行政行为公定力与妨害公务,全文12页 约10000字论述翔实 内容摘要 几近二十年发展,行政行为公定力理论,始终未脱离国内行政法学者视野。然对于这个舶来品,学界一直有两种倾向:一是在理论移植和自构的关系上倚重移植,二是在原理和技术的关系上偏于原理叙述。其实,该理论不仅可以得到重解,在价值规范上与民主政制达成契合,而且...
此文档由会员 花季永驻 发布
全文12页 约10000字 论述翔实
The theory for presumed validity of administrative action has never deviated from the administrative law scholars‘ vision field during the past twenty years’ development. However, as regards this imported theory, there have always been two trends among the academics. One is reliance on transplantation in terms of the relationship between transplantation and self-construction. The other is emphasis on principles in terms of the relationship between principles and techniques. Actually, on the value norm, this theory could be renarrated to fit the democratic polity. On the technical norm, its claim that to defy the administrative action with presumed validity may commit the interference with public function could also be supported by the element theory of the action of interference with public function in the criminal law. Therefore, to get rid of the reliance on transplantation and the negligence of technical norms is not only an inevitable road for the rebirth of this theory, but also a direction of further efforts even if we decide to abandon this theory.
Key words:dministrative action, presumed validity of administrative action, interference of public function, transplantation and self-construction
[34] 行政许可,如建筑许可影响相邻权、规划许可涉及房产开发商与业主间的权利义务等;行政确认,如房产登记、专利权确认等影响权利归属,交通事故责任认定、火灾原因鉴定或认定及事故责任认定、医疗事故鉴定等影响责任分配;行政命令,如公安局命令某宾馆安装其指定的电子门锁影响了宾馆与某公司早先签订的安装门锁协议的履行;行政处罚,如责令停产停业影响合同的履行。
[35] 相关的司法解释,参见《最高人民法院关于适用若干问题的意见》第48条,“当事人之间的纠纷经仲裁机构仲裁或者经人民调解委员会调解,当事人不服仲裁或调解向人民法院提起诉讼的,应以对方当事人为被告。”《最高人民法院关于劳动仲裁委员会逾期不作出仲裁裁决或者作出不予受理通知的劳动争议案件人民法院应否受理的批复》(法释(1998)24号),“劳动争议案件经劳动争议仲裁委员会仲裁是提起诉讼的必经程序。劳动争议仲裁委员会逾期不作出仲裁裁决或者作出不予受理的决定,当事人不服向人民法院提起行政诉讼的,人民法院不予受理;当事人不服劳动争议仲裁委员会作出的劳动争议仲裁裁决,可以向人民法院提起民事诉讼。”
[36] 参见《最高人民法院、公安部关于处理道路交通事故案件有关问题的通知》、《最高人民法院关于对医疗事故争议案件人民法院应否受理的复函》(1989年10月10日,法(行)函〔1989〕63号)。
[37] 参见王贵松主编:《行政与民事争议交织的难题——焦作房产纠纷案的反思与展开》,法律出版社2005年。
全文12页 约10000字 论述翔实
The theory for presumed validity of administrative action has never deviated from the administrative law scholars‘ vision field during the past twenty years’ development. However, as regards this imported theory, there have always been two trends among the academics. One is reliance on transplantation in terms of the relationship between transplantation and self-construction. The other is emphasis on principles in terms of the relationship between principles and techniques. Actually, on the value norm, this theory could be renarrated to fit the democratic polity. On the technical norm, its claim that to defy the administrative action with presumed validity may commit the interference with public function could also be supported by the element theory of the action of interference with public function in the criminal law. Therefore, to get rid of the reliance on transplantation and the negligence of technical norms is not only an inevitable road for the rebirth of this theory, but also a direction of further efforts even if we decide to abandon this theory.
Key words:dministrative action, presumed validity of administrative action, interference of public function, transplantation and self-construction
[34] 行政许可,如建筑许可影响相邻权、规划许可涉及房产开发商与业主间的权利义务等;行政确认,如房产登记、专利权确认等影响权利归属,交通事故责任认定、火灾原因鉴定或认定及事故责任认定、医疗事故鉴定等影响责任分配;行政命令,如公安局命令某宾馆安装其指定的电子门锁影响了宾馆与某公司早先签订的安装门锁协议的履行;行政处罚,如责令停产停业影响合同的履行。
[35] 相关的司法解释,参见《最高人民法院关于适用若干问题的意见》第48条,“当事人之间的纠纷经仲裁机构仲裁或者经人民调解委员会调解,当事人不服仲裁或调解向人民法院提起诉讼的,应以对方当事人为被告。”《最高人民法院关于劳动仲裁委员会逾期不作出仲裁裁决或者作出不予受理通知的劳动争议案件人民法院应否受理的批复》(法释(1998)24号),“劳动争议案件经劳动争议仲裁委员会仲裁是提起诉讼的必经程序。劳动争议仲裁委员会逾期不作出仲裁裁决或者作出不予受理的决定,当事人不服向人民法院提起行政诉讼的,人民法院不予受理;当事人不服劳动争议仲裁委员会作出的劳动争议仲裁裁决,可以向人民法院提起民事诉讼。”
[36] 参见《最高人民法院、公安部关于处理道路交通事故案件有关问题的通知》、《最高人民法院关于对医疗事故争议案件人民法院应否受理的复函》(1989年10月10日,法(行)函〔1989〕63号)。
[37] 参见王贵松主编:《行政与民事争议交织的难题——焦作房产纠纷案的反思与展开》,法律出版社2005年。