

网络升级的可行性方案,全文32页 约13000字 论述翔实中文摘要:21世纪是知识经济时代,以知识和信息的生产,传播和应用为基础的知识经济将占占世界经济发展的主导地位。随着现代科学技术的飞速发展,世界范围内的信息化浪潮势不可挡,它影响到各个领域。信息和科技相结合毫无疑问的成为当今世界科研改革和发展的有机组成部分。而当今蓬...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 棉花糖糖 发布


全文32页 约13000字 论述翔实


The twentieth Century, the time of knowledge economy based on producing, communicating and applying of knowledge and information,will play a leading role in the development of the world economy.
With the rapid progress of the modern science and technology, the unpreventable trend of informationalization across the world has made great effects in various fields. Undoubtedly, the combination of information and technology will become an active part in nowadays’ reform and development of science and technology. And the prosperously developed modern information technology mainly depending on computers and Internet has been the indispensable technical foundation for the informationalization of science and technology.
As for the network for scientific and technological working, we lay particular stress on its application. The successful net for scientific and technological working dose not only provides a preeminent hardware platform, but also the application software with the practicable functions. The hardware environment of network is just like the superhighway while the software environment is the vehicle on it. If both of them are possessed, we could say that network for scientific and technological working will have been put into the application in a true sense, which means both the science and technology institutions and the system integration dealers are able to realize their original intention.
This article, guarded by the theoretical knowledge of the establishment and alteration of network and based on the current situation of power engineer institution of Inner Mongolia, updates the present network in the hope of building a high-speed, safe and efficient regional exchange net to satisfy the enterprises’ inside require of the information management, communication and production.

ATM主干网,千兆以太网,LAN,VLAN,SAN ,NAS,广播风暴,双机热备,核心交换机,部门交换,服务器

第一章 前言
第二章 网络系统方案的建议
2.1 网络设计的原则
2.2 设计思想
2.3 网络技术选择
第三章 网络管理系统设计的要求
3.1 网络管理的必要性
3.2 网络管理的功能
3.3 网络管理系统设计的原则
第四章 方案背景及用户需求分析
4.1 企业的网络现状及网络改造的必要性
4.2 企业的网络功能的需求
4.4 网络改造的目标
第五章 网络改造的系统方案
第六章 局域网改造设备方案
6.1 数据库服务器指标
6.2 电子档案服务器指标
6.3 应用服务器指标
6.4 WEB服务器指标
6.5 SAN存储器
6.6 NAS服务器指标
6.7 磁盘柜指标
6.8 光纤交换机指标
6.9 磁带库指标
6.10 光纤卡指标
6.11 核心交换机指标
6.12 桌面交换机指标
6.13 交换机光纤模块指标
6.14 桌面交换机指标
6.15 交换机光纤模块指标
6.16 无线路由器指标
6.17 无线局域网卡指标
6.18 配线机柜指标
6.19 配线架、理线器、跳线指标
6.20 服务器机柜指标
6.21 不间断电源指标
6.22 网管软件指标
6.23 其它设备指标
第七章 设备清单与投资估算
第八章 参考文献


第七章 参考文献
作者:Vito Amato 出版社:人民邮电出版社
出版社: 西安电子科技大学出版社
作者:刘少亭 卢建军 李国民 出版社:人民邮电出版社