

放大镜模具的设计与制造,标准word格式排版 26页 附装配图.dwg 动模型腔.dwg 顶杆固定板.dwg 定模型腔.dwg 定模座板.dwg 放大镜(零件草图).dwg 支承板.dwg 定模型腔固定板.dwg 垫块.dwg 型芯.dwg 导套.dwg 复位杆.dwg 推料杆.dwg 导柱.dwg中文摘要注塑模具是在成型中赋予塑料以形状和尺...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文



原文档由会员 liuqiaoyan 发布

标准WORD格式排版 26页 附装配图.dwg 动模型腔.dwg 顶杆固定板.dwg 定模型腔.dwg 定模座板.dwg 放大镜(零件草图).dwg 支承板.dwg 定模型腔固定板.dwg 垫块.dwg 型芯.dwg 导套.dwg 复位杆.dwg 推料杆.dwg 导柱.dwg






关键词 主流道 冷料穴 浇口 型腔 型芯


Injection mold is given in the plastic molding to the shape and size of parts. Although the structure of mold species and performance of plastics, plastic products, as well as the shape and structure of the type of injection molding machine may be different from the ever-changing, but the basic structure is the same. Mainly by die casting systems, and structural components forming parts of three parts. Gating system and forming one part in direct contact with the plastic parts and products as plastics and change is the most complex modeling, the biggest change to require smoothness and accuracy of processing some of the highest.

The little magnifying glass on the requirements of the overall size of it, but to a large number of production, to increase productivity, reduce costs, and therefore the use of injection mold production batch. And the product is a magnifying glass to light, so the material used polystyrene (PS) as a material.

For the gating system and forming part of the design; gating system is the plastic nozzle into the cavity from the previous part of the flow channel, including the mainstream Road, cold cave, such as diversion channel and gate. Forming part refers to the shape of a variety of products constitute components, including dynamic simulation, and the cavity mode is scheduled, such as core.

This mode sets the realization of part of the magnifying glass machinery automation, pouring the ordinary flow system to carry out a two-cavity injection mold. Top two from the body core and a top of a putter, dynamic model of sub-cavity cavity cavity model and the set.

Keywords mainstream cold feed gate cavity core hole


中文摘要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 塑件工艺分析 5

1.1中国模具的发展史 5

1.2 分析塑件使用材料的种类及工艺特征 6

1.3 分析塑件的的结构工艺性 7

1.4 塑件精度确定 7

1.5 明确塑件批量生产 7

1.6 根据塑件的形状估算其体积和重量 8

1.7 确定型腔数 8

第二章 确定模具结构方案 9

2.1 确定型腔排列 9

2.2确定分型面 9

2.3 脱模原理 10

2.4 浇注系统形式 10

2.4.1 主流道设计 10

2.4.2 分流道设计 11

2.4.3、浇口设计 11

2.5冷却及加热系统 11

第三章 模具设计的有关计算 13

3.1模具主要零件的有关尺寸设计 13

3.1.1型腔和型芯计算 13

3.2 型腔厚厚度的确定 14

3.3确定零件结构及尺寸 14

3.3.1定模座板设计 15

3.3.2定模型腔固定板设计 16

3.3.3 动模型腔固定板设计 17

3.3.4 支撑板设计设计 17

3.3.5 推杆固定板设计 18

第四章 注塑机的选定 19

4.1计算浇注系统体积 19

4.2注塑机选定 19

第五章 校核注射机有关工艺参数 22

5.1最大注塑量参数校核 22

5.2锁模力校核 22

5.3、模具厚度H与注射机闭合高度 23

结论 24

参考文献 25

致谢 26