国有商业银行薪酬支付系统的设计与实现,摘要 薪酬制度是商业银行激励机制的重要组成部分,建立科学、合理、高效的薪酬激励机制具有非常重要的现实意义。其中薪酬管理是一个非常重要的环节。目前各大国有商业银行均在不加快战略转型和结构调整步伐,加强薪酬制度建设,增强和提高薪酬管理的响应速度和保障能力。国有商业银行分支机构众多,地域分布较广,急需建立一套统一的薪酬支...

原文档由会员 luzzer 发布
本系统运用B/S架构,采用JavaScript技术、ASP动态网页技术和SQL Server数据库技术,实现了用户表示,处理逻辑、数据应用三层架构。根据业务流程需要系统划分为身份验证、信息展示、系统管理、人员管理、薪酬管理、查询统计、报表查询、自助服务等八个子系统。通过对八个子系统的研究设计,最终实现多分支机构分散化并行处理的薪酬支付业务系统。
关键词: 薪酬集中支付;薪酬支付系统;国有商业银行[ 字体:小4号宋体]
Abstract[ Times New Roman,小三,加粗。
The payment system is an important part of incentive mechanism in commercial banks. To build a scientific, rational and efficient payment incentive mechanism has very important practical significance. The state-owned commercial banks are speeding up the steps of strategic transformation and structural adjustment through rebuilding the payment system, enhancing the responding speed of the compensation management and improving ensuring capabilities. The state-owned commercial banks have many subsidiaries, and it is urgent to establish a set of unified payment systems to meet the need of management. At the same time, the banks are depending more and more on information. So we need to establish a computer information management system as data sources to support the salary payment system, making its whole process informationized and electritionized.
According to the needs of salary payment of state-owned commercial banks, the theses tries to re-built its work process, design and realize the combination of decentralized and centralized salary payment system processing payment on the basis of analyzing the existing traditional payment processes,
This system uses the B/S structure, JavaScript technology, ASP and SQL Server database technology, to achieve such three-tier architecture as User Interface, Business Logic Layer and Data Access Layer. The system is divided into the following 8 subsystems: Authentication, Message Board, System Management, Employee Management, Remuneration Management, Query, Report, and Self-service. According to these subsystems, we can realize the multi-branch parallel processing of the centralized payment system.
At first, this thesis introduces the researching backgrounds, the significance and goal of this project. Then, it reconstructs the traditional business process, analyses the business needs, briefly introduces the related technology, and then discusses the design process of the system structure, goes into details of the designation and implementation of the various subsystems.
Keywords: Centralized Payment; Salary Payment System; State-Owned Commercial Banks
目 录[ 目录这几页是不要页码的,请删除]
第一章 引言 1
1.1 实施背景 1
1.2 论文的主要工作 2
1.3 论文的结构安排 2
第二章 相关技术介绍 4
2.1 B/S结构 4
2.2 ASP动态网页技术 4
2.3 Microsoft SQL Server数据库系统 5
2.4 JavaScript 6
2.5 ERPF系统 6
第三章 适用于薪酬集中支付的工作流程设计 8
3.1 薪酬集中支付的意义和工作要求 8
3.2 某国有商业银行薪酬支付业务的现状与存在的问题 9
3.2.1 某国有商业银行简介 9
3.2.2 传统支付流程简介 9
3.2.3 传统支付流程存在的问题 11
3.3 薪酬支付流程的重新设计 12
3.3.1 总体思路 12
3.3.2 环节定义 12
3.3.3 角色定义 13
3.3.4 不相容角色 13
3.3.5 流程定义 14
3.3.6 责任主体定义 15
3.3.7 主要优点 16
3.3.8 主要问题 16
3.4 本章小结 16
第四章 业务需求分析 18
4.1 业务需求 18
4.1.1 总体业务流程 18
4.1.2 薪酬服务中心处理流程 19
4.1.3 薪酬支付中心处理流程 21
4.1.4 财务处理中心处理流程 2..
本系统运用B/S架构,采用JavaScript技术、ASP动态网页技术和SQL Server数据库技术,实现了用户表示,处理逻辑、数据应用三层架构。根据业务流程需要系统划分为身份验证、信息展示、系统管理、人员管理、薪酬管理、查询统计、报表查询、自助服务等八个子系统。通过对八个子系统的研究设计,最终实现多分支机构分散化并行处理的薪酬支付业务系统。
关键词: 薪酬集中支付;薪酬支付系统;国有商业银行[ 字体:小4号宋体]
Abstract[ Times New Roman,小三,加粗。
The payment system is an important part of incentive mechanism in commercial banks. To build a scientific, rational and efficient payment incentive mechanism has very important practical significance. The state-owned commercial banks are speeding up the steps of strategic transformation and structural adjustment through rebuilding the payment system, enhancing the responding speed of the compensation management and improving ensuring capabilities. The state-owned commercial banks have many subsidiaries, and it is urgent to establish a set of unified payment systems to meet the need of management. At the same time, the banks are depending more and more on information. So we need to establish a computer information management system as data sources to support the salary payment system, making its whole process informationized and electritionized.
According to the needs of salary payment of state-owned commercial banks, the theses tries to re-built its work process, design and realize the combination of decentralized and centralized salary payment system processing payment on the basis of analyzing the existing traditional payment processes,
This system uses the B/S structure, JavaScript technology, ASP and SQL Server database technology, to achieve such three-tier architecture as User Interface, Business Logic Layer and Data Access Layer. The system is divided into the following 8 subsystems: Authentication, Message Board, System Management, Employee Management, Remuneration Management, Query, Report, and Self-service. According to these subsystems, we can realize the multi-branch parallel processing of the centralized payment system.
At first, this thesis introduces the researching backgrounds, the significance and goal of this project. Then, it reconstructs the traditional business process, analyses the business needs, briefly introduces the related technology, and then discusses the design process of the system structure, goes into details of the designation and implementation of the various subsystems.
Keywords: Centralized Payment; Salary Payment System; State-Owned Commercial Banks
目 录[ 目录这几页是不要页码的,请删除]
第一章 引言 1
1.1 实施背景 1
1.2 论文的主要工作 2
1.3 论文的结构安排 2
第二章 相关技术介绍 4
2.1 B/S结构 4
2.2 ASP动态网页技术 4
2.3 Microsoft SQL Server数据库系统 5
2.4 JavaScript 6
2.5 ERPF系统 6
第三章 适用于薪酬集中支付的工作流程设计 8
3.1 薪酬集中支付的意义和工作要求 8
3.2 某国有商业银行薪酬支付业务的现状与存在的问题 9
3.2.1 某国有商业银行简介 9
3.2.2 传统支付流程简介 9
3.2.3 传统支付流程存在的问题 11
3.3 薪酬支付流程的重新设计 12
3.3.1 总体思路 12
3.3.2 环节定义 12
3.3.3 角色定义 13
3.3.4 不相容角色 13
3.3.5 流程定义 14
3.3.6 责任主体定义 15
3.3.7 主要优点 16
3.3.8 主要问题 16
3.4 本章小结 16
第四章 业务需求分析 18
4.1 业务需求 18
4.1.1 总体业务流程 18
4.1.2 薪酬服务中心处理流程 19
4.1.3 薪酬支付中心处理流程 21
4.1.4 财务处理中心处理流程 2..