立式数控铣床主传动系统设计, [摘要]本文介绍了立式数控铣床的一些基本概况,简述了机床主传动系统方面的原理和类型,分析了各种传动方案的机理。立式数控铣床主传动系统包括了主轴电动机、主轴传动系统和主轴组件三部分组成。本文详细介绍了立式数控铣床主传动系统的设计过程,该立式数控铣床主轴变速箱是靠齿轮进行传动的,主轴箱传动系...

此文档由会员 heavenstar 发布立式数控铣床主传动系统设计
The sign type number controls the miller lord to spread to move the system design
Abstract: this text introduces the sign type number to control some basic general situations of the miller, Chien says the tool machine lord to spread the principle and types of move the systems, analyzing various mechanism that spreads to move the project.The sign type number controls the miller lord to spread to move the system to include the principal axis electric motor, principal axis to spread to move the system and the principal axis module three partses to constitute.Detailed introduction of this text the sign type number controls the design process that the miller lord spreads to move the system, should the sign type number control the miller principal axis to become soon the box is to is carry on by wheel gear to spread to move of, the principal axis box spreads to move the system adoption wheel gear to spread to move, spreading to move the form adoption concentration type to spread to move, the principal axis become soon many of the system adoption slip to move the wheel gear to become soon.The wheel gear spreads to move to have to spread to move the efficiency high, the structure tightly packed, work credibility, the life span is long, spreading to move than accurate etc. advantage.It introduced the sign type number to control the miller lord to spread to move various comparison, lord that spreads to move the project merit and shortcoming of system to spread in the text the choice and assurance, lords of move the projects spread to move to become soon system of design, bearings of design calculation, the principal axis module choose the control of the school pit, and the principal axis electric motor of use the lubrication, the key spare parts etc. the design process.
Key words: the number controls the tool machine;The sign type number controls the miller;The lord spreads to move the system;Principal axis module; Bearings; Principal axis electric motor.
目 录
引言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1概述 2
1.2数控机床的发展 3
第二章 立式数控铣床主传动系统方案的确定 9
2.1 对立式数控铣床主传动系统简介 9
2.2 对立式数控铣床主传动系统的要求 9
2.3 主传动的类型及方案选择 10
第三章 主传动变速系统主要参数计算 12
3.1 计算切削功率 12
3.1.1切削力的计算 12
3.1.2切削功率的计算 12
3.1.3主轴转速范围的确定 13
3.2 计算主传动功率 13
3.3 分级变速箱的传动系统的设计及主轴电动机的功率的确定 14
3.3.1 变速级数Z的确定 14
3.3.2 电动机的功率的确定 15
3.3.3 电动机参数 15
3.3.4 分级变速箱的传动系统变速机构的确定 16
第四章 主轴组件设计 17
4.1概述 17
4.1.1轴的分类 17
4.1.2主轴材料 17
4.2主轴结构设计 17
4.2.1主轴部件应满足的基本要求 18
4.2.2轴的结构设计 19
4.2.3草拟轴上零件的装配方案 19
4.2.4轴上零件的定位 20
4.2.5 各轴段直径与的确定 20
4.2.6 提高主轴强度的措施 21
4.2.7 轴的结构工艺性 22
4.3主轴强度的校核 22
4.3.1按扭转强度进行计算 22
4.3.2 强度校核计算 23
第五章 轴承的设计 27
5.1概述 27
5.2轴承的类型选择 27
5.3 轴承游隙等级的选择 28
5.4 轴承的寿命计算 28
5.4.1轴承布局 28
5.5轴承装置的设计 29
5.5.1轴承的配置 29
5.5.2轴承的配合 30
5.5.3 轴承的润滑 31
5.5.4轴承的密封 32
第六章 数控铣床主轴电气控制系统设计 33
6.1控制方式选择 33
6.2 PLC的简单介绍 33
6.4.1 可编程控制器的由来 33
6.4.2 可编程控制器的现状 33
6.4.3 可编程控制器的分类 33
6.2.4 可编程控制器的特点 35
6.2.5 PLC的应用领域 35
6.3主轴电动机控制 36
总论 37
致谢 38
参考文献 39