

连续梁桥毕业设计,摘要      青菱至野芷桥是武汉市中环线桥梁工程中的一座桥梁。中环线(三环线)是武汉市总体规划中确定城区边缘的一条规划线,是主城区一条规划交通环线中的城市环线。设计水位:381.25m,一般冲刷线:378.64m。设计荷载:公路-Ⅰ级。   首先根据地面高程,可方便绘出纵断面图。根据设计资料和查阅参考...
分类: 论文>土木工程/建筑论文


此文档由会员 wyy3012 发布



   The Qingling-Yezhi Bridge belongs to the Central circular line Bridge Project in Wuhan City. Central circular line (the third loop) is one planning line which determines the city edge in Wuhan’s Urban Master Planning, and it’s one urban circular road of the planned traffic circle. Designed water level: 381.25 m. General erosion line: 378.64 m. Designed loads: highway – level I.
   According to the ground elevation, the longitudinal section can be easily drawn. On the basis of the design documentation and the reference documents, three schemes can be set, i.e. prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge, prestressed concrete beam bridge and the prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame bridg. Based on comparison and choosing of the schemes, the prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge is chosen as the design decision and got further designation.
   T beams is the main beam for prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge, the beam height is 2.5 m, the wing width is 2.5 m, its height is 0.15 m, and the rib width is 0.2 m. Other detailed dimension could be found on the design chart. The span is 35m; the concrete of the main girder is graded as C50 and for prestressed steel beams, tensioning method is used.
   When calculation is preceded, the main girder is divided into seven cross-sections. The dead load and the live load of the upper structure are calculated; the bending moment influence lines and the shear influence lines are drawn, and then the internal force calculation and combination are preceded. The arrangement of the reinforcement and the steel beams, the calculation of the net section can both be conducted based on the above results. The loss of prestressing force should be calculated; but only 5 prestressing forces should be calculated because of the tensioning method in this scheme. The calculation of the sub-internal-force, the second sub-internal-force combination, and the checking of the true bias, cross-section intensity should be finished.
   The designation of the bottom structure supports and the accessory structure should be done after the upper structure is finished. During the calculation about the piers and the foundations, the dead weight, the truck loading, the automobile braking force and the impact of the temperature changing of the bearings should be of main consideration. The designation of the piers and foundations should be done according to these data. The last step is to check the lower structure stiffness and the stability, and the bearing capacity of the foundation soil.
   Keywords: prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge,post-tensioned,cross-sectiong strength checking.
目  录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 桥梁结构设计方案 1
1.1 设计资料 1
1.2 方案拟定 2
1.3 方案选择 4
第二章 推荐方案桥梁上部结构尺寸拟定 6
2.1 方案简介及上部结构尺寸拟定 6
2.1.1 主梁尺寸拟定 6
2.1.2 横截面沿跨长的变化 7
2.2 本桥主要材料 7
2.3 截面几何特性的验算 7
2.4 桥梁设计荷载 8
第三章 桥面板计算 9
3.1 单向板计算 9
3.1.1 恒载内力 9
3.2 活载内力 9
3.3 单向板内力组合 11
3.4 悬臂板内力计算 12
3.4.1 恒载内力计算 12
3.4.2 悬臂板的活载内力 12
3.4.3 悬臂板的内力组合 13
3.5 桥面板配筋 13
3.5.1 支点处配筋计算 13
3.5.2 跨中处配筋计算 14
3.5.3 悬臂板配筋计算 14
第四章 推荐方案主梁内力计算 16
4.1 T梁控制截面几何要素 16
4.2 截面几何特性 16
4.2.1 计算原理 16
4.2.2 截面几何特性计算结果 18
4.2.3 检验截面效率指标ρ 18
4.3 主梁作用效应计算 19
4.3.1 结构自重作用效应计算 19
4.3.2 汽车荷载作用效应计算 26
4.3.3 温差应力及基础沉降内力计算 40
4.3.4 内力组合 43
第五章 预应力钢束估算及布置 48
5.1 钢束估算 48
5.1.1 按正常使用极限状态的正截面抗裂验算要求估算 48
5.1.2 按承载能力极限状态的应力要求计算 51
5.1.3 估算结果 52
5.2 钢束布置 53
5.2.1 钢束布置原则 53
5.2.2 确定跨中及锚固端截面的钢束 53
5.3 主梁净、换算截面几何特性计算 58
第六章 预应力损失及有效预应力计算 64
6.1 基本理论 64
6.2 预应力损失计算 64
6.2.1 后张法由预应力钢筋与管道之间摩擦引起的应力损失 64
6.2.2 后张法由锚具变形﹑钢筋回缩和接缝压缩引起的应力损失 66
6.2.3 后张法由混凝土弹性压缩引起的应力损失 68
6.2.4 后张法由钢筋松弛引起的预应力损失终极值 70
6.2.5 后张法由混凝土收缩、徐变引起的预应力损失 71
6.3 截面预应力损失合计和有效预应力 73
第七章 配束后主梁内力计算及内力组合 75
第八章 主梁截面验算 79
8.1 截面强度验算 79
8.1.1 基本原理 79
8.1.2 计算公式 79
8.2 抗裂验算 82
8.2.1 规范要求 82
8.2.2 计算 83
8.3 持久状况构件的应力计算 91
8.3.1 正截面混凝土验算 91
8.3.2 预应力钢筋拉应力验算 94
8.3.3 混凝土主压应力验算 96
8.4 短暂状况构件的应力验算 104
8.4.1 预应力阶段的应力验算 104
8.4.2 吊装应力验算 105
第九章 桥台计算 107
9.1 桥台及基础构造和拟定的尺寸 107
9.2 荷载计算 107
9.2.1 上部构造恒载反力及桥台台身、基础上土重力计算 107
9.2.2 土压力计算 108
9.2.3 支座活载反力计算 111
9.3 按承载能力极限状态设计时效应组合 112
9.4 地基承载力验算 113
9.4.1 台前台后填土对基底产生的附加应力计算 113
9.4.2 基底应力计算 113
9.4.3 地基承载力验算 114
9.5 基底偏心距验算 114
9.5.1 仅受永久作用标准值效应组合时 114
9.5.2 桥台承受作用标准值效应组合时 115
9.6 基础稳定性验算 115
9.6.1 倾覆稳定性验算 115
9.6.2 滑移稳定性验算 115
第十章 施工方案 117
10.1 桥位放样 117
10.2 基础施工 117
10.3 墩柱盖梁 119
10.4 预应力混凝土T形梁的预制 120
10.5 主梁的运输和安装 122
10.6 桥面系工程 122
外文翻译 123
参考文献 134
总结 135