毕业设计foxerp制令管理系统,正文doc格式共62页摘要制造命令(manufacturing order)简称制令,在中国台湾地区很多公司将它简称为工令.我们必须了解工令是制造工作命令的简称,因为在工厂中,除了制造工作以外,还有其他的工作,例如维护工作.设备维护的指令也称为工作命令。在apics辞典中,工作制造命令(work order)被定义为:...

此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
制造命令(manufacturing order)简称制令,在中国台湾地区很多公司将它简称为工令.我们必须了解工令是制造工作命令的简称,因为在工厂中,除了制造工作以外,还有其他的工作,例如维护工作.设备维护的指令也称为工作命令。在APICS辞典中,工作制造命令(work order)被定义为:一个文件、一群文件或一个排程表,记载着对某零件或产品制造某数量的授权。它的同义词包括:工件定单(job order)、制造授权(manufacturing authorization)、生产命令(production order)、工厂定单(shop order)等。因此,工作命令的涵义比制造命令广,制造命令是一种工作命令;工厂命令却不一定是制造命令。在本书所附ERP系统中使用含义较广的工令或工作命令但其意义实为制造命令.因此,在本章后续的叙述中,若看到工令或工作命令,读者可以将它解释成制令或制造命令. 有些企业根据销售预测生产产品,接到定单后直接出货,这种做法称为计划生产(MTS,make to stock).计划生产的企业通常利用销售预测做主生产排程(MPS,masterproduction scheduling),再利用MPS使材料需求规划(MRP,material requirement planning),但并非所有材料都会用到MRP.对于利用MRP做规划的材料而言,MRP会自动建议工令内容,用户可以使用MRP工令开立作业将MRP的建议转为正式工令. 有的企业在接到,客户定单后才进行生产活动,包括采购材料、制造零件、制造完成品等,这种做法称为订单生产(MTO,make to order)。纯定单生产的工厂由于不库存材料或半成品,故可利用MRP将客户订单转成材料、半成品及完成品的采购与制令计划。这时可以使用ERP系统中的MRP工令开立作业及MRP请购订购作业来开出采购定单及制造命令。这种状况可以直接将客户定单建立在MPS中,再用MRP算出材料需求。有些订单生产的企业,为了快速满足客户需求,事先准备好各种可能的材料及半成品,在接到客户订单时迅速进行最后组装工作,以缩短订单交期。这种做法称为订单组装(ATO,assemble to order)。订单组装的工厂有材料及半成品库存但没有完成品库存,在接单后需开出组装制令,并决定该客户订单需领何种材料及半成品以制造出完成品。这种情况可以使用订单转工令单作业开出组装制令。任何企业一定有某些或全部材料不使用MRP做规划,如果某材料未使用MRP,则使用人工工令开立作业直接开出制令。制造命令是生产管理部门发出,而由制造单位执行的。生产管理部门负责生产管理和生产控制工作。所谓生产管理(production management),是指规划、排程、执行并控制将投入材料转变成完成品的过程。所谓生产控制(production control),是指在从取得原材料到运交完成品的整个制造周期中,导正物流方向及调节物流速度的一种机能。生管部门在发出制令后,应立即通知材料部门进行备料工作,这时可使用ERP系统中的工令查料发放作业。在备料之后相关材料库存即转成保留量(allocated inventory)状态,在适当的时间,再实际领出材料、送到制造现场。材料实际领出之后,就不再是保留状态。若备料时间刚好配合制令的开工时间,则在工令查料发放作业之后可立即送交现场,保留量的定义是:已经被指定给某特定制令单但尚未从仓库发放到生产现场的材料数量。一张工令单从产生到消失的过程中包括开立、发放、零料、工作中、完工、结案等状态。
关 键 字
企业资源规划 Enterprise resource plans
制令Make order
管理系统Management system
制造系统Create system
存储过程Memory process
manufacturing system so short order, China Taiwan in many areas it will be referred to as work orders. We must understand the order is to create work orders for short, In factories, in addition to manufacturing, there are other things that For example, maintenance work. equipment maintenance directives, also known as work orders. The APICS Dictionary, manufacturing orders were : the definition of a document, a group of files or a scheduling table recorded a pair of manufacturing parts or products of a certain number of mandates. Its synonyms include : workpiece orders, authorized manufacturers, production orders, factory orders and so on. Therefore, the meaning of work orders than manufacturing orders Canton, manufacturing orders is a work orders; Factory orders is not necessarily create order. The book accompanying the ERP system using the broader definition of work orders or work orders but its significance is to create order. Therefore, In this chapter describes the follow-up, to see if the work orders or work orders, Readers can interpret it into the system or create order. Some enterprises under the sales forecast production products, received export orders directly, This practice, known as planned production. The planned production enterprises typically use sales forecasts master production scheduling. MPS enable re-use material requirements planning, But not all the material will be used MRP. MRP done about the use of the materials planning, MRP will automatically make recommendations for content, Users can make use of the MRP operations would be open MRP formal proposal to work orders. Some enterprises received. Customer orders before production activities, including the procurement of materials, manufacturing parts, manufactured goods, which called production orders. Pure production factory orders is not due to inventory materials or semi-finished products, so they can be used MRP customer orders will turn into materials, semi-finished goods and the procurement system and the scheme. At this time you can use the ERP system MRP work orders to open operations and MRP requisitions ordered operations to open up pr..
制造命令(manufacturing order)简称制令,在中国台湾地区很多公司将它简称为工令.我们必须了解工令是制造工作命令的简称,因为在工厂中,除了制造工作以外,还有其他的工作,例如维护工作.设备维护的指令也称为工作命令。在APICS辞典中,工作制造命令(work order)被定义为:一个文件、一群文件或一个排程表,记载着对某零件或产品制造某数量的授权。它的同义词包括:工件定单(job order)、制造授权(manufacturing authorization)、生产命令(production order)、工厂定单(shop order)等。因此,工作命令的涵义比制造命令广,制造命令是一种工作命令;工厂命令却不一定是制造命令。在本书所附ERP系统中使用含义较广的工令或工作命令但其意义实为制造命令.因此,在本章后续的叙述中,若看到工令或工作命令,读者可以将它解释成制令或制造命令. 有些企业根据销售预测生产产品,接到定单后直接出货,这种做法称为计划生产(MTS,make to stock).计划生产的企业通常利用销售预测做主生产排程(MPS,masterproduction scheduling),再利用MPS使材料需求规划(MRP,material requirement planning),但并非所有材料都会用到MRP.对于利用MRP做规划的材料而言,MRP会自动建议工令内容,用户可以使用MRP工令开立作业将MRP的建议转为正式工令. 有的企业在接到,客户定单后才进行生产活动,包括采购材料、制造零件、制造完成品等,这种做法称为订单生产(MTO,make to order)。纯定单生产的工厂由于不库存材料或半成品,故可利用MRP将客户订单转成材料、半成品及完成品的采购与制令计划。这时可以使用ERP系统中的MRP工令开立作业及MRP请购订购作业来开出采购定单及制造命令。这种状况可以直接将客户定单建立在MPS中,再用MRP算出材料需求。有些订单生产的企业,为了快速满足客户需求,事先准备好各种可能的材料及半成品,在接到客户订单时迅速进行最后组装工作,以缩短订单交期。这种做法称为订单组装(ATO,assemble to order)。订单组装的工厂有材料及半成品库存但没有完成品库存,在接单后需开出组装制令,并决定该客户订单需领何种材料及半成品以制造出完成品。这种情况可以使用订单转工令单作业开出组装制令。任何企业一定有某些或全部材料不使用MRP做规划,如果某材料未使用MRP,则使用人工工令开立作业直接开出制令。制造命令是生产管理部门发出,而由制造单位执行的。生产管理部门负责生产管理和生产控制工作。所谓生产管理(production management),是指规划、排程、执行并控制将投入材料转变成完成品的过程。所谓生产控制(production control),是指在从取得原材料到运交完成品的整个制造周期中,导正物流方向及调节物流速度的一种机能。生管部门在发出制令后,应立即通知材料部门进行备料工作,这时可使用ERP系统中的工令查料发放作业。在备料之后相关材料库存即转成保留量(allocated inventory)状态,在适当的时间,再实际领出材料、送到制造现场。材料实际领出之后,就不再是保留状态。若备料时间刚好配合制令的开工时间,则在工令查料发放作业之后可立即送交现场,保留量的定义是:已经被指定给某特定制令单但尚未从仓库发放到生产现场的材料数量。一张工令单从产生到消失的过程中包括开立、发放、零料、工作中、完工、结案等状态。
关 键 字
企业资源规划 Enterprise resource plans
制令Make order
管理系统Management system
制造系统Create system
存储过程Memory process
manufacturing system so short order, China Taiwan in many areas it will be referred to as work orders. We must understand the order is to create work orders for short, In factories, in addition to manufacturing, there are other things that For example, maintenance work. equipment maintenance directives, also known as work orders. The APICS Dictionary, manufacturing orders were : the definition of a document, a group of files or a scheduling table recorded a pair of manufacturing parts or products of a certain number of mandates. Its synonyms include : workpiece orders, authorized manufacturers, production orders, factory orders and so on. Therefore, the meaning of work orders than manufacturing orders Canton, manufacturing orders is a work orders; Factory orders is not necessarily create order. The book accompanying the ERP system using the broader definition of work orders or work orders but its significance is to create order. Therefore, In this chapter describes the follow-up, to see if the work orders or work orders, Readers can interpret it into the system or create order. Some enterprises under the sales forecast production products, received export orders directly, This practice, known as planned production. The planned production enterprises typically use sales forecasts master production scheduling. MPS enable re-use material requirements planning, But not all the material will be used MRP. MRP done about the use of the materials planning, MRP will automatically make recommendations for content, Users can make use of the MRP operations would be open MRP formal proposal to work orders. Some enterprises received. Customer orders before production activities, including the procurement of materials, manufacturing parts, manufactured goods, which called production orders. Pure production factory orders is not due to inventory materials or semi-finished products, so they can be used MRP customer orders will turn into materials, semi-finished goods and the procurement system and the scheme. At this time you can use the ERP system MRP work orders to open operations and MRP requisitions ordered operations to open up pr..