发动机曲轴三维造型及自由模态分析(本科毕业设计论文),目录摘要 1abstract 21 绪论 31.1 课题研究背景 31.2 国内外研究状况 41.3 课题研究的目的及意义 62 曲轴三维造型的建立 72.1 pro/e软件简介 72.2曲轴的设计 72.3 曲轴的简化 102.4 曲轴实体建模 103 曲轴的自由模态分析 163.1 ansys workbench简...

此文档由会员 pyz 发布
摘要 1
Abstract 2
1 绪论 3
1.1 课题研究背景 3
1.2 国内外研究状况 4
1.3 课题研究的目的及意义 6
2 曲轴三维造型的建立 7
2.1 Pro/E软件简介 7
2.2曲轴的设计 7
2.3 曲轴的简化 10
2.4 曲轴实体建模 10
3 曲轴的自由模态分析 16
3.1 ANSYS Workbench简介 16
3.2 整体曲轴有限元模型的建立 16
3.3 曲轴自由模态分析步骤 17
3.3 模态分析结果 20
4 结论 28
总结与体会 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31
摘 要
根据3108柴油机给定的参数,依据经验公式,对曲轴的结构尺寸进行了一个新的改进设计,改变了平衡块的形状,并在其末端适当的挖了小孔以减少曲轴的质量,改善曲轴的动平衡特性,然后基于Pro/E软件,在适当的简化条件下,建立曲轴的三维模型,并利用ANSYS Workbench对曲轴在自由和约束两种状态下分别进行了模态分析,得出曲轴的前6阶模态,即前6阶固有频率及其振型图。结果表明,曲轴的固有频率均高于工作转速对应的频率,不易产生共振;曲轴在低阶频率下,主要以弯曲模态为主,随着阶数的增长,变形也随之增大,但变形发生的部位有所不同。通过模态分析的研究,为后续曲轴的动态响应分析奠定了坚实的基础。
3D Modeling and Free Modal Analysis on Engine Crankshaft
A new structure design of the 3108 diesel engine crankshaft was carried out according to the empirical formula and the original parameters, the design included the change of the balance block shape, dig holes in the end of the crankshaft in order to reduce the quality and improve the balance features, then the 3D model of three-cylinder diesel engine crankshaft was constructed based on Pro/E software in the appropriate simplified conditions. Two different model analysis on the freedom and constraint case were undertaken with the ANSYS Workbench, the results obtain the first six modals, included their inherent frequencies and the vibration modes of the fist six orders. The results showed that the inherent frequency of the crankshaft was higher than the frequency while the crankshaft is working, and it wouldn’t produce resonance easily; the crankshaft was mainly in bending modals during the low frequencies, and the deformation increased with the growth of the modes, but the deformation occurred in different parts. The mode analysis of the crankshaft made a solid foundation for the follow-up dynamic response analysis of the crankshaft.
Key words: crankshaft, modal analysis, frequencies, vibration modes
摘要 1
Abstract 2
1 绪论 3
1.1 课题研究背景 3
1.2 国内外研究状况 4
1.3 课题研究的目的及意义 6
2 曲轴三维造型的建立 7
2.1 Pro/E软件简介 7
2.2曲轴的设计 7
2.3 曲轴的简化 10
2.4 曲轴实体建模 10
3 曲轴的自由模态分析 16
3.1 ANSYS Workbench简介 16
3.2 整体曲轴有限元模型的建立 16
3.3 曲轴自由模态分析步骤 17
3.3 模态分析结果 20
4 结论 28
总结与体会 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31
摘 要
根据3108柴油机给定的参数,依据经验公式,对曲轴的结构尺寸进行了一个新的改进设计,改变了平衡块的形状,并在其末端适当的挖了小孔以减少曲轴的质量,改善曲轴的动平衡特性,然后基于Pro/E软件,在适当的简化条件下,建立曲轴的三维模型,并利用ANSYS Workbench对曲轴在自由和约束两种状态下分别进行了模态分析,得出曲轴的前6阶模态,即前6阶固有频率及其振型图。结果表明,曲轴的固有频率均高于工作转速对应的频率,不易产生共振;曲轴在低阶频率下,主要以弯曲模态为主,随着阶数的增长,变形也随之增大,但变形发生的部位有所不同。通过模态分析的研究,为后续曲轴的动态响应分析奠定了坚实的基础。
3D Modeling and Free Modal Analysis on Engine Crankshaft
A new structure design of the 3108 diesel engine crankshaft was carried out according to the empirical formula and the original parameters, the design included the change of the balance block shape, dig holes in the end of the crankshaft in order to reduce the quality and improve the balance features, then the 3D model of three-cylinder diesel engine crankshaft was constructed based on Pro/E software in the appropriate simplified conditions. Two different model analysis on the freedom and constraint case were undertaken with the ANSYS Workbench, the results obtain the first six modals, included their inherent frequencies and the vibration modes of the fist six orders. The results showed that the inherent frequency of the crankshaft was higher than the frequency while the crankshaft is working, and it wouldn’t produce resonance easily; the crankshaft was mainly in bending modals during the low frequencies, and the deformation increased with the growth of the modes, but the deformation occurred in different parts. The mode analysis of the crankshaft made a solid foundation for the follow-up dynamic response analysis of the crankshaft.
Key words: crankshaft, modal analysis, frequencies, vibration modes