少女飞行物语—浅析宫崎骏动画中少女形象,页数 12字数 9513摘要:作为大众文化的宫崎骏动画片大都是天马行空之作,其每部作品题材虽然不同,但都将梦想、环保、人生、生存等令人反思的主题融合其中。他与吉卜力合作的作品包括《风之谷》(1984年)、《天空之城》(1986年)、《龙猫》、(1988年)、《再见萤火虫》(1988...

此文档由会员 刘阳 发布
页数 12 字数 9513
Abstract:As the mass culture Miyazaki steed animated cartoon is work mostly powerful and unconstrained style, its each work theme although is different, but all vainly hoped for, the environmental protection, the life, the survival and so on make among the subject fusion which one reconsiders. He with the studio GHIBLI cooperation work "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" (in 1984), "Castle In The Sky" (in 1986), "My Neighbor TOTORO", (in 1988), "Grave of the Fire flies" (in 1988), "Kiki's Delivery Service" (in 1989), "Only Yesterday"(in 1991),"Porco Rosso "(in 1992),"The Ocean Waves" (in 1993), "Pom Poko" (in 1994), "Whisper of the Heart" (in 1995), "The Princess MONONOKE" (in 1997), "Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi"(in 2001),"The Cat Returns"(in 2002),"Howl's Moving Castle"(in 2004) and so on, is called as" the Miyazaki steed series ". The profound broad knowledge, the deep sincere backing, specially are partial to the young girl and the flight, causes to consider is popular is weak down to the preliminary literary form to become the classics.
Key word: Miyazaki steed animated cartoon Young girl Flight Monogatali
1. 《试述宫崎骏动画片的艺术特色》 林沧县广播电视局 易今
林沧教育学院学报 2004年8月 第13卷第3期
2. 《宫崎骏奇幻世界初旅》
游智皓 北京电影学院学报 2003年3月
3. 《宫崎骏动画电影中的“绿色”世界》
南京师范大学文学院硕士生 田瑞平
4. 《普通的超级女英雄—— 宫崎自身的投影》
[日本] 田中千世子 日本《电影旬报》 2001年8月下旬号
5. 《思索与回归——日本的动画片和我的出发点》
[日本] 宫崎骏 日本动画电影研究 北京电影学院学报 2004年3月转载
页数 12 字数 9513
Abstract:As the mass culture Miyazaki steed animated cartoon is work mostly powerful and unconstrained style, its each work theme although is different, but all vainly hoped for, the environmental protection, the life, the survival and so on make among the subject fusion which one reconsiders. He with the studio GHIBLI cooperation work "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" (in 1984), "Castle In The Sky" (in 1986), "My Neighbor TOTORO", (in 1988), "Grave of the Fire flies" (in 1988), "Kiki's Delivery Service" (in 1989), "Only Yesterday"(in 1991),"Porco Rosso "(in 1992),"The Ocean Waves" (in 1993), "Pom Poko" (in 1994), "Whisper of the Heart" (in 1995), "The Princess MONONOKE" (in 1997), "Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi"(in 2001),"The Cat Returns"(in 2002),"Howl's Moving Castle"(in 2004) and so on, is called as" the Miyazaki steed series ". The profound broad knowledge, the deep sincere backing, specially are partial to the young girl and the flight, causes to consider is popular is weak down to the preliminary literary form to become the classics.
Key word: Miyazaki steed animated cartoon Young girl Flight Monogatali
1. 《试述宫崎骏动画片的艺术特色》 林沧县广播电视局 易今
林沧教育学院学报 2004年8月 第13卷第3期
2. 《宫崎骏奇幻世界初旅》
游智皓 北京电影学院学报 2003年3月
3. 《宫崎骏动画电影中的“绿色”世界》
南京师范大学文学院硕士生 田瑞平
4. 《普通的超级女英雄—— 宫崎自身的投影》
[日本] 田中千世子 日本《电影旬报》 2001年8月下旬号
5. 《思索与回归——日本的动画片和我的出发点》
[日本] 宫崎骏 日本动画电影研究 北京电影学院学报 2004年3月转载