
此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布
Rotor Fault Diagnosis and Analysis
Based on Fuzzy clustering Method
Abstract: Fuzzy clustering is comparing the parameters of the known types through fuzzy mathematics to find out the laws which could be used in indentifying and forecasting the properties of the unknown categories. As rotor fault data as the object, this thesis has used both fuzzy clustering method and C-means clustering method to process the rotor fault data. At the same time, the system of rotor fault diagnosis has been simulated and debugged by Matlab, which has verified the feasibility of fuzzy clustering method.
Its basic design process is as follows:
1, Using fuzzy clustering method for rotor fault data processing, fuzzy matrix, and thus achieve a similar coefficient to the calibration data. Then use the transitive closure method of calibration of the fuzzy similarity matrix calculated using Matlab to seek transitive closure, the final cluster.
2, Using C-means clustering method of rotor fault using a formula similar to the data matrix, use of Matlab matrix calculated from the initial iteration, the fuzzy matrix, and this cluster. Method has been applied to fault data exhaust fan once again to verify.
Keywords: Rotor fault diagnosis; Fuzzy clustering; Similarity matrix; Transitive closure.
目 次
摘 要 II
目 录 III
1.引言 1
1.1国内外研究现状 1
1.1.1模糊聚类应用领域 2
1.1.2 其他用于故障诊断的方法 3
1.2 研究思路 3
1.2.1 理论基础和分析 3
1.2.2 研究设想、方法 6
1.3研究的意义 6
2. 模糊聚类的原理 7
2.1 模糊聚类 7
2.1.1模糊聚类的理论基础 7
2.1.2 聚类的方法 9
2.2 模糊逻辑原理 12
3.转子故障的诊断与分析 14
3.1模糊聚类法对故障数据进行诊断与分析 17
3.1.1聚类步骤 18
3.1.2 利用Matlab程序得到的聚类谱系图 19
3.2模糊C-均值聚类方法对故障数据进行诊断分析 19
3.2.1 模糊C-均值聚类步骤 20
3.2.2 聚类谱系图的获得 22
3.3 聚类与分析 24
3.3.1二十组数据测试 24
3.3.2四十组数据测试 25
3.3.3应用于抽风机故障数据验证 26
4.总结 29
参考文献 29
附录 主要程序和矩阵 31
[1] Zhao zhenyun, Xu yong mou,The basic and applications of fuzzy theory and neural networks,tsinghua university publish,1996.
[2] Wang dazhong et al.,“fuzzy theory ,expert systems, neural networks and their applications in fault diagnosis of the fourier transform”,Proceedings of the Chinese society for electrical engineering ,Vol.16, No.5, pp.349-353,1996.
[3] S.K.Bhattacharyya, et al.,“A neural network approach to transformer fault diagnosis using dissolved gaanalysis data”, NAPS’93, 1993.
[4] Wang caisheng,“The fault diagnosis method BPNN in detecting for fourier transform ”,Proceedings of the Chinese society for electricaengineering,Vol.17, No.5, pp.322-325, 1997.
[5] Baldi,“Neural networks and principal component analysis:learning from examples and local minima”,Neural Networks, 2:53-58, 1989.
Rotor Fault Diagnosis and Analysis
Based on Fuzzy clustering Method
Abstract: Fuzzy clustering is comparing the parameters of the known types through fuzzy mathematics to find out the laws which could be used in indentifying and forecasting the properties of the unknown categories. As rotor fault data as the object, this thesis has used both fuzzy clustering method and C-means clustering method to process the rotor fault data. At the same time, the system of rotor fault diagnosis has been simulated and debugged by Matlab, which has verified the feasibility of fuzzy clustering method.
Its basic design process is as follows:
1, Using fuzzy clustering method for rotor fault data processing, fuzzy matrix, and thus achieve a similar coefficient to the calibration data. Then use the transitive closure method of calibration of the fuzzy similarity matrix calculated using Matlab to seek transitive closure, the final cluster.
2, Using C-means clustering method of rotor fault using a formula similar to the data matrix, use of Matlab matrix calculated from the initial iteration, the fuzzy matrix, and this cluster. Method has been applied to fault data exhaust fan once again to verify.
Keywords: Rotor fault diagnosis; Fuzzy clustering; Similarity matrix; Transitive closure.
目 次
摘 要 II
目 录 III
1.引言 1
1.1国内外研究现状 1
1.1.1模糊聚类应用领域 2
1.1.2 其他用于故障诊断的方法 3
1.2 研究思路 3
1.2.1 理论基础和分析 3
1.2.2 研究设想、方法 6
1.3研究的意义 6
2. 模糊聚类的原理 7
2.1 模糊聚类 7
2.1.1模糊聚类的理论基础 7
2.1.2 聚类的方法 9
2.2 模糊逻辑原理 12
3.转子故障的诊断与分析 14
3.1模糊聚类法对故障数据进行诊断与分析 17
3.1.1聚类步骤 18
3.1.2 利用Matlab程序得到的聚类谱系图 19
3.2模糊C-均值聚类方法对故障数据进行诊断分析 19
3.2.1 模糊C-均值聚类步骤 20
3.2.2 聚类谱系图的获得 22
3.3 聚类与分析 24
3.3.1二十组数据测试 24
3.3.2四十组数据测试 25
3.3.3应用于抽风机故障数据验证 26
4.总结 29
参考文献 29
附录 主要程序和矩阵 31
[1] Zhao zhenyun, Xu yong mou,The basic and applications of fuzzy theory and neural networks,tsinghua university publish,1996.
[2] Wang dazhong et al.,“fuzzy theory ,expert systems, neural networks and their applications in fault diagnosis of the fourier transform”,Proceedings of the Chinese society for electrical engineering ,Vol.16, No.5, pp.349-353,1996.
[3] S.K.Bhattacharyya, et al.,“A neural network approach to transformer fault diagnosis using dissolved gaanalysis data”, NAPS’93, 1993.
[4] Wang caisheng,“The fault diagnosis method BPNN in detecting for fourier transform ”,Proceedings of the Chinese society for electricaengineering,Vol.17, No.5, pp.322-325, 1997.
[5] Baldi,“Neural networks and principal component analysis:learning from examples and local minima”,Neural Networks, 2:53-58, 1989.