振动筛毕业设计,论文标准word格式排版 27页 附总装图.dwg 箱体零件.dwg 箱体.dwg 筛箱装配.dwg 筛框.dwg 金属螺旋弹簧(正).dwg 弹簧上座.dwg摘 要振动筛的研究不断地向着标准化、系列化、通用化发展,并引入现代化设计手段,采用新材料、新技术、新工艺,其目的在于不断扩大筛机应用领域,满足国民经济建设发展的...

原文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
论文标准WORD格式排版 27页 附总装图.dwg 箱体零件.dwg 箱体.dwg 筛箱装配.dwg 筛框.dwg 金属螺旋弹簧(正).dwg 弹簧上座.dwg
摘 要
关键词:振动筛; 筛箱; 振动电机
The shaker research unceasingly to the standardization, the seriation, the universalized development, and the introduction modernization design method, uses the new material, the new technology, the new craft, its goal lies in unceasingly expands the sieve machine application domain, satisfies national economy construction the need to develop, and takes on the foreign exportation the duty.
Finally completely makes after such repeatedly processing the materi all tallies the request product. This topic shaker for self-synchronizing pair vibration motor-driven, Its characteristic is the structure simple, the installs convenient, the cost low, is easy to operate and the maintenance and so on. It sieves the box is board crossbeam riveting hitch welds built-up section, By host vice- side bar, Hollow beam, Enters the material back plate, Leaves material board, Sieves board and so on composition, The side bar selects the low-alloy pressure vessel steel plate, The intensity is high, The weldability is good, Peripheral knee bend, And in the vibration direction and along longitudinal connects themulti- roots angle steel, Causes the side bar rigidity big enhancement, Is advantageous to the intensity enhancement and noise reducing. Hollow beam by flange plate, Seamless steel pipe, Strengthens composition and so on channel steel, The weight light, the intensity is big, is advantageous for themanufacture installment, Has the interchangeability. Strengthens in the channel steel to have the T shape hole, Uses the T shape bolt, Is advantageous for screen board installs the maintenance, Eliminates the U shape bolt to the hollow beam attrition. Principle of work: Two vibrate the electrical machinery the model to be same, May have one kind of combination straight-line oscillation. This kind of vibration may cause in the transportation trough body thematerial movement, And has the collision with the screening surface, And has the collision with the screening surface, Thus realization material geometry graduation, Realization screening. The overall plan is: Uses the ordinary screening law, The vibration form for resonates, The path is the translation, Stirs up the strength vibration the way is the inertia type, The vibration isolation way is level of vibration isolations, The vibration isolation spring is the metal screw type vibrationisolation spring。
Keywords:the vibration screen; the box screen; the vibration electric machinery
目 录
摘 要I
第1章 概述1
1.2 振动机械的用途和分类1
1.2.1 振动机械的组成2
1.2.2 振动机械的特点2
1.2.4 振动机械的分类3
第2章 主要问题及解决方案5
2.1 振动筛降噪措施5
2.2 常见故障及处理措施5
2.2.1 筛分时筛子不下料或下料不畅5
2.2.2 筛框断裂根5
2.2.3 轴承过热5
2.2.4 筛分的分级(根据筛分的目的)6
第3章 直线振动细筛的结构、工作原理及总体方案的比较确定7
3.3 各类筛分方法的比较确定8
3.3.1 普通筛分方法8
3.3.2 概率筛分方法9
3.3.3 等厚筛分法9
3.3.4 概率等厚筛分法10
3.3.5 筛分方法的确定10
3.4 振动形式的确定10
3.4.1 非共振筛10
3.4.2 共振筛10
3.5 运动轨迹的确定10
3.5.1 圆运动轨迹10
3.5.2 直线运动轨迹11
3.6.1 弹性连杆式11
3.6.2 电磁式11
3.6.3 惯性式12
3.6.4 激振方式的确定12
第4章 其它零部件的选择13
4.2.3 筛面的压紧装置15
第5章 各部分设计计算17
5.1.1 物料运动状态的选择17
5.1.2 安装倾角的选择17
5.1.3 振动方向角的选择17-..
摘 要
关键词:振动筛; 筛箱; 振动电机
The shaker research unceasingly to the standardization, the seriation, the universalized development, and the introduction modernization design method, uses the new material, the new technology, the new craft, its goal lies in unceasingly expands the sieve machine application domain, satisfies national economy construction the need to develop, and takes on the foreign exportation the duty.
Finally completely makes after such repeatedly processing the materi all tallies the request product. This topic shaker for self-synchronizing pair vibration motor-driven, Its characteristic is the structure simple, the installs convenient, the cost low, is easy to operate and the maintenance and so on. It sieves the box is board crossbeam riveting hitch welds built-up section, By host vice- side bar, Hollow beam, Enters the material back plate, Leaves material board, Sieves board and so on composition, The side bar selects the low-alloy pressure vessel steel plate, The intensity is high, The weldability is good, Peripheral knee bend, And in the vibration direction and along longitudinal connects themulti- roots angle steel, Causes the side bar rigidity big enhancement, Is advantageous to the intensity enhancement and noise reducing. Hollow beam by flange plate, Seamless steel pipe, Strengthens composition and so on channel steel, The weight light, the intensity is big, is advantageous for themanufacture installment, Has the interchangeability. Strengthens in the channel steel to have the T shape hole, Uses the T shape bolt, Is advantageous for screen board installs the maintenance, Eliminates the U shape bolt to the hollow beam attrition. Principle of work: Two vibrate the electrical machinery the model to be same, May have one kind of combination straight-line oscillation. This kind of vibration may cause in the transportation trough body thematerial movement, And has the collision with the screening surface, And has the collision with the screening surface, Thus realization material geometry graduation, Realization screening. The overall plan is: Uses the ordinary screening law, The vibration form for resonates, The path is the translation, Stirs up the strength vibration the way is the inertia type, The vibration isolation way is level of vibration isolations, The vibration isolation spring is the metal screw type vibrationisolation spring。
Keywords:the vibration screen; the box screen; the vibration electric machinery
目 录
摘 要I
第1章 概述1
1.2 振动机械的用途和分类1
1.2.1 振动机械的组成2
1.2.2 振动机械的特点2
1.2.4 振动机械的分类3
第2章 主要问题及解决方案5
2.1 振动筛降噪措施5
2.2 常见故障及处理措施5
2.2.1 筛分时筛子不下料或下料不畅5
2.2.2 筛框断裂根5
2.2.3 轴承过热5
2.2.4 筛分的分级(根据筛分的目的)6
第3章 直线振动细筛的结构、工作原理及总体方案的比较确定7
3.3 各类筛分方法的比较确定8
3.3.1 普通筛分方法8
3.3.2 概率筛分方法9
3.3.3 等厚筛分法9
3.3.4 概率等厚筛分法10
3.3.5 筛分方法的确定10
3.4 振动形式的确定10
3.4.1 非共振筛10
3.4.2 共振筛10
3.5 运动轨迹的确定10
3.5.1 圆运动轨迹10
3.5.2 直线运动轨迹11
3.6.1 弹性连杆式11
3.6.2 电磁式11
3.6.3 惯性式12
3.6.4 激振方式的确定12
第4章 其它零部件的选择13
4.2.3 筛面的压紧装置15
第5章 各部分设计计算17
5.1.1 物料运动状态的选择17
5.1.2 安装倾角的选择17
5.1.3 振动方向角的选择17-..