

民营资本投资电视业的模式、问题与对策分析,摘 要  近年来,民营资本投资传媒业已是不争的事实,一方面,传媒要发展壮大需要巨额资本,另一方面,民营资本为利润所吸引,需要借助媒体资本增值,面对产业发展的需要,国家也放松了相关的政策限制。电视业是传媒业重要的组成部分。本文选取电视业这个民营资本进入最为活跃的领域进行分析探讨。首先论述了民营资本投资电视业的理论依据,其...
分类: 论文>经济学论文



原文档由会员 九阴真经 发布

摘 要
【关键词】民营资本 电视业 投资


  In recent years, it is a definite fact that the nongovernmental capital has invested to the media industry. On one hand, the media industry need huge capital to expand; On the other hand, the nongovernmental capital invest to the media industry in seeking for substantive profit. The government policy becomes flexible to some extent in facing with development of the media industry. The TV industry is the most important part in the media industry.
  In this paper, the TV industry which the nongovernmental capital invested actively is to be analyzed. Firstly, the theory foundation of nongovernmental capital investment to the TV industry was reviewed. Secondly, the media industry and nongovernmental capital is to be defined in brief. Thirdly, the present models and problems of the nongovernmental investment in the TV industry were concluded, which are combined with the present situation in our country. Finally, suggestions of government dealing with the dilemma are to be put forward, which are: Laws and regulations need to be defined; Policy of property right should be distinguished; Nongovernmental organization should be transformed themselves. All mentioned are advantage to both TV industry and nongovernmental capital.
【Key words】: Nongovernmental Capital; TV industry ; Investment