直接交换共享计算机资源和服务的网络体系结构,全文64页约24000字论述翔实中文摘要p2p(peer to peer) 以字意理解就是“伙伴对伙伴”,是目前日益广泛使用的网络应用技术,或者说是一种日益流行的应用层组网技术。它是一种。gnutella作为一种典型的p2p网络通信协议...

此文档由会员 棉花糖糖 发布
全文64页 约24000字 论述翔实
P2P(Peer To Peer) 以字意理解就是“伙伴对伙伴”,是目前日益广泛使用的网络应用技术,或者说是一种日益流行的应用层组网技术。它是一种直接交换共享计算机资源和服务的网络体系结构。Gnutella作为一种典型的P2P网络通信协议,是没有中心的,具有智能发现节点、完全分布式的特点,它能够使网络具有很强的健壮性。
关键词:P2P,Gnutella,BearShare, LimeWire,倾向性
P2P (Peer To Peer), literally means "partner to partner," is an increasingly widely used network application, and is also an increasingly popular technology of application layer network. It is an architecture that share resources and provide services directly. Gnutella as a typical protocol of P2P network, is acentric; entirely distributed; and is able to detect hosts automatically which enable the network to be very tough.
To the appropriately study and evaluate a P2P system, hosts’ characteristics and their effect on the entire network should be considered. As lack of exact data of terminals when they are active in the system, there is rarely any analysis on the version of Gnutella.
In this paper, at first there is some introductions about P2P system and Gnutella protocol; then showed the data gathered and software platform; after that is the process of analyses on relations of version and topology architecture, it’s found there is some inclination between different versions; at length, explained something about the integrality of data. This will help ISP to get to know the version of hosts and their effect to the whole network.
Key words: P2P,Gnutella,BearShare, LimeWire,inclination
目 录
中文摘要 1
Abstract 2
第1章 引言及背景 5
1.1 P2P概述 5
1.1.1 什么是P2P 5
1.1.2 P2P的基本原理 5
1.2 P2P的分类 6
1.2.1 集中式P2P 6
1.2.2 纯分布式P2P 7
1.3 P2P的发展历程 7
1.4 P2P能做什么 9
1.4.1 对等计算 9
1.4.2 协同工作 10
1.4.3 搜索引擎 10
1.4.4 文件交换 10
第2章 有关Gnutella协议 12
2.1 Gnutella协议的产生 12
2.2 Gnutella介绍 12
2.3 Gnutella的基本原理 14
2.4 Gnutella中文协议 15
2.4.1 协议定义: 16
2.4.2 Gnutella网络的消息机制 18
第3章 Crawler及数据说明 20
3.1 什么是Crawler 20
3.2 有关数据的说明 20
第4章 分析平台及软件版本 22
4.1 分析平台MySQL 22
4.2 版本信息整理 22
4.2.1 导入数据 22
4.2.2 查询版本 23
4.3 版本介绍 25
4.3.1 BearShare 25
4.3.2 LimeWire 26
第5章 数据分析过程 28
5.1 不同版本连接节点数目的查询 28
5.2 版本于拓扑关系的分析过程 29
5.2.1 取样观察 29
5.2.2 批量整理数据 33
5.3 对版本分析的统计 37
第6章 数据完备性的说明及结论 40
6.1 有关数据的一些的说明 40
6.1.1 关于数据的完备性 40
6.1.2 有关版本占有量对统计的影响 41
6.2 结论 41
参考文献 43
外文原文 45
外文翻译 57
[13] Mapping the Gnutella Network: Macroscopic Properties of Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Systems, Matei Ripeanu, Ian Foster {matei, foster}@cs.uchicago.edu
[14] Crawling Gnutella: Lessons Learned, David G. Deschenes, Scott D. Weber, and Brian D. Davison,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Lehigh University,19 Memorial Drive West, Bethlehem, PA 18015
[15] Gnutella Protocal
[16] MySQL manual 5.0
[17] MySQL技术支持
[18] Semantic Overlay Networks for P2P Systems,Arturo Crespo and Hector Garcia-Molina,Google Technologies Inc., Stanford University
全文64页 约24000字 论述翔实
P2P(Peer To Peer) 以字意理解就是“伙伴对伙伴”,是目前日益广泛使用的网络应用技术,或者说是一种日益流行的应用层组网技术。它是一种直接交换共享计算机资源和服务的网络体系结构。Gnutella作为一种典型的P2P网络通信协议,是没有中心的,具有智能发现节点、完全分布式的特点,它能够使网络具有很强的健壮性。
关键词:P2P,Gnutella,BearShare, LimeWire,倾向性
P2P (Peer To Peer), literally means "partner to partner," is an increasingly widely used network application, and is also an increasingly popular technology of application layer network. It is an architecture that share resources and provide services directly. Gnutella as a typical protocol of P2P network, is acentric; entirely distributed; and is able to detect hosts automatically which enable the network to be very tough.
To the appropriately study and evaluate a P2P system, hosts’ characteristics and their effect on the entire network should be considered. As lack of exact data of terminals when they are active in the system, there is rarely any analysis on the version of Gnutella.
In this paper, at first there is some introductions about P2P system and Gnutella protocol; then showed the data gathered and software platform; after that is the process of analyses on relations of version and topology architecture, it’s found there is some inclination between different versions; at length, explained something about the integrality of data. This will help ISP to get to know the version of hosts and their effect to the whole network.
Key words: P2P,Gnutella,BearShare, LimeWire,inclination
目 录
中文摘要 1
Abstract 2
第1章 引言及背景 5
1.1 P2P概述 5
1.1.1 什么是P2P 5
1.1.2 P2P的基本原理 5
1.2 P2P的分类 6
1.2.1 集中式P2P 6
1.2.2 纯分布式P2P 7
1.3 P2P的发展历程 7
1.4 P2P能做什么 9
1.4.1 对等计算 9
1.4.2 协同工作 10
1.4.3 搜索引擎 10
1.4.4 文件交换 10
第2章 有关Gnutella协议 12
2.1 Gnutella协议的产生 12
2.2 Gnutella介绍 12
2.3 Gnutella的基本原理 14
2.4 Gnutella中文协议 15
2.4.1 协议定义: 16
2.4.2 Gnutella网络的消息机制 18
第3章 Crawler及数据说明 20
3.1 什么是Crawler 20
3.2 有关数据的说明 20
第4章 分析平台及软件版本 22
4.1 分析平台MySQL 22
4.2 版本信息整理 22
4.2.1 导入数据 22
4.2.2 查询版本 23
4.3 版本介绍 25
4.3.1 BearShare 25
4.3.2 LimeWire 26
第5章 数据分析过程 28
5.1 不同版本连接节点数目的查询 28
5.2 版本于拓扑关系的分析过程 29
5.2.1 取样观察 29
5.2.2 批量整理数据 33
5.3 对版本分析的统计 37
第6章 数据完备性的说明及结论 40
6.1 有关数据的一些的说明 40
6.1.1 关于数据的完备性 40
6.1.2 有关版本占有量对统计的影响 41
6.2 结论 41
参考文献 43
外文原文 45
外文翻译 57
[13] Mapping the Gnutella Network: Macroscopic Properties of Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Systems, Matei Ripeanu, Ian Foster {matei, foster}@cs.uchicago.edu
[14] Crawling Gnutella: Lessons Learned, David G. Deschenes, Scott D. Weber, and Brian D. Davison,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Lehigh University,19 Memorial Drive West, Bethlehem, PA 18015
[15] Gnutella Protocal
[16] MySQL manual 5.0
[17] MySQL技术支持
[18] Semantic Overlay Networks for P2P Systems,Arturo Crespo and Hector Garcia-Molina,Google Technologies Inc., Stanford University