delphi程序学生管理系统设计,资源包括标准doc格式正文72页摘 要随着我国教育体制改革的深入进行,教育系统得到了前所未有的发展。学生管理正在逐步迈向管理信息现代化。但是,我国的学生管理信息化水平还处在初级阶段,主要表现在对学生的交费管理、学生的档案管理还是采用原有的人工管理方式。这就造成工作效率低、误差大,也造成了人力、物力、财力资源的浪费。与此...

此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
摘 要
关键词 : 数据库; Delphi 7.0; 学生管理系统
Educate the thorough proceeding that system reform along with our country, educate the system got the unprecedented management is heading in to manage the information modernization. But, our country of student management the information turns the level to still be placed in the stage in entry-level, expressing primarily at hand over to the student fee management, the student's file management adopt still original artificial management way. This make work efficiency low, the error margin is big, also resulted in the manpower, material resources, financial power resources wasted. At the same time, the school is a place to educate the material of the national pillars, whether is in the education, or should walk on the management in the ex- row, but among them manage to a school to revolve again good key. How to increase management, is a current school governor an important lesson for facing.
Each aspect in the times of now, network technique and calculator software technique already and more and more and broadly apply to educate system. The usage calculator management system can not only simplify the traditional management in school mode, making the school manage the personnel can makes use of the internal information in school to charges to student's file, student expediently the proceeding manages completely, the technique of the more important exploitation calculator can be made student the management norm turn, systemizes, the arithmetic figure turn, increases to manage the level, lower the management cost, alleviate the work strength and increases work efficiency, make school with high-efficiency revolve. Calculator technique is in the application in the campus conformance the state of the nation of the our country, realizes the education want to face to the modernization, facing to the future leading thought, is an emollient weapon that student manage the alignment to modernize.
This text introduces the design of this system with realizes process, analyze from the need, essentials design, detailed design to realizes to all follow the thought of the software engineering in a specific way with the design method of the database.
This system guides with the method at the theories that manage the information system what bottom, database technique support descend to complete. Very big use value. It can make current business operation simple, making the student manage the work to move forward to a new level of structure.
Key words : Database ; Delphi 7.0 ; Student management system
目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 开发背景 1
1.2 目的和意义 1
1.3 系统设计思想 2
1.4 现状分析与现状综述 3
1.4.1市场分析 3
1.4.2 本系统所追求的市场 3
1.4.3 市场现状 3
1.4.4 该系统的影响 3
1.4.5 可行性结论 4
1.5 本文的主要工作及结构 4
第2章 哈工大职技学院学生管理系统总体设计 5
2.1 学生管理系统的需求分析 5
2.1.1 可行性分析 5
2.1.2 系统基本情况描述 6
2.1.3 业务流程图 6
2.1.4 数据流程图 7
2.1.5 数据字典 8
2.2 系统模块总体设计 10
2.3 数据库设计 12
2.3.1 数据分析 12
2.3.2 数据库的详细设计 12
2.4 本章小结 16
第3章 学生管理系统实现 17
3.1 学生管理系统开发平台设置 17
3.1.1 开发平台和开发工具简介 17
3.1.2 学生管理系统实现技巧 17
3.2 学生管理系统功能实现 19
3.2.1 系统登录窗口设计 19
3.2.2 系统主界面设计 2..
摘 要
关键词 : 数据库; Delphi 7.0; 学生管理系统
Educate the thorough proceeding that system reform along with our country, educate the system got the unprecedented management is heading in to manage the information modernization. But, our country of student management the information turns the level to still be placed in the stage in entry-level, expressing primarily at hand over to the student fee management, the student's file management adopt still original artificial management way. This make work efficiency low, the error margin is big, also resulted in the manpower, material resources, financial power resources wasted. At the same time, the school is a place to educate the material of the national pillars, whether is in the education, or should walk on the management in the ex- row, but among them manage to a school to revolve again good key. How to increase management, is a current school governor an important lesson for facing.
Each aspect in the times of now, network technique and calculator software technique already and more and more and broadly apply to educate system. The usage calculator management system can not only simplify the traditional management in school mode, making the school manage the personnel can makes use of the internal information in school to charges to student's file, student expediently the proceeding manages completely, the technique of the more important exploitation calculator can be made student the management norm turn, systemizes, the arithmetic figure turn, increases to manage the level, lower the management cost, alleviate the work strength and increases work efficiency, make school with high-efficiency revolve. Calculator technique is in the application in the campus conformance the state of the nation of the our country, realizes the education want to face to the modernization, facing to the future leading thought, is an emollient weapon that student manage the alignment to modernize.
This text introduces the design of this system with realizes process, analyze from the need, essentials design, detailed design to realizes to all follow the thought of the software engineering in a specific way with the design method of the database.
This system guides with the method at the theories that manage the information system what bottom, database technique support descend to complete. Very big use value. It can make current business operation simple, making the student manage the work to move forward to a new level of structure.
Key words : Database ; Delphi 7.0 ; Student management system
目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 开发背景 1
1.2 目的和意义 1
1.3 系统设计思想 2
1.4 现状分析与现状综述 3
1.4.1市场分析 3
1.4.2 本系统所追求的市场 3
1.4.3 市场现状 3
1.4.4 该系统的影响 3
1.4.5 可行性结论 4
1.5 本文的主要工作及结构 4
第2章 哈工大职技学院学生管理系统总体设计 5
2.1 学生管理系统的需求分析 5
2.1.1 可行性分析 5
2.1.2 系统基本情况描述 6
2.1.3 业务流程图 6
2.1.4 数据流程图 7
2.1.5 数据字典 8
2.2 系统模块总体设计 10
2.3 数据库设计 12
2.3.1 数据分析 12
2.3.2 数据库的详细设计 12
2.4 本章小结 16
第3章 学生管理系统实现 17
3.1 学生管理系统开发平台设置 17
3.1.1 开发平台和开发工具简介 17
3.1.2 学生管理系统实现技巧 17
3.2 学生管理系统功能实现 19
3.2.1 系统登录窗口设计 19
3.2.2 系统主界面设计 2..
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