低压配电网理论线损分析计算 本科论文.doc


低压配电网理论线损分析计算 本科论文,摘要摘要:本文所分析的配电网理论线损计算,主要是针对0.4kv配电网进行理论线损计算。0.4kv配电网主要包括低压配电线路和计量装置等。由于计量装置的数据较难收集,因此本文只计算配电线路上的损耗。低压配电网结构比较复杂,分支线路多,负荷性质复杂,历史资料不全,而且配电网规模大,相关电网参数计算难度大,用传统的0.4kv...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文


此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布



The Analysis And Calculation Of line Loss In Low-voltage Distribution Network
In this paper, the distribution network of line loss calculation, mainly the distribution network of 0.4 kV line loss calculation ,it was more mainly part and included distribution lines and so on. As measurement devices more difficult to collect the data, this paper only on the calculation of the distribution line loss.
The 0.4kV distribution networks structure were more complicate,and had many branches,many kinds of loads,historical data were not whole,big network and network parameterswere difficult to calculate. Using traditional method need more technique data and historical data to calculate,calculating was great capacity,and the process of calculating was complication,it was not easy to calculate in the actual application. Therefore, the paper equivalent of resistance used is the Summary of power distribution transformers and residential users table to calculate low-voltage electricity distribution network equivalent resistance.
This paper analyses the current domestic and international distribution network line loss calculation of the status quo and development trend, a more specific analysis of the current maturity of several fitness 0.4 kV distribution network of line loss calculation method, through its integrated features, made suitable for 0.4kV distribution network line loss calculation method to study the theory of distribution lines along the selected line loss of parameters.
Finally, use of Delphi programming software calculate the low-voltage distribution lines line loss size, and gives the results.

Key words: Power Distribution Network,Calculation of the Energy Losses,Parameter Calibration,Calculation Method Software

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 配电网理论线损分析的目的和意义 1
1.1.1 分析的目的 1
1.1.2 分析的意义 1
1.2 配电网线损计算分析现状 2
1.2.1 配电网的特点 2
1.2.2 配电网线损计算的范围 3
1.2.3 分析现状 4
1.3 本文的主要工作 4
第2章 配电网理论线损计算的基础 6
2.1 线损的构成和分类 6
2.2 配电网络元件的损耗计算 6
2.2.1 低压配电线路损失电量的计算 7
2.2.2 接户线损失电量的计算 8
2.2.3 电度表及其它仪表设备损失电量的计算 9
2.3 线损计算代表日的选取 9
第3章 低压配电网理论线损计算方法 11
3.1 配电网理论线损计算的含义 11
3.2 传统的配电网理论线损计算方法分析 11
3.2.1 电压损失法 11
3.2.2 等值电阻法 12
3.2.3 等值电阻法分析 13
3.3 本文计算方法 14
3.3.1 等值电阻法的损耗计算方法 14
3.3.2 本文等值电阻法分析 16
3.4 线损影响因素 16
第4章 理论线损计算系统软件 17
4.1 程序设计基本思路 17
4.1.1 面向对象技术 17
4.1.2 程序项目组织 18
4.2 程序结构分析 19
4.3 程序具体实现过程 20
4.4 结论 23
第5章 配电网理论线损计算实例 24
5.1 配电网线损计算需要的原始数据 24
5.2 0.4kV理论线损计算具体算例 24
结 论 27

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