

循环水泵节能潜力分析和计算,此文章为本人大学本科毕业论文,本人原创摘 要 循环水泵是火力发电机组的主要耗能辅机之一,其能耗水平对全国火力机组的经济性具有重要的影响,电厂中循环水泵电耗比较大,一般占厂用电的10%左右。对循环水泵节能改造势在必行。目前我国循环水泵运行的经济性、可靠性与世界先进水平尚有一定的差距。现在国家已经把电厂的节能技术改造提高到...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文


此文档由会员 小浣熊 发布


摘    要














 Circulating Water Pump is the primary power consumption part in thermal power plant,it has had civilizing influence upon the economy of the whole,power consumption of circulating pump is generally bigger,10 percent of plant electrical consumption.So the energy-saving renovation to circulating pump is necessary.It is obvious that we should think much of the economic and reliable between actuality and advanced level .In sum,the alteration of circulating water pump is required to improve the economize energy.
 According to the phenomenon that running performance of the circulating water pump can not reach the design value at home and abroad,basing on reading a lot of literature both inside and outside and learning the results of previous studies,the thesis does some systematic research and analyses on the energy saving of the circulating water pump in a power plant.
 The thesis consists of five parts. Chapter 1 introduces the essentials and meanings of the research,and the research history and Present situation,and the work of the thesis has done.,and the work of the thesis has done.Chapter 2 discusses deeply the problem of Circulating pumping system and chapter 3 induces circulating pump energy saving approach. Chapter 4 analyses and discusses Energy saving potential of the circulating—water pump. The last part is about conclusions ,thanks and references.
KEY WORDS: circulating-water pump,energy saving potential,energy saving transformation,energy saving calculation




目    录
摘    要 I
第1章 概述 1
1.1 问题的提出及本课题研究的意义 1
1.2 国内外发展状况及研究状况 1
1.3 本文研究的主要内容 3
第2章 循环水泵存在的问题 4
2.1 循环水泵运行常见问题 4
2.1.1 汽蚀现象 4
2.1.2 常见的故障分析 4
2.2 循环水泵普遍存在耗能高的问题 5
第3章 火电厂循环水泵的节能方式分析 8
3.1 改变调节方法,实行优化运行和经济调度 8
3.1.1 调节方法的改进 8
3.1.2 循环水泵优化运行 10
3.1.3 循环泵系统的经济调度 11
3.2 合理地选型 11
3.3 改变循环水泵性能曲线 12
3.3.1 改变转速 13
3.3.2 切割叶轮 14
3.3.3 更换叶轮 14
3.4 改进泵的管路系统,降低流体流动的阻力损失 14
3.5 优化密封装置,减少容积损失 15
3.6 优化叶轮水力流道,减少流动损失 16
3.6.1 拟压缩性方法(PCT) 17
3.6.2 近似因子法(AF) 17
3.6.3 压力一速度校正法(PVC) 17
3.6.4 分块隐式有限差分法(BIFDM) 18
3.6.5 有限容积法(Finite volume Method,简称FVM) 18
3.7 改进叶轮材质和制造水平,降低叶轮及本体表面粗糙度 18
3.8 加强管理和运行维护 21
第4章 循环水泵节能潜力的实例分析计算 22
4.1某300WM电厂XL1200-320型泵 22
4.2 某电厂600MW机组88LKXA-27.4型立式可抽斜流泵 24
结    论 25
参 考 文 献 26
致    谢 27