试题库管理系统设计,论文标准word格式排版共 41页 11117字 附开题报告.doc 实习报告.docppt幻灯片说明与程序设计源程序文件等摘 要随着计算机技术的发展,各行各业中计算机都已经普及,尤其是在学校,考试跟学生的关系是非常密切的,考试的出题也是一个比较麻烦的问题,要花费大量的时间和精力,教师出题工作量大,劳动强度高,而且试题...

原文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
论文标准WORD格式排版共 41页 11117字 附开题报告.doc 实习报告.doc PPT幻灯片说明与程序设计源程序文件等
摘 要
这个试题库管理系统是基于Windows平台,采用了Visual Basic 6.0编程和SQL Server数据库技术。此系统包含试题管理、试卷管理、课程管理、用户管理和帮助这五大功能。为了实系统这些功能,我建立了数据库exam,该数据库共中共包含Users(用户表),Class(课程表),Titles(题型表),Exams(试题表),Papaers(试卷表),QuestionP(试卷题目表)这几个表。能够实现的主要功能有录入试题,查询试题,修改试题,修改/添加/删除用户,课程添加/删除,题型添加/删除,修改密码,自动组卷等。另外根据用户的权限不同,可以访问不同的模块。其中系统管理员可以管理各个用户,而科目教师只能管理所授科目的所有信息不能越权操作。
【关键字】试题库 试卷管理 试题库管理系统
Along with the computer technology development, in all the various trades and occupations the computer all already popularized, in the school, took a test with student's relations was extremely close in particular, the test set the topic of a composition also is a quite troublesome question, had to spend the massive time and the energy, the teacher sets the topic of a composition the work load to be big, the labor intensity was high, moreover the test question preservation also compared occupies the place, moreover the test question many has also appeared chaotically, based on above these considerations, in order to solve the test test question multiplicity, randomness and the above some questions, the teacher had a set to try the question bank management system management system is extremely essential. Should try the question bank management system management system to be possible to abandon the traditional test question the manual reorganization trouble, moreover may reduce the energy and the time which sets the topic of a composition.
This tries the question bank management system management system is based on the Windows platform, has used Visual the Basic 6.0 programming and SQL the Server data bank technology. This system contains the test question management, the examination paper management, the curriculum manages, the user manages and helps these five big functions. For real system these functions, I have established database exam, this database altogether Chinese Communist Party contains Users (user table), Class (class schedule),Titles (topic table),Exams (test question table),Papaers (examination paper table),QuestionP (examination paper topic table) these tables. Can realize the main function has the input test question, inquires the test question, revises the test question, the revision/Increase/The deletion user, the curriculum increases/Deletion, topic increase/Deletion, revision password, automatic group volume and so on. Moreover the basis user's jurisdiction is different, may visit the different module. The in which system manager may manage each user, but the subject teacher only can the administration center give the subject all informations not to be able to exceed authority to operate.
【Keywords】 the question bank the examination paper management
question bank management system
目 录
摘 要 1
第一章 前 言 4
第二章 系统分析 5
2.1 可行性分析 5
2.2 需求分析 5
2.3 设计工具简介6
第三章 系统设计 8
3.1.1登陆模块 9
3.1.2试题管理模块 10
3.1.3题型设置模块 11
3.1.4查询试题模块 11
3.1.5试卷管理模块 12
3.1.6课程设置模块 13
3.1.7用户管理模块 14
3.1.8帮助模块 14
结束语 16
致谢 16
参考文献 16
附程序源码 17
摘 要
这个试题库管理系统是基于Windows平台,采用了Visual Basic 6.0编程和SQL Server数据库技术。此系统包含试题管理、试卷管理、课程管理、用户管理和帮助这五大功能。为了实系统这些功能,我建立了数据库exam,该数据库共中共包含Users(用户表),Class(课程表),Titles(题型表),Exams(试题表),Papaers(试卷表),QuestionP(试卷题目表)这几个表。能够实现的主要功能有录入试题,查询试题,修改试题,修改/添加/删除用户,课程添加/删除,题型添加/删除,修改密码,自动组卷等。另外根据用户的权限不同,可以访问不同的模块。其中系统管理员可以管理各个用户,而科目教师只能管理所授科目的所有信息不能越权操作。
【关键字】试题库 试卷管理 试题库管理系统
Along with the computer technology development, in all the various trades and occupations the computer all already popularized, in the school, took a test with student's relations was extremely close in particular, the test set the topic of a composition also is a quite troublesome question, had to spend the massive time and the energy, the teacher sets the topic of a composition the work load to be big, the labor intensity was high, moreover the test question preservation also compared occupies the place, moreover the test question many has also appeared chaotically, based on above these considerations, in order to solve the test test question multiplicity, randomness and the above some questions, the teacher had a set to try the question bank management system management system is extremely essential. Should try the question bank management system management system to be possible to abandon the traditional test question the manual reorganization trouble, moreover may reduce the energy and the time which sets the topic of a composition.
This tries the question bank management system management system is based on the Windows platform, has used Visual the Basic 6.0 programming and SQL the Server data bank technology. This system contains the test question management, the examination paper management, the curriculum manages, the user manages and helps these five big functions. For real system these functions, I have established database exam, this database altogether Chinese Communist Party contains Users (user table), Class (class schedule),Titles (topic table),Exams (test question table),Papaers (examination paper table),QuestionP (examination paper topic table) these tables. Can realize the main function has the input test question, inquires the test question, revises the test question, the revision/Increase/The deletion user, the curriculum increases/Deletion, topic increase/Deletion, revision password, automatic group volume and so on. Moreover the basis user's jurisdiction is different, may visit the different module. The in which system manager may manage each user, but the subject teacher only can the administration center give the subject all informations not to be able to exceed authority to operate.
【Keywords】 the question bank the examination paper management
question bank management system
目 录
摘 要 1
第一章 前 言 4
第二章 系统分析 5
2.1 可行性分析 5
2.2 需求分析 5
2.3 设计工具简介6
第三章 系统设计 8
3.1.1登陆模块 9
3.1.2试题管理模块 10
3.1.3题型设置模块 11
3.1.4查询试题模块 11
3.1.5试卷管理模块 12
3.1.6课程设置模块 13
3.1.7用户管理模块 14
3.1.8帮助模块 14
结束语 16
致谢 16
参考文献 16
附程序源码 17