

浅析美国的个人主义与中国的集体主义,contentsabstractikey wordsi摘要ii关键词iiintroduction1i. definitions and explanations of individualism and collectivism3  a. definition and explanation of american i...
分类: 论文>英语论文


此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布


Abstract I
Key Words I
摘要 II
关键词 II
Introduction 1
I. Definitions and Explanations of Individualism and Collectivism 3
  A. Definition and Explanation of American Individualism 3
  B. Definition and Explanation of Chinese Collectivism 5
  C.Chinese Misunderstanding of American Individualism 6
II.Two Setbacks for Chinese Present Development 7
  A. Weak Ability to Innovate in Science and Technology 7
  B. Slow Process in Rule by Law. 8
III. Positive Roles of Individualism 9
  A. Ability to Innovate 9
  B. Rule by Law 11
IV. Chinese Cultural Revival in the Twenty-first Century 12
Conclusion 14
Acknowledgements 15
Bibliography 16


   This paper makes an analysis of the cultural difference between America and China — American individualism and Chinese collectivism from the perspective of prisoners of war and then discusses the importance to foster the spirit of individualism in today’s China when it encounters two setbacks in its reform and development. One of the two setbacks is weak ability to innovate in science and technology and the other is slow process of rule by law. With openness and positive attitude of drawing on other civilizations’ strong points, China would avoid detours in its double social transformations from the type of farming to industry and from industry to information.

Key Words

   prisoners of war (POW); American individualism; Chinese collectivism; innovation in science and technology; rule by law

摘 要
  本文试从战俘的角度分析中美文化的不同 — 美国的个人主义与中国的集体主义,并结合现阶段中国改革发展中出现的科技创新能力弱和法治建设进程缓慢两问题,探讨发扬个人主义精神的重要性。笔者相信在中国进行从农耕社会向工业社会过渡,工业社会向信息社会过渡的双重社会转型过程中,只有以开放和学习的心态积极地借鉴其他文明的优点,中国的改革发展才能少走弯路。

