此文档由会员 陈海峰 发布
Hydraulic biogas digesters design
Author Hu Jiacheng Guidance teacher Yili Da’er
Abstract:through fermentation biogas recycle utilization of biomass, energy, environmental protection, with ecological, economic and social functions. In the vigorous promotion of Biogas Construction in rural areas, can promote the aquaculture industry, drive the development of planting industry, improve rural production and living environment, is a small investment, quick good way. This article from the rural firedamp construction current situation and problem to set out, put forward construction of rural biogas development train of thought and countermeasure, by using the theoretical knowledge, the use of information technology, the preparation of the design specification, design, engineering drawing, as well as the preliminary design of biogas pool.
Key words: biogas pool; present situation; economic benefits; design process.
[ ]付秀琴.规模化猪场粪污处理沼气池容移{确定冲国沼气,2002,(2):24.中国
[ ]都江堰市统计局2006年统计年鉴.
[ ]国家环境保护总局污染控制司 .城市固体废物管理与处置技术.北京:中国石化出版社,2000
[ ]汪天寿,袁汪静,袁蒋勇.大力发展农村沼气为新农村建设夯实基础.农业环境与发展(网络版)2007.1 1.2.
[ ]李国建.城市垃圾处理工程.北京:科学出版社,2003
[ ]芈振明.固体废物处理与处置.北京:高等教育出版社,1993
[ ]农村家用水压式沼气池标准图集GB 4750-84
[ ]户用沼气池标准图集
[ ]农村家用沼气池设计规范
[ ]农村家用水压式沼气池施工操作规程GB 4752- 84
Hydraulic biogas digesters design
Author Hu Jiacheng Guidance teacher Yili Da’er
Abstract:through fermentation biogas recycle utilization of biomass, energy, environmental protection, with ecological, economic and social functions. In the vigorous promotion of Biogas Construction in rural areas, can promote the aquaculture industry, drive the development of planting industry, improve rural production and living environment, is a small investment, quick good way. This article from the rural firedamp construction current situation and problem to set out, put forward construction of rural biogas development train of thought and countermeasure, by using the theoretical knowledge, the use of information technology, the preparation of the design specification, design, engineering drawing, as well as the preliminary design of biogas pool.
Key words: biogas pool; present situation; economic benefits; design process.
[ ]付秀琴.规模化猪场粪污处理沼气池容移{确定冲国沼气,2002,(2):24.中国
[ ]都江堰市统计局2006年统计年鉴.
[ ]国家环境保护总局污染控制司 .城市固体废物管理与处置技术.北京:中国石化出版社,2000
[ ]汪天寿,袁汪静,袁蒋勇.大力发展农村沼气为新农村建设夯实基础.农业环境与发展(网络版)2007.1 1.2.
[ ]李国建.城市垃圾处理工程.北京:科学出版社,2003
[ ]芈振明.固体废物处理与处置.北京:高等教育出版社,1993
[ ]农村家用水压式沼气池标准图集GB 4750-84
[ ]户用沼气池标准图集
[ ]农村家用沼气池设计规范
[ ]农村家用水压式沼气池施工操作规程GB 4752- 84
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