delphi程序电脑培训mis设计(附源程序),资源包括:正文doc格式共33页 11024字附任务书.doc开题报告.doc程序设计源文件摘 要随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现管理企业势在必行, 计算机作为知识经济时代的产物,已被广泛应用于社会各个行业和领域. 对电脑培训学校而言,全面开发和应用计算机管理信息系统就是近期不能回...

原文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
资源包括:正文DOC格式共33页 11024字 附任务书.doc 开题报告.doc 程序设计源文件
摘 要
随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现管理企业势在必行, 计算机作为知识经济时代的产物,已被广泛应用于社会各个行业和领域. 对电脑培训学校而言,全面开发和应用计算机管理信息系统就是近期不能回避的问题。该软件针对电脑培训学校,以解决业务管理为核心,帮助这些学校建立明晰的作业流程和审核机制,增强学校成本分析能力。该系统还能帮助培训学校为学生提供及时、准确和全面的服务,最大限度地实现资源的合理利用,以期达到效率最高化,利润最大化。
该软件运用Delphi7.0为开发工具,以方便实用的Access为数据库平台,Socket实现系统的分布式应用,在使用过程中,用户可以使用Bland公司提供的Socket Server作为后台支持程序,来提供分布式访问。该软件在开发时较好的考虑了网络流量问题,在数据提交处理过程中运用本地数据库作为临时表存数据,然后一次性提交数据,这样减少了数据传转的次数,提高了网络传输的效率。该软件有较高的性能与友好的用户界面,相信用户对此会相当满意。
关键字:管理系统;数据流程 ;数据字典
Fly technically along with the calculator to develop soon, the calculator is in business enterprise manage applied universality, make use of the calculator realization management business enterprise power at go necessarily, the calculator be knowledge-based economy for ages of outcome, have already is been apply in the social each profession and realms extensively. Train the school but speech to the computer, overall development and application calculator management the problem that the information system is in the near future and can't get around. That software aims at the computer training school, taking solving the business management as the core, helping these schools to build up the clear in meaning homework process and examine the mechanism, the school cost analysis ability. That system can still help to train the school to pursue studies to living to provide in time, accurate and overall service, carry out the reasonable exploitation of the resources with maximum limit, attain the efficiency with the period tallest turn, the profits maximize.
The computer training school need to be store and manage different from the educational administration information, to handle a great deal of importation, modification, search the information, that software can resolve that problem, and can display all information clearly, and provide the governor with the legal power, provide managing person's search of student information, teaching material that a great deal of student and schools provide. According to the demand of different topic that data manage, be divided into the four greatest sub- systems :Solicit students to manage the system, the educational administration management system, the teaching material management system, data management system.
In order to develop the tool, that software usage Delphi7.0 take convenient practical Access as the database terrace, the Socket carries out the distribute type application of the system, in use process, the customer can use the Socket Server that company of Bland provide to be used as the backstage support procedure, provide the distribute type interview. That software while develop compare the good consideration the network discharge problem, make use of the native database to be used as the temporary form to save the data in data hand over handle process, then a sex hand over the data, the number of times that reduced the data to spread to turn thus, raised the efficiency that network deliver .That software contain higher function and the customer interface of the amities, believing the customer to will be satisfied with very to this.
Key words: management system; the data process; data dictionary
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出 1
1.2 用户需求分析 2
1.3 编程语言的选择 2
1.4 数据库的选择 3
2 系统分析与设计 4
2.1系统目标设计 4
2.2系统的需求 4
2.3开发设计思想 4
2.4系统的功能分析 5
2.5系统特征 5
2.6目标系统要求 6
2.7系统的性能 6
2.8功能模块设计 6
3 数据库设计 10
3.1 数据库基础 10
3.2 数据库系统设计与范式设计 11
3.3 数据库需求分析 13
3.4 数据字典分析 13
4系统功能实现 17
4.1 招生管理子系统编码设计 17
4.1.1 用户登录界面编码设计 17
4.1.2登记新学员编码设计 20
4.1.3科目信息查询编码设计 22
4.1.4发布公告编码设计 24
4.2 数据管理子系统编码设计 25
4.3 服务器系统编码设计 27
5 系统测试 29
5.1 测试目的 29
5.2 测试方法 29
5.3 测试用例 29
6 总结及体会 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33
摘 要
随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现管理企业势在必行, 计算机作为知识经济时代的产物,已被广泛应用于社会各个行业和领域. 对电脑培训学校而言,全面开发和应用计算机管理信息系统就是近期不能回避的问题。该软件针对电脑培训学校,以解决业务管理为核心,帮助这些学校建立明晰的作业流程和审核机制,增强学校成本分析能力。该系统还能帮助培训学校为学生提供及时、准确和全面的服务,最大限度地实现资源的合理利用,以期达到效率最高化,利润最大化。
该软件运用Delphi7.0为开发工具,以方便实用的Access为数据库平台,Socket实现系统的分布式应用,在使用过程中,用户可以使用Bland公司提供的Socket Server作为后台支持程序,来提供分布式访问。该软件在开发时较好的考虑了网络流量问题,在数据提交处理过程中运用本地数据库作为临时表存数据,然后一次性提交数据,这样减少了数据传转的次数,提高了网络传输的效率。该软件有较高的性能与友好的用户界面,相信用户对此会相当满意。
关键字:管理系统;数据流程 ;数据字典
Fly technically along with the calculator to develop soon, the calculator is in business enterprise manage applied universality, make use of the calculator realization management business enterprise power at go necessarily, the calculator be knowledge-based economy for ages of outcome, have already is been apply in the social each profession and realms extensively. Train the school but speech to the computer, overall development and application calculator management the problem that the information system is in the near future and can't get around. That software aims at the computer training school, taking solving the business management as the core, helping these schools to build up the clear in meaning homework process and examine the mechanism, the school cost analysis ability. That system can still help to train the school to pursue studies to living to provide in time, accurate and overall service, carry out the reasonable exploitation of the resources with maximum limit, attain the efficiency with the period tallest turn, the profits maximize.
The computer training school need to be store and manage different from the educational administration information, to handle a great deal of importation, modification, search the information, that software can resolve that problem, and can display all information clearly, and provide the governor with the legal power, provide managing person's search of student information, teaching material that a great deal of student and schools provide. According to the demand of different topic that data manage, be divided into the four greatest sub- systems :Solicit students to manage the system, the educational administration management system, the teaching material management system, data management system.
In order to develop the tool, that software usage Delphi7.0 take convenient practical Access as the database terrace, the Socket carries out the distribute type application of the system, in use process, the customer can use the Socket Server that company of Bland provide to be used as the backstage support procedure, provide the distribute type interview. That software while develop compare the good consideration the network discharge problem, make use of the native database to be used as the temporary form to save the data in data hand over handle process, then a sex hand over the data, the number of times that reduced the data to spread to turn thus, raised the efficiency that network deliver .That software contain higher function and the customer interface of the amities, believing the customer to will be satisfied with very to this.
Key words: management system; the data process; data dictionary
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出 1
1.2 用户需求分析 2
1.3 编程语言的选择 2
1.4 数据库的选择 3
2 系统分析与设计 4
2.1系统目标设计 4
2.2系统的需求 4
2.3开发设计思想 4
2.4系统的功能分析 5
2.5系统特征 5
2.6目标系统要求 6
2.7系统的性能 6
2.8功能模块设计 6
3 数据库设计 10
3.1 数据库基础 10
3.2 数据库系统设计与范式设计 11
3.3 数据库需求分析 13
3.4 数据字典分析 13
4系统功能实现 17
4.1 招生管理子系统编码设计 17
4.1.1 用户登录界面编码设计 17
4.1.2登记新学员编码设计 20
4.1.3科目信息查询编码设计 22
4.1.4发布公告编码设计 24
4.2 数据管理子系统编码设计 25
4.3 服务器系统编码设计 27
5 系统测试 29
5.1 测试目的 29
5.2 测试方法 29
5.3 测试用例 29
6 总结及体会 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33