

关于工作面煤尘控制的研究-----外文翻译,on the long wall of coal dust control robert and george introductionsince the 1969 federal coal mine health and safety act passed, the pbm has been actively exp...
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此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布

On the long wall of coal dust control
Robert and George
Since the 1969 Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety act passed, the PBM has been actively exploring the coal dust inhalation. Until a few years ago, the main research project is to develop and improve the dust of the new technology, reduce respirable dust miners and the continuous mining method, and so on. Since the PBM, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (-MSHA), in the coal industry to reduce dust has made significant progress, have from 500 to 1969 mg / m decline now less than 2 mg / m 3. These things reflect the recent help-MSHA published volume. According to data showed that at least 95 mining and traditional departments had been in compliance with the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety act.
While this is a remarkable achievement, but several types of mining is the main longwall mining method, very difficult to comply with the existing 2 mg / cubic meters of federal standards. Under normal circumstances, more than 50% over the long wall of standards, of which about two-thirds of the double-drum cutting coal. Thus, in the past few years, respirable coal dust of the key issues that has been long wall coal dust problem to a greater use of this method of mining. This trend is due to the need to increase productivity to meet the ever-increasing demand for coal. Unless the development and implementation of effective control of dust, otherwise, people will not aware of this potential and efficient method of mining coal dust problem. PBM successful research shows that the cost-effectiveness of the project is the development level of longwall operations to reduce coal dust. Moreover, a more accurate monitoring equipment to alleviate this problem is very effective. Set up monitoring equipment usually four to six feet face angle to maximize the drum to avoid interference. Concentration monitoring and no-screen display in the show from 1950 to 1960 at this stage can reduce operator exposure to coal dust China.

自从1969年联邦煤矿健康和安全行为通过,矿务局一直积极研究煤尘的吸入。直到数年前,主要研究计划是发展和完善防尘的新技术,减少矿工吸入灰尘和连续开采方法等方面。由于矿务局、煤矿安全和健康管理局(MSHA)的努力,煤炭工业在降低尘埃方面取得了重大进展, 已经由1969年为500毫克/立方米下降现在不到2毫克/立方米。这些东西多少反映了近年来MSHA发表帮助的数量。根据数据表明,目前至少95个矿业和传统各部门一直在遵守联邦煤矿健康和安全行为。
虽然这是一个了不起的成就,但是几种采矿类型主要是用长壁开采方法,很难继续遵守现有的2毫克/立方米的联邦标准。一般情况下,超过50%的长壁超过了标准,其中约三分之二的部分采用双滚筒割煤。 因此,在过去几年中,吸入煤尘的重点问题已经由长壁煤尘问题转向更多地利用这一方法开采。 这种趋势是因为需要提高生产力,满足不断增加的煤炭需求。除非制定和实施有效的控制粉尘,否则人们将意识不到这一有潜力的和高效采煤方法的煤尘问题。矿务局的研究成功表明成本效益工程确实是发展水平长壁减少煤尘作业。 此外,更准确的监测设备缓解这个问题是非常有效的。监测设备通常设置4至6英尺面对角从而最大限度地避免滚筒的干扰。浓度监测与无屏显示表明在1950年至1960年这一阶段可以减少操作员暴露在煤尘中。