美国贸易保护及我国对策,页数 8 字数 9300摘要:中美两国在历史上没有大的直接侵略,两国政治经济交往中不存在历史包袱。自中美建交以来两国经贸交往发展迅速,美国已成为中国的第一大出口市场。自小布什总统上任以来美国经济发展趋缓,在贸易政策上趋向保护主义,中美间贸易摩擦增多,对中国企业造成很大损害。中国入世协定书中第15条...

此文档由会员 张阳阳 发布
页数 8 字数 9300
Abstract: China and America are peaceful in history, and they have great wish to develop the relationship in economy and politics. The relationship between China and America is developing quickly since they founded diplomatic relation in 1979, and America has become the biggest export market to china now. The speed of America in economic development become slow in nearly years, and they want to protect the native industry in the field of the foreign trade, so the trade rub is more than before, and it make great damage to the Chinese corporations. The purpose of the paper is by the way of tracing the history to find the course of the foreign trade protecting in America and the way to reduce the damage to the Chinese corporations.
Key words: Foreign trade protecting; non-market economy; Anti-dumping
社会科学院美国研究所专家组 美国贸易政策评估报告(二零零四年一月)
丁斗 《中美逆差•贸易摩擦•选票政治》 《南方周末》2003年12月25日 李天德 《当前世界经济基本形势与我国对策》 《世界经济导刊》2004年4月第四期
谢思佳 《国际贸易壁垒三大关键词》 《国际商报》2003年11月第11期
黄维梁 《非市场经济到底是怎么回事》 《中国与WTO 》2004年1月第一期
页数 8 字数 9300
Abstract: China and America are peaceful in history, and they have great wish to develop the relationship in economy and politics. The relationship between China and America is developing quickly since they founded diplomatic relation in 1979, and America has become the biggest export market to china now. The speed of America in economic development become slow in nearly years, and they want to protect the native industry in the field of the foreign trade, so the trade rub is more than before, and it make great damage to the Chinese corporations. The purpose of the paper is by the way of tracing the history to find the course of the foreign trade protecting in America and the way to reduce the damage to the Chinese corporations.
Key words: Foreign trade protecting; non-market economy; Anti-dumping
社会科学院美国研究所专家组 美国贸易政策评估报告(二零零四年一月)
丁斗 《中美逆差•贸易摩擦•选票政治》 《南方周末》2003年12月25日 李天德 《当前世界经济基本形势与我国对策》 《世界经济导刊》2004年4月第四期
谢思佳 《国际贸易壁垒三大关键词》 《国际商报》2003年11月第11期
黄维梁 《非市场经济到底是怎么回事》 《中国与WTO 》2004年1月第一期