现代汉语中的日源外来词研究 毕业论文.doc


现代汉语中的日源外来词研究 毕业论文,摘 要   本文将新世纪伊始至今作为研究时间段,通过报纸、杂志、词典、网络等多种途径,共收集到这近十年来产生的72个日源外来词,并以调查问卷的形式进行了投票筛选,最终保留了56个知晓度在50%以上的语料进行研究。   本文从日源外来词的吸收方式、意义类型、音节数量;对汉语词汇的影响;人们的语用心理以及人们对使用日源外来...
分类: 论文>教育学论文


此文档由会员 xiao6jun6 发布

摘  要




  This thesis collects 72 Japanese loanwords that firstly appeared in the nearly 10-year-period during the beginning of the new century from newspapers, magazines, dictionary, network and other media. Based on questionnaire surveys, 56 Japanese loanwords recognized by over 50% of the respondents have been retained.
  After analyzing from aspects such as absorbing method, content type, syllable quantity, influence to Chinese vocabulary, people's pragmatic psychology and people’s attitude toward Japanese loanwords, at last it generally summarizes the research conclusions to build a more systematic and comprehensive understanding of the Japanese loanwords produced in recent years: Firstly, the influence of Japanese loanwords on Chinese vocabulary during this period is: 1, increased near-synonyms and synonyms; 2, increased word-forming morpheme. Secondly, people’s pragmatic psychology when using Japanese loan-words during this period is: 1, more concise expression; 2, a wider variety of expression; 3, freshness and trend to use. Thirdly, people’s attitude toward Japanese loan-words during this period is: mostly neutral, thinking language - as a communication tool - should be selectivity accepted.

Key Words:Japanese loanwords;Classification;Influence;Pragmatic psychology;Attitude


目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
第1章  绪论 1
1.1 中日两国语言交流概况 1
1.2 研究对象 1
1.3 研究方法 1
第2章  日源外来词的分类研究 2
2.1 吸收方式 2
2.1.1 借形词 3
2.1.2 音译词 4
2.2 意义类型 6
2.3 音节数量 7
第3章  日源外来词对汉语词汇的影响 8
3.1 增加了近义词和同义词 8
3.2 增加了构词语素 8
3.2.1 来源于“御宅族”中的“宅” 8
3.2.2 “~控” 9
第4章  使用日源外来词的语用心理分析 9
4.1 更为简洁的表达方式 9
4.2 丰富多样的表达方式 10
4.3 新鲜感和时尚感的驱使 10
第5章  使用日源外来词的语言态度分析 10
5.1 反对的态度 11
5.1.1 不懂意思,难以理解和使用 11
5.1.2 日源外来词不够正式,使用起来不习惯 11
5.1.3 会影响汉语固有词的使用 11
5.2 支持的态度 11
结   论 13
参考文献 14
附  录1  日源外来词词表 15
附  录2  调查问卷 20
附  录3  问卷统计 23
致  谢 27