要 摆线针轮传动装置作为重要的机械传动部件具有体积小、重量轻、传动效率高的特点。本文以城市轨道车辆的传动装置为研究对象,系统研究其参数选取和pro/e软件中建模及运动仿真的一般方法。论文主要内容如下: (1)在系统分析并比较各类行星式减速传动方案的类型及特点的基础上,...

原文档由会员 欣咏 发布分离式车轮摆线传动装置建模与运动仿真论文
摘 要
The cycloidal-pin wheel drive unit is one of the most important transmission components of the mechanism by its smaller volume,lighter weight and effective transmission. This paper takes the urban railway vehicle drive unit as the research subject and investigates its parameter selection and the general design method of the modeling and motion simulation in Pro/E systematically. The main research content as follows:
On the basic of the comprehensive analysis and comparison of all kind of Planetary reducer transmission, the transmission principle of the cycloidal-pin wheel drive unit is researched, the cycloid contour line equation and the rules of the designing parameter selection of the cycloid contour line is established.
With the cycloidal-pin wheel drive unit as an example, the 3D entity model and assembly is performed with the application of Pro/E, the parameter design method of Cycloid in Pro/E and the general rules of virtual assembly of the cycloidal-pin wheel drive unit are main researched. In order to prove the rationality of the parameter design of the cycloidal-pin wheel drive unit, the simulation movement of the unit is performed.
The research has certain directive significance to carry out the parameter design of the urban railway vehicle drive unit.
Key Words:Cycloid transmission; Cycloid; modeling; Motion simulation
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题来源及意义 1
1.2摆线针轮传动的发展 1
1.3 Pro/E的发展及主要特征 2
1.4论文的主要研究内容 3
第二章 各类行星式减速传动方案的比较与分析 4
2.1渐开线少齿差行星传动 4
2.2谐波传动 4
2.3摆线针轮行星传动 5
2.3.1摆线针轮的传动原理 5
2.3.2摆线针轮传动优点 6
第三章 摆线轮廓线几何特性分析 7
3.1摆线轮廓线方程 7
3.1.1摆线轮廓线的形成原理 7
3.1.2摆线轮廓线方程 8
3.2摆线轮齿廓几何尺寸的确定及有关参数的选择 10
3.2.1摆线轮齿廓的曲率半径和根切条件 10
3.2.2短幅系数K1和针齿系数K2的选择 13
3.3 本章小结 15
第四章 摆线针轮传动中作用力的分析 16
4.1针轮与摆线轮啮合时的作用力 16
4.2柱销对摆线轮的作用力 17
4.3转臂轴承对摆线轮作用力 19
4.4本章小结 20
第五章 三维建模 21
5.1建立数学模型 21
5.2摆线针轮传动装置主要参数的确定 21
5.3三维实体建模 23
5.3.1零件的实体建模 23
5.3.2三维实体装配 28
5.4本章小结 32
第六章 运动仿真 33
6.1定义机构和电机 33
6.2运动仿真和视频输出 35
6.3本章小结 36
结 论 37
参考文献 38
致 谢 39