

分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布


关键字:关系数据库  ADO  数据绑定  用户界面  管理系统

This article main introduction based on B/S structure water and electricity charges on-line inquiry system development and design process. The water and electricity charges and people's life is closely linked, is the people lives one of nice events; In order to let the user promptly understand the water and electricity charges the expense condition, designs to be extremely essential based on the WEB water and electricity charges on-line inquiry system. And speeds up day by day along with the people consumption level increase and the work rhythm, the original traditional water and electricity charges management system management system already was unable to satisfy the user the need, its malpractice day by day was also obvious. The water and electricity charges on-line inquiry as the enhancement working efficiency, the standard control system, the convenience user promptly grasps the important tool which own expense condition and the accurate implementation water and electricity charges pays expenses, more and more receives the user the attention, the on-line inquiry will be the water and electricity charges realization automation management advantageous safeguard.
Through analyzing , choose powerful ASP as the systematic development environment, the backstage supporter adopts ACCESS database to realize. Various target -oriented developing instruments how this text has expounded the fact to utilize ASP to offer, design , develop the systematic course of online enquiries of charges for water and electricity based on WEB according to the design theory of the relation database and target -oriented procedure design method. Among them has mainly finished information of the dormitory , water and electricity quota information and initial inputting , establishment , upgrade , such systematic functions of managements as inquiry , report form are outputted of user's information.
Keywords: Relation Database   ADO  Data Binding  User Interface  Management System

目  录
中文摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 3
1.1 选题背景及意义 3
1.2 体系结构的选择 3
1.3 开发工具选择 4
1.3.1 编程环境的选择 4
1.3.2 关系型数据库管理系统的选择 6
1.4 ADO简介 7
1.4.1 ASP与ADO配合工作 7
1.4.2 ADO的核心组件 8
1.5 数据库系统及理论简介 8
1.5.1 基本术语 8
1.5.2 关系模型 9
1.5.3 规范化理论 9
1.5.4 ACCESS介绍 9
1.6 IIS5.0 概述 10
1.6.1 IIS简介 10
1.6.2 IIS与ASP的结合 11
1.7 动态网页开发工具Dreamweaver MX 简介 11
第二章 可行性研究分析 12
2.1 引言 12
2.2系统可行性分析 12
2.2.1 经济可行性分析 12
2.2.2 技术可行性分析 12
2.2.3 操作可行性分析 13
2.3 结论 13
第三章 需求分析 14
3.1 系统应解决的问题 14
3.2 系统的功能需求 14
3.3 系统数据需求 15
3.4 数据描述和数据定义 16
3.4.1数据库概念结构设计 16
3.4.2 创建数据表 17
3.4.3 数据库访问技术 20
第四章 总体设计 22
4.1 设计说明 22
4.2 概要设计 23
4.3技术实现 24
第五章 详细设计 27
5.1 数据流图 27
5.2网站程序流程图 27
5.2.1用户管理模块流程图 27
5.2.2系统登录模块的流程图 28
5.2.3 学生用户管理模块流程图 29
5.2.4 管理员用户管理模块流程图 29
5.3 具体模块设计 30
5.3.1 页面设计 30
5.3.2 网站常规管理模块的设计 31
5.3.3 系统界面设计 32
第六章 系统测试 37
6.1 测试方案 37
6.1.1 用例设计 37
6.1.2 功能测试 37
6.1.3 性能测试 38
6.1.4 单元测试 39
6.1.5 安全测试 39
6.2 测试用例 40
6.2.1 黑盒测试的测试用例的设计方法 40
6.2.2 白盒测试的测试用例的设计方法 42
6.2.3 测试用例 42
6.3 测试结果 43
第七章 结束语 44
第八章 致谢 45
第九章 参考文献 46
附录部分 47
附录A 外文翻译—原文部分 47
附录B 外文翻译--译文部分 56
附录C ..