yzj1956立式铣床总体及夹具设计,论文标准word格式排版 23页 附cad图若干张及相关资料摘要:本设计课题来源于江苏恒力组合机床有限公司。底板是需要大量生产的零件,为了提高加工精度和生产效率,需要设计一种液压自动夹紧的组合机床来改善底板的加工情况。本组合机床是针对底板下平面的半精加工的需要而设计的。该设计的内容包括总体设计和夹具设计两方面。在总体设...
原文档由会员 九阴真经 发布
论文标准WORD格式排版 23页 附CAD图若干张及相关资料
The Design of Overall and Fixture for YZJ1956 Machine Tool
Abstract: The design project is from HenLi Dynamic Group, Yancheng. The bottom board is the part needing to be produeed numerously.In order to improve the accuency and efficiency,we should design a combination lathe that can hold automatically by hydraulic pressure to ameliorate the working condition of bottom board.This combination lathe is designed for the half-precision work for the plane beneath the bottom board.The design is mainly focused on both the overall design and jig design. The overall design makes detailed analysis of processing techonology, choice of the positioning datum of processing, grip program, proper cutting parameters, cutting tools, the configuration types of machine tools, the proper construction program and so on. Meanwhile the drawing of ‘Three Charts and One Card’ (automatic drawing process chart, size relation chart, machining schematic diagram and production calculating card) are completed. As far as jigs are concered, a special fixture are employed with the aid of the three platforms positioning program according to the principle of six points positioning to eliminate the six degrees of freedom of workpiece for a stable and reliable positioning, and the synchronous processing of two surfaces of parts which can simplifying the process. The safer, more reliable and convient hydraulic grip devices are employed for a stable and reliable grip. The charateristics of efficiency, low cost, high processing accuracy, easy operation, The machine tool is obtained to relieve the labor internsity, improve efficiency which meets the requirements of the design.
Key Words: Modular machine tool; Fixture; Bottom board
目 录
1 前言1
2 组合机床总体设计3
2.1 总体方案论证3
2.1.1 加工对象工艺性分析3
2.1.2 机床配置型式的选择3
2.1.3 定位基准的选择3
2.2 确定切削用量及选择刀具4
2.2.1 选择切削用量4
2.2.2 计算切削力、切削扭矩及切削功率5
2.2.3 刀具耐用度的计算6
2.2.4 选择刀具结构6
2.3 三图一卡设计6
2.3.1 被加工零件工序图6
2.3.2 加工示意图7
2.3.3 机床联系尺寸图7
2.3.4 机床生产率计算卡8
3 组合机床夹具设计11
3.1.1 零件的工艺性分析11
3.1.2 夹具设计的基本要求11
3.1.3 夹具总体结构构思11
3.2 定位方案的确定12
3.2.1 定位方案的论证12
3.2.2 定位基准的选择12
3.2.3 定位的实现方法12
3.3 误差分析13
3.4 夹紧方案确定14
3.4.1 夹紧装置的确定14
3.4.2 夹紧力的确定16
3.4.3 夹紧液压缸的选择17
3.5 夹具体的确定18
4 结论19
致 谢21
附 录22
The Design of Overall and Fixture for YZJ1956 Machine Tool
Abstract: The design project is from HenLi Dynamic Group, Yancheng. The bottom board is the part needing to be produeed numerously.In order to improve the accuency and efficiency,we should design a combination lathe that can hold automatically by hydraulic pressure to ameliorate the working condition of bottom board.This combination lathe is designed for the half-precision work for the plane beneath the bottom board.The design is mainly focused on both the overall design and jig design. The overall design makes detailed analysis of processing techonology, choice of the positioning datum of processing, grip program, proper cutting parameters, cutting tools, the configuration types of machine tools, the proper construction program and so on. Meanwhile the drawing of ‘Three Charts and One Card’ (automatic drawing process chart, size relation chart, machining schematic diagram and production calculating card) are completed. As far as jigs are concered, a special fixture are employed with the aid of the three platforms positioning program according to the principle of six points positioning to eliminate the six degrees of freedom of workpiece for a stable and reliable positioning, and the synchronous processing of two surfaces of parts which can simplifying the process. The safer, more reliable and convient hydraulic grip devices are employed for a stable and reliable grip. The charateristics of efficiency, low cost, high processing accuracy, easy operation, The machine tool is obtained to relieve the labor internsity, improve efficiency which meets the requirements of the design.
Key Words: Modular machine tool; Fixture; Bottom board
目 录
1 前言1
2 组合机床总体设计3
2.1 总体方案论证3
2.1.1 加工对象工艺性分析3
2.1.2 机床配置型式的选择3
2.1.3 定位基准的选择3
2.2 确定切削用量及选择刀具4
2.2.1 选择切削用量4
2.2.2 计算切削力、切削扭矩及切削功率5
2.2.3 刀具耐用度的计算6
2.2.4 选择刀具结构6
2.3 三图一卡设计6
2.3.1 被加工零件工序图6
2.3.2 加工示意图7
2.3.3 机床联系尺寸图7
2.3.4 机床生产率计算卡8
3 组合机床夹具设计11
3.1.1 零件的工艺性分析11
3.1.2 夹具设计的基本要求11
3.1.3 夹具总体结构构思11
3.2 定位方案的确定12
3.2.1 定位方案的论证12
3.2.2 定位基准的选择12
3.2.3 定位的实现方法12
3.3 误差分析13
3.4 夹紧方案确定14
3.4.1 夹紧装置的确定14
3.4.2 夹紧力的确定16
3.4.3 夹紧液压缸的选择17
3.5 夹具体的确定18
4 结论19
致 谢21
附 录22