冲压模设计,摘 要 模具以其加工精度稳定,所加工零件形状复杂而著称,在国民经济各工业部门中,几乎都有冲压加工或冲压产品的生产如汽车、飞机、拖拉机、电机、电器、仪表、铁道、电信、化工以及轻工日用产品中均占有相当大的比重。冲压模具种类繁多,归纳一下,主要有以下几种;冲裁模,弯曲模,拉深模,成形模,复合模等。关键词:模具;冲...

原文档由会员 beiston 发布冲压模设计
摘 要
The mold is stable by its processing precision, processes the components shape to be famous complex, in the national economy various industry sector, nearly all has the ramming to process or the ramming product production, like in the automobile, the airplane, the tractor, the electrical machinery, the electric appliance, the measuring appliance, the railroad, the telecommunication, the chemical industry as well as the light industry everyday use product hold the quite great proportion.The ramming mold type is many, induces, mainly has following several kinds: Punchingdie, bending die, drawing mold, molding machine, superposable die and so on.
Mold:Punching die; Bending die; Drawing mold; Molding machine; Superposable die
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
目 录 1
一、工艺分析 1
1.工件的工艺分析 1
2.冲裁工艺方案的确定 1
二、模具设计 3
1.模具结构形式 3
1.1模具类型设计 3
1.2定位方式的选择 3
1.3卸料方式的选择 3
1.4排样方式的确定及其计算 3
2.模具主要零部件设计 4
2.1冲裁力计算 4
2.2确定压力中心 5
2.3各主要零件的尺寸计算 6
2.4模具主要零件设计 9
2.6模具零件图 10
2.7模具总装配图 10
1.落料凹模的加工工艺过程 12
2.落料凸模加工工艺过程 12
3.冲孔凸模加工工艺过程 13
四、模具的装配 14
五、设计总结 15
参考文献 16