红外温度测试系统中数据采集电路的设计,页数43 字数 20643【摘 要】随着我国工业的迅速发展,用电负荷的急剧增加,电力系统中高压开关柜、刀闸等电力设备会经常出现局部温度过高,从而引起相应的电力事故。由于高压电力设备局部温度点的电位处于高电位,对其测量需要满足非接触测量的要求。基于上述测量的背景及要求,对于高压设备的局...

此文档由会员 孙阳阳 发布
页数 43 字数 20643
【摘 要】
With the development of industry in our country, the load is improving rapidly, which results that the temperature at part of high voltage equipments become higher and higher, and bring forth accident in electrical net. Because the voltage near the high voltage equipment is very high, non-contract technology is need to measure the temperature of high voltage equipment. Base on these reasons, the infrared-temperature sensor is used to measure temperature. The whole system includes P89V51RD, AD7706 conversion and infrared-temperature sensor. At first, the temperature signal is transformed into electrical signal by infrared-temperature sensor, then the conversion circuit of P89V51RD and AD7706 transform is used to convert the analog signal to digital signal. At last, the temperature of part of high voltage equipment is measured. The P89V51RD and the high speed AD7706 transform is used in the whole system, the temperature can be measured in real time. Besides these things, the system also has other characters, such as high measuring precision, high degree of intelligence.
Key Words: A/D 7706 Converter; Single chip microcomputer;Infrared temperature sensor
1 引言…………………………………………………………………………………. ..1
2 温度测量的概述 ……………………………………………………………………….2
2.1 温度的概念与温标 2
2.1.1 温度 2
2.1.2 温标 2
2.2 测温方法 3
2.2.1.接触式测温 3
2.2.2.非接触式测温 5
3.红外温度传感器原理 ………………………………………………………………….9
3.1 红外线 9
3.2 红外线技术 9
3.2.1 红外线技术的应用 9
3.2.2 红外温度传感器原理 9
3.2.3 红外温度传感器技术的发展 10
4.红外温度传感器测量电路的设计 …………………………………………………..11
4.1 单片机P89V51 简介 11
4.1.1 概述 11
4.1.2 主要特性 11
4.1.3 管脚功能介绍 11
4.1.4 SPI接口概述 13
4.2 AD7706模数转换器介绍 14
4.2.1概述 14
4.2.2 主要特性 15
4.2.3 管脚功能介绍 15
4.2.4 电路说明 16
4.2.5 注意事项 18
4.3 单片机与AD的接口电路设计 19
4.4 输入信号电路设计 19
4.5 IMP813看门狗电路设计 20
4.6 AD780基准电源电路设计 22
4.7 整体电路设计 22
5 采集程序编写 ………………………………………………………………………..24
5.1 寄存器介绍 24
5.1.1 SPCR-SPI控制寄存器 24
5.1.2 通信寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=0、0、0) 25
5.1.3 设置寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=0、0、1) 27
5.1.4 时钟寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=0、1、0) 28
5.1.5 数据寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=0、1、1) 29
5.1.6 测试寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=1、0、0) 29
5.1.7 零标度校准寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=1、1、0) 29
5.1.8 满标度校准寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=1、1、1) 29
5.2数据采集程序设计 30
6 结论 …………………………………………………………………………………..36
致谢 ……………………………………………………………………………………..37
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………………38
附录 ……………………………………………………………………………………..39
附录1:整体电路 39
[1].邓昭镜,潘晓燕,关于温度的概念,西南师范大学学报,2001.8 ,401
[2] 董克俭,Raytek在线红外温度监测系统,电工技术,2004.8,P26-27
[3] Philips Semiconductors P89LV51RB2/RC2/RD2 8-bit microcontrollers with 80C51 core
[4]、ANALOG DEVICES 2-/3-Channel 16-Bit,Sigma-Delta ADCs
[5] 彭珊,模数转换器AD7705及其接口电路,国外电子测量技术 2001.2 P26-
页数 43 字数 20643
【摘 要】
With the development of industry in our country, the load is improving rapidly, which results that the temperature at part of high voltage equipments become higher and higher, and bring forth accident in electrical net. Because the voltage near the high voltage equipment is very high, non-contract technology is need to measure the temperature of high voltage equipment. Base on these reasons, the infrared-temperature sensor is used to measure temperature. The whole system includes P89V51RD, AD7706 conversion and infrared-temperature sensor. At first, the temperature signal is transformed into electrical signal by infrared-temperature sensor, then the conversion circuit of P89V51RD and AD7706 transform is used to convert the analog signal to digital signal. At last, the temperature of part of high voltage equipment is measured. The P89V51RD and the high speed AD7706 transform is used in the whole system, the temperature can be measured in real time. Besides these things, the system also has other characters, such as high measuring precision, high degree of intelligence.
Key Words: A/D 7706 Converter; Single chip microcomputer;Infrared temperature sensor
1 引言…………………………………………………………………………………. ..1
2 温度测量的概述 ……………………………………………………………………….2
2.1 温度的概念与温标 2
2.1.1 温度 2
2.1.2 温标 2
2.2 测温方法 3
2.2.1.接触式测温 3
2.2.2.非接触式测温 5
3.红外温度传感器原理 ………………………………………………………………….9
3.1 红外线 9
3.2 红外线技术 9
3.2.1 红外线技术的应用 9
3.2.2 红外温度传感器原理 9
3.2.3 红外温度传感器技术的发展 10
4.红外温度传感器测量电路的设计 …………………………………………………..11
4.1 单片机P89V51 简介 11
4.1.1 概述 11
4.1.2 主要特性 11
4.1.3 管脚功能介绍 11
4.1.4 SPI接口概述 13
4.2 AD7706模数转换器介绍 14
4.2.1概述 14
4.2.2 主要特性 15
4.2.3 管脚功能介绍 15
4.2.4 电路说明 16
4.2.5 注意事项 18
4.3 单片机与AD的接口电路设计 19
4.4 输入信号电路设计 19
4.5 IMP813看门狗电路设计 20
4.6 AD780基准电源电路设计 22
4.7 整体电路设计 22
5 采集程序编写 ………………………………………………………………………..24
5.1 寄存器介绍 24
5.1.1 SPCR-SPI控制寄存器 24
5.1.2 通信寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=0、0、0) 25
5.1.3 设置寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=0、0、1) 27
5.1.4 时钟寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=0、1、0) 28
5.1.5 数据寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=0、1、1) 29
5.1.6 测试寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=1、0、0) 29
5.1.7 零标度校准寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=1、1、0) 29
5.1.8 满标度校准寄存器(RS2、RS1、RS0=1、1、1) 29
5.2数据采集程序设计 30
6 结论 …………………………………………………………………………………..36
致谢 ……………………………………………………………………………………..37
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………………38
附录 ……………………………………………………………………………………..39
附录1:整体电路 39
[1].邓昭镜,潘晓燕,关于温度的概念,西南师范大学学报,2001.8 ,401
[2] 董克俭,Raytek在线红外温度监测系统,电工技术,2004.8,P26-27
[3] Philips Semiconductors P89LV51RB2/RC2/RD2 8-bit microcontrollers with 80C51 core
[4]、ANALOG DEVICES 2-/3-Channel 16-Bit,Sigma-Delta ADCs
[5] 彭珊,模数转换器AD7705及其接口电路,国外电子测量技术 2001.2 P26-