
此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
摘 要
本文着重论述了购物网站的实现与设计过程。在系统的设计与开发过程中严格遵守软件工程的规范,详细得从经济技术以及操作方面进行了可行性分析,并且运用软件设计模式,从而减少系统模块间的偶合,力求做到系统的稳定性、可重用性和可扩充性。针对要设计的文静电子商城网站的购物车模块,基于ASP.NET框架,后台运用SQL SERVER 2005数据库。
关键词:ASP.NET 技术;SQL SERVER 2005;购物车;商品管理;订单管理
With the progress of electronic technology, shopping is no single reality, e-commerce shopping on shopping and buying goods become daily a main form. Electronic commerce form of online shop is efficient, quick, information flow characteristics, still can greatly reduce cost of sales.
This paper discusses the realization of shopping website design and process. In system design and development process strictly abide by the software engineering specifications, using the software design patterns, thereby reducing the coupling between the system module, the stability of the system and the reusability and extensibility.
In this paper, to design the e-mall web site shopping cart module, front the use of ASP.NET technology, the background using SQL SERVER 2005 database.
The main issue to E-Mall shopping cart module that enables customers to browse merchandise and the user login page registration, users bring their products into the shopping cart, and the right to modify shopping cart of goods, add and delete shopping cart of goods, and changes in the quantity of goods shopping cart to finalize after the submission of orders, orders and customer money managers in accordance with the situation to determine whether shipments, and then fill in the background has been shipped, as well as the administrator's background management, including registered users account management, such as modify, delete and so on.
Keywords: ASP.NET; SQL SERVER 2005;Shopping cart; merchandise management; order management
序 言 1
一、系统使用技术概述 4
1..NET技术 4
2. ASP.NET技术 7
3.SQL SERVER 2000数据库概述 9
4.数据库技术概述 10
5.SQL SERVER 2005数据库概述 10
6.Dreamweaver 11
二、 电子商务网站分析 12
1可行性分析 12
2.网站结构方案论证 13
3.需求分析 14
三、 电子商务网站总体设计 18
1.系统的设计思想 18
2.系统功能模块图 18
3.数据库概念模型设计 20
四、 电子商务网站详细设计 23
1.数据库表的设计 23
2.数据库物理设计 25
3.系统运行环境 26
4.系统实现设计 26
5.程序的调试 34
五、结论与建议 35
参考文献 36
[1] 彭程等主编.亚马逊营销:挑战传统网络营销典范[M].北京:中国经济出版社,2003.220-280
[2] 魏善沛.电子商务网站开发与实现[M].北京:高等教育出版社 ,2004.
[3] Amram, M., Kulatilaka, N., Real Options: Managing Strategic Investments in an Uncertain World[M], Harvard Business School Press,1999.
[4] 克里希纳默西,李北平,等. 电子商务管理:课文和案例[M],北京大学出版社,2005,3.
[5] 中国电子商务协会, 国际电子商务程序设计教程[M].北京:人民邮电出版社, 2004.
本文着重论述了购物网站的实现与设计过程。在系统的设计与开发过程中严格遵守软件工程的规范,详细得从经济技术以及操作方面进行了可行性分析,并且运用软件设计模式,从而减少系统模块间的偶合,力求做到系统的稳定性、可重用性和可扩充性。针对要设计的文静电子商城网站的购物车模块,基于ASP.NET框架,后台运用SQL SERVER 2005数据库。
关键词:ASP.NET 技术;SQL SERVER 2005;购物车;商品管理;订单管理
With the progress of electronic technology, shopping is no single reality, e-commerce shopping on shopping and buying goods become daily a main form. Electronic commerce form of online shop is efficient, quick, information flow characteristics, still can greatly reduce cost of sales.
This paper discusses the realization of shopping website design and process. In system design and development process strictly abide by the software engineering specifications, using the software design patterns, thereby reducing the coupling between the system module, the stability of the system and the reusability and extensibility.
In this paper, to design the e-mall web site shopping cart module, front the use of ASP.NET technology, the background using SQL SERVER 2005 database.
The main issue to E-Mall shopping cart module that enables customers to browse merchandise and the user login page registration, users bring their products into the shopping cart, and the right to modify shopping cart of goods, add and delete shopping cart of goods, and changes in the quantity of goods shopping cart to finalize after the submission of orders, orders and customer money managers in accordance with the situation to determine whether shipments, and then fill in the background has been shipped, as well as the administrator's background management, including registered users account management, such as modify, delete and so on.
Keywords: ASP.NET; SQL SERVER 2005;Shopping cart; merchandise management; order management
序 言 1
一、系统使用技术概述 4
1..NET技术 4
2. ASP.NET技术 7
3.SQL SERVER 2000数据库概述 9
4.数据库技术概述 10
5.SQL SERVER 2005数据库概述 10
6.Dreamweaver 11
二、 电子商务网站分析 12
1可行性分析 12
2.网站结构方案论证 13
3.需求分析 14
三、 电子商务网站总体设计 18
1.系统的设计思想 18
2.系统功能模块图 18
3.数据库概念模型设计 20
四、 电子商务网站详细设计 23
1.数据库表的设计 23
2.数据库物理设计 25
3.系统运行环境 26
4.系统实现设计 26
5.程序的调试 34
五、结论与建议 35
参考文献 36
[1] 彭程等主编.亚马逊营销:挑战传统网络营销典范[M].北京:中国经济出版社,2003.220-280
[2] 魏善沛.电子商务网站开发与实现[M].北京:高等教育出版社 ,2004.
[3] Amram, M., Kulatilaka, N., Real Options: Managing Strategic Investments in an Uncertain World[M], Harvard Business School Press,1999.
[4] 克里希纳默西,李北平,等. 电子商务管理:课文和案例[M],北京大学出版社,2005,3.
[5] 中国电子商务协会, 国际电子商务程序设计教程[M].北京:人民邮电出版社, 2004.