【毕业设计】机械手设计,论文标准word格式排版 37页 附机械手底座部件图.dwg 机械手总装配图a0.dwg 气动原理图a2.dwg 气爪部件图a2.dwg目 录设计总说明 ivintroduction v第一章 绪论 11.1 工业机器人的概述与发展 11.2 本设计中的四自由度棒料搬运机械手所实现的功能 21.3 本设计中的四自由度棒...
原文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
论文标准WORD格式排版 37页 附机械手底座部件图.dwg 机械手总装配图A0.dwg 气动原理图A2.dwg 气爪部件图A2.dwg
目 录
设计总说明 IV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 工业机器人的概述与发展 1
1.2 本设计中的四自由度棒料搬运机械手所实现的功能 2
1.3 本设计中的四自由度棒料搬运机械手设计的意义 2
2 机械手的总体设计 3
2.1 设计要求 3
2.2 机器手的组成 3
2.3 总体方案拟定 3
2.4 机器人的工作空间 4
2.5 机械手驱动系统设计 5
2.5.1 机械手驱动器 5
2.5.2 机械手传动机构 5
3 机械手的传动设计 7
3.1 滚珠丝杠的选择 7
3.2 谐波齿轮减速器参数的确定 8
4 机械手的各电动机的选择 12
4.1 机械手手臂升降步进电机的选择 12
4.2 机械手底座回转驱动电动机的选择 14
5 机械手各气动件的设计计算 17
5.1 气爪夹紧力的计算与气爪的选择 17
5.1.1 气爪夹紧力要求 17
5.1.2 缸径的确定 18
5.1.3 行程的确定 19
5.1.4气缸的运动速度 19
5.1.4 摆动气缸的选择 20
5.2 手臂伸缩气缸的选择 22
6 机器人控制系统设计 25
6.1 机械手控制器的选择 25
6.2 机器手控制系统的特点及对控制功能的基本要求 25
6.3 控制系统的总体设计 25
7 手臂验算与机械手参数 28
7.1 手臂平衡的验算 28
7.2 机械手参数 29
设计总结 30
鸣 谢 30
参考文献 31
Today that develop continuously in the society, The robot are more and more Using at industry scene application. Replaces the manpower with the machine strength, It‘s the historical development tendency that liberates the humanity from the arduous physical labor.
In the recent several years, the robot development not only more and more optimizes, but also moreover has covered many domains.
Industrially, automatic control systems are found in numerous applications, such as automation machine tool control, computer systems and robotics. Industrial robots are relatively new electromechanical devices that are beginning to change the appearance of modern industry.
This paper design for enhances the labor productivity, product quality, economic efficiency and reduces the worker labor intensity. Some job working at extremely bad environment, that people can’t work in hand, so the robots can replace worker to do it.
This scheme introduced a cylindrical robot for four degree of freedom. It is composed of two linear axes and two rotary axis current
This paper mainly use at the transporting of circular good material that quality is short to 2KG. The different fingernail finger was Choice for transporting the good material that diameter is smaller than 60mm.
Under controller function the robot move the components from one assembly line to other assembly line and turn over it in space, perform relatively simple takes.
KEYWORDS: four degrees of freedom; robot; transporting; Industrial robot
目 录
设计总说明 IV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 工业机器人的概述与发展 1
1.2 本设计中的四自由度棒料搬运机械手所实现的功能 2
1.3 本设计中的四自由度棒料搬运机械手设计的意义 2
2 机械手的总体设计 3
2.1 设计要求 3
2.2 机器手的组成 3
2.3 总体方案拟定 3
2.4 机器人的工作空间 4
2.5 机械手驱动系统设计 5
2.5.1 机械手驱动器 5
2.5.2 机械手传动机构 5
3 机械手的传动设计 7
3.1 滚珠丝杠的选择 7
3.2 谐波齿轮减速器参数的确定 8
4 机械手的各电动机的选择 12
4.1 机械手手臂升降步进电机的选择 12
4.2 机械手底座回转驱动电动机的选择 14
5 机械手各气动件的设计计算 17
5.1 气爪夹紧力的计算与气爪的选择 17
5.1.1 气爪夹紧力要求 17
5.1.2 缸径的确定 18
5.1.3 行程的确定 19
5.1.4气缸的运动速度 19
5.1.4 摆动气缸的选择 20
5.2 手臂伸缩气缸的选择 22
6 机器人控制系统设计 25
6.1 机械手控制器的选择 25
6.2 机器手控制系统的特点及对控制功能的基本要求 25
6.3 控制系统的总体设计 25
7 手臂验算与机械手参数 28
7.1 手臂平衡的验算 28
7.2 机械手参数 29
设计总结 30
鸣 谢 30
参考文献 31
Today that develop continuously in the society, The robot are more and more Using at industry scene application. Replaces the manpower with the machine strength, It‘s the historical development tendency that liberates the humanity from the arduous physical labor.
In the recent several years, the robot development not only more and more optimizes, but also moreover has covered many domains.
Industrially, automatic control systems are found in numerous applications, such as automation machine tool control, computer systems and robotics. Industrial robots are relatively new electromechanical devices that are beginning to change the appearance of modern industry.
This paper design for enhances the labor productivity, product quality, economic efficiency and reduces the worker labor intensity. Some job working at extremely bad environment, that people can’t work in hand, so the robots can replace worker to do it.
This scheme introduced a cylindrical robot for four degree of freedom. It is composed of two linear axes and two rotary axis current
This paper mainly use at the transporting of circular good material that quality is short to 2KG. The different fingernail finger was Choice for transporting the good material that diameter is smaller than 60mm.
Under controller function the robot move the components from one assembly line to other assembly line and turn over it in space, perform relatively simple takes.
KEYWORDS: four degrees of freedom; robot; transporting; Industrial robot