rsa应用现状及应用于文件加密的分析,资源包括:正文doc格式共40页 附相关程序源文件摘 要分析rsa算法的应用现状,论证文件加密应用rsa算法的可行性和意义。设计一套完整实用的rsa文件加密解决方案,具体编码实现。对rsa算法进行研究,从常规rsa算法出发,用c++实现rsa加密算法类库,并在32位windows平台封装成组件。在.net平台引用此组件...

原文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
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¹Ø¼ü´Ê RSA RSAËã·¨ Îļþ¼ÓÃÜ ¼ÓÃ@@ÉÎı¾
Do research about the application area of RSA encryption and reason that RSA can be used for file encryption. Design a RSA file-encrypt solution and complete an application on Microsoft Windows. Design a C++ class based on normal RSA algorithm. And make a DLL module based on the class. Then complete a .Net Framework window-application using that DLL. The application can encrypt any file and decrypt them. The file after encryption can be saved as a text file. And the encryption-keys also can be saved as text.Provide pivotal classes chart, project description, core algorithm flowchart, all source code, and module interfaces document. Do application performance test and record the performance data. Analyze the result then optimize core algorithm and improve the application. Finally, create a practical application using RSA algorithm that can encrypt and decrypt any file. And several modules in the project can be reuse by other applications. For instance, the C++ class can be cross-compiled for handheld devices, the DLL can be referenced by other win32 applications, and the .Net class can be easily referenced by web server applications or web services.
Keywords RSA RSA algorithm file encryption encrypt to text
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1.1 RSAËã·¨½éÉÜÓëÓ¦ÓÃÏÖ×´2
1.2.2 Îļþ¼ÓÃÜʹÓÃRSAµÄÒâÒå4
2.1 ÐèÇó·ÖÎöÓë×ÜÌåÉè¼Æ6
2.1.1 ¹¦ÄÜ·ÖÎö6
2.1.2 ¹¤³Ì·½°¸Ñ¡Ôñ7
2.2 ¸÷²¿·ÖµÄÉè¼ÆÓ뿪·¢8
2.2.1 ʵÏÖRSA¼ÓÃÜËã·¨µÄC++ºËÐÄÀà¿â8
2.2.2 ·â×°C++ºËÐÄÀà¿âµÄDLL×é¼þ18
2.2.3 ÒýÓÃDLLµÄ.NetÀàÓëʵÏÖÎļþ²Ù×÷¹¦ÄܵĴ°ÌåÓ¦ÓóÌÐò19
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3.2 ²âÊÔÊý¾ÝÓë·ÖÎö¸Ä½ø20
3.2.1 ÃÜÔ¿Éú³É²âÊÔ20
3.2.2 Êý¾ÝÊäÈëÊä³ö²âÊÔ23
3.2.3 ¼ÓÃܽâÃܲâÊÔ23
3.2.4 ÐÔÄÜ·ÖÎöÓë¸Ä½øÓÅ»¯26
3.3 ʹÓÃÖйúÓàÊý¶¨Àí27
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¹Ø¼ü´Ê RSA RSAËã·¨ Îļþ¼ÓÃÜ ¼ÓÃ@@ÉÎı¾
Do research about the application area of RSA encryption and reason that RSA can be used for file encryption. Design a RSA file-encrypt solution and complete an application on Microsoft Windows. Design a C++ class based on normal RSA algorithm. And make a DLL module based on the class. Then complete a .Net Framework window-application using that DLL. The application can encrypt any file and decrypt them. The file after encryption can be saved as a text file. And the encryption-keys also can be saved as text.Provide pivotal classes chart, project description, core algorithm flowchart, all source code, and module interfaces document. Do application performance test and record the performance data. Analyze the result then optimize core algorithm and improve the application. Finally, create a practical application using RSA algorithm that can encrypt and decrypt any file. And several modules in the project can be reuse by other applications. For instance, the C++ class can be cross-compiled for handheld devices, the DLL can be referenced by other win32 applications, and the .Net class can be easily referenced by web server applications or web services.
Keywords RSA RSA algorithm file encryption encrypt to text
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1.1 RSAËã·¨½éÉÜÓëÓ¦ÓÃÏÖ×´2
1.2.2 Îļþ¼ÓÃÜʹÓÃRSAµÄÒâÒå4
2.1 ÐèÇó·ÖÎöÓë×ÜÌåÉè¼Æ6
2.1.1 ¹¦ÄÜ·ÖÎö6
2.1.2 ¹¤³Ì·½°¸Ñ¡Ôñ7
2.2 ¸÷²¿·ÖµÄÉè¼ÆÓ뿪·¢8
2.2.1 ʵÏÖRSA¼ÓÃÜËã·¨µÄC++ºËÐÄÀà¿â8
2.2.2 ·â×°C++ºËÐÄÀà¿âµÄDLL×é¼þ18
2.2.3 ÒýÓÃDLLµÄ.NetÀàÓëʵÏÖÎļþ²Ù×÷¹¦ÄܵĴ°ÌåÓ¦ÓóÌÐò19
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3.2 ²âÊÔÊý¾ÝÓë·ÖÎö¸Ä½ø20
3.2.1 ÃÜÔ¿Éú³É²âÊÔ20
3.2.2 Êý¾ÝÊäÈëÊä³ö²âÊÔ23
3.2.3 ¼ÓÃܽâÃܲâÊÔ23
3.2.4 ÐÔÄÜ·ÖÎöÓë¸Ä½øÓÅ»¯26
3.3 ʹÓÃÖйúÓàÊý¶¨Àí27
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