公交车报站器的设计,论文标准word格式排版 附全套相关程序设计文件摘 要近年来,gps(global positioning system)全球定位系统在各种行业,特别是车辆监控与定位系统的应用中蓬勃发展。随着经济的持续发展,对公交运输也提出更高的要求。随着我国各大城市公交公司的人员精减,目前各公交公司都在每辆公交车上只配备了一个司机,...

原文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
论文标准WORD格式排版 附全套相关程序设计文件
摘 要
近年来,GPS(Global Positioning System)全球定位系统在各种行业,特别是车辆监控与定位系统的应用中蓬勃发展。随着经济的持续发展,对公交运输也提出更高的要求。随着我国各大城市公交公司的人员精减,目前各公交公司都在每辆公交车上只配备了一个司机,进行无人售票。为了公交系统的安全考虑,目前迫切需要智能化、自动化的公交语音报站系统。
Since recent years, GPS (Global Positioning System) has vastly been used and developed in every industry, especially in the vehicle-monitoring and positioning system. With the sustained growing of the economy, the demand to the bus transportation is increasing too. Nowadays the bus company allocates only one driver on every bus because of the cutting of the whole industry. Considering the safe of the bus industry, it urgently needs an intelligent; automate voice-broadcast system for bus transport.
Voice-broadcast equipment for bus in this design gather parameters(such as location, direction, velocity, time) of the bus in real time and then analyze the data the design uses Sunplus MCU as its core, which integrates GPS as part of it. When the bus reaches one location, it takes advantage of the voice function of Sunplus MCU and LED Matrix Screen when it broadcasts and displays the location name, music, ad, note, time and other information automatically. When the signal of GPS being affected by the outer factor, we can handle it by manual operation. In addition, we can make it more humanization by making good use of great wave materials it stores.
This equipment not only provides the service of auto-broadcast, but also guarantees the safe of the bus. It applies the bus as well as the train and the coach. It provides promotional speech and advertisement on the vehicle associate with LED Matrix Screen.
Key words: Automatic bus-stop announcer, GPS, Sunplus MCU
目 录
摘 要怀
目 录III
第一章 绪论1
1.1 公交车报站器近年来国内外的研制状况1
1.2 主要设计内容2
1.3 设计技术指标与参数2
第二章 设计方案及论证4
2.1 公交车报站器的硬件框图4
2.2 公交车报站器工作流程及各部分功能5
2.3 设计方案的可行性分析和预期目标5
第三章 系统硬件设计7
3.1 SPCE061A单片机控制系统设计7
3.1.1 SPCE061A单片机简介7
3.1.2 SPCE061A单片机最小系统设计9
3.1.3 SPCE061A单片机电源设计10
3.2 LED点阵显示电路设计10
3.2.1 LED点阵扫描原理11
3.2.2 SPCE061A实现点阵显示方案11
3.2.3 LED点阵显示电路设计12
3.3 音频输出电路设计14
3.4 键盘电路设计14
3.5 SPR4096模组设计15
3.5.1 SPR4096芯片简介16
3.5.2 SPR4096硬件连接框图16
3.5.3 SPR4096模组电路原理图16
3.6 GPS接收电路设计17
3.6.1 GPS系统组成17
3.6.2 GPS基本工作原理19
3.6.3 GPS器件的选择20
3.6.4 GARMIN GPS 25LP的引脚排列和说明21
3.6.5 GARMIN GPS 25LP的输入输出语句格式23
第四章 系统数据的压缩与处理26
4.1 数据的压缩与预存26
4.2 GPS距离差距的处理与识别28
4.3 公交车运行状态分析与处理28
第五章 系统软件设计30
5.1 系统主程序设计31
5.2 初始化程序设计32
5.3 播放语音程序设计33
5.4 LED点阵显示程序的设计34
5.5 时间的更新与设置程序设计35
5.6 GPS自动报站程序37
5.7 程序清单40
第六章 系统可靠性设计和误差分析43
6.1 系统可靠性设计43
6.2 GPS误差源的分析43
6.3 车辆行进中产生的偏差44
第七章 结论及展望45
附录 电路原理图48
摘 要
近年来,GPS(Global Positioning System)全球定位系统在各种行业,特别是车辆监控与定位系统的应用中蓬勃发展。随着经济的持续发展,对公交运输也提出更高的要求。随着我国各大城市公交公司的人员精减,目前各公交公司都在每辆公交车上只配备了一个司机,进行无人售票。为了公交系统的安全考虑,目前迫切需要智能化、自动化的公交语音报站系统。
Since recent years, GPS (Global Positioning System) has vastly been used and developed in every industry, especially in the vehicle-monitoring and positioning system. With the sustained growing of the economy, the demand to the bus transportation is increasing too. Nowadays the bus company allocates only one driver on every bus because of the cutting of the whole industry. Considering the safe of the bus industry, it urgently needs an intelligent; automate voice-broadcast system for bus transport.
Voice-broadcast equipment for bus in this design gather parameters(such as location, direction, velocity, time) of the bus in real time and then analyze the data the design uses Sunplus MCU as its core, which integrates GPS as part of it. When the bus reaches one location, it takes advantage of the voice function of Sunplus MCU and LED Matrix Screen when it broadcasts and displays the location name, music, ad, note, time and other information automatically. When the signal of GPS being affected by the outer factor, we can handle it by manual operation. In addition, we can make it more humanization by making good use of great wave materials it stores.
This equipment not only provides the service of auto-broadcast, but also guarantees the safe of the bus. It applies the bus as well as the train and the coach. It provides promotional speech and advertisement on the vehicle associate with LED Matrix Screen.
Key words: Automatic bus-stop announcer, GPS, Sunplus MCU
目 录
摘 要怀
目 录III
第一章 绪论1
1.1 公交车报站器近年来国内外的研制状况1
1.2 主要设计内容2
1.3 设计技术指标与参数2
第二章 设计方案及论证4
2.1 公交车报站器的硬件框图4
2.2 公交车报站器工作流程及各部分功能5
2.3 设计方案的可行性分析和预期目标5
第三章 系统硬件设计7
3.1 SPCE061A单片机控制系统设计7
3.1.1 SPCE061A单片机简介7
3.1.2 SPCE061A单片机最小系统设计9
3.1.3 SPCE061A单片机电源设计10
3.2 LED点阵显示电路设计10
3.2.1 LED点阵扫描原理11
3.2.2 SPCE061A实现点阵显示方案11
3.2.3 LED点阵显示电路设计12
3.3 音频输出电路设计14
3.4 键盘电路设计14
3.5 SPR4096模组设计15
3.5.1 SPR4096芯片简介16
3.5.2 SPR4096硬件连接框图16
3.5.3 SPR4096模组电路原理图16
3.6 GPS接收电路设计17
3.6.1 GPS系统组成17
3.6.2 GPS基本工作原理19
3.6.3 GPS器件的选择20
3.6.4 GARMIN GPS 25LP的引脚排列和说明21
3.6.5 GARMIN GPS 25LP的输入输出语句格式23
第四章 系统数据的压缩与处理26
4.1 数据的压缩与预存26
4.2 GPS距离差距的处理与识别28
4.3 公交车运行状态分析与处理28
第五章 系统软件设计30
5.1 系统主程序设计31
5.2 初始化程序设计32
5.3 播放语音程序设计33
5.4 LED点阵显示程序的设计34
5.5 时间的更新与设置程序设计35
5.6 GPS自动报站程序37
5.7 程序清单40
第六章 系统可靠性设计和误差分析43
6.1 系统可靠性设计43
6.2 GPS误差源的分析43
6.3 车辆行进中产生的偏差44
第七章 结论及展望45
附录 电路原理图48