vb医疗纠纷检索系统设计,论文标准word格式排版81页目 录引言11 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的系统分析91.1 开发医疗纠纷信息检索系统的意义91.2 系统分析91.3 开发工具选取102 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的需求分析132.1 系统用户组成132.2 对数据处理的要求133 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的总体设计143.1 数据处理流程分析143....
原文档由会员 九阴真经 发布
目 录
引言 1
1 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的系统分析 9
1.1 开发医疗纠纷信息检索系统的意义 9
1.2 系统分析 9
1.3 开发工具选取 10
2 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的需求分析 13
2.1 系统用户组成 13
2.2 对数据处理的要求 13
3 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的总体设计 14
3.1 数据处理流程分析 14
3.2 程序结构设计前的分析 15
3.3 总体框图 16
4 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的功能模块 18
4.1 系统的功能模块设计 18
4.2 设计的准备工作 18
5 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的详细设计 21
5.1 数据库结构设计 21
5.2 用户登录模块设计 24
5.3 工作选项模块(MDI主窗体模块)设计 28
5.4 用户信息管理模块设计 38
5.5 数据信息统计模块设计 41
5.6 帮助模块的设计 46
6 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的实现 55
6.1 软件环境 55
6.2 硬件环境 55
结 论 56
致 谢 56
参考文献 57
附录1 程序清单 58
摘 要
医疗纠纷信息检索系统是采用Visual Basic语言和大型数据库开发语言共同开发的,用于医院医务处对医疗纠纷的检索与统计。
本设计采用所见即所得的可视界面设计方法,在开发环境、功能上进一步完善和扩充,尤其在数据库管理、网络应用方面更胜一筹。利用Visual Basic 6.0提供的强大的可视化组件库进行编程,可以快速、高效地开发基于Windows环境的各类应用系统。在此还使用了SQL Server 2000提供的DTS服务。
医疗纠纷 Visual Basic SQL Server 数据库 DTS服务
The searching system for the medical dissension information use Visual Basic 6.0 and a big database to develop. This design is used to search and count the medical dissensions of medical affairs Dept. of the hospitals.
The reason of making this design is to reduce the manpower operation and improve the effect of recording, modifying, deleting, searching and counting work etc. of medical dissension more quickly and exactly. The development and application of this system offers a flexible and convenient management system for the management of medical dissension and hasten the work effect.
This system offers a kind of visual-interface-design, which means you can get the result as soon as you see the interface. It also improves and enlarges the development environment and functions, especially on data management and network application. It is faster and more effective to develop all kinds of application systems on the basic of Windows Environment by utilizing the powerful visual groupware room to program. So we use DTS of SQL Server 2000.
Now the functions of this software are: first it helps the recording, deleting and storing of the data and the refreshing and protecting of the data; second it can list the detailed information by searching; third, all the results can be output in the form of report that is easy for the management of analyzing, using and storing; forth, it can count the data, so the data can be showed directly in front of the users.
Medical dissension, Visual Basic, SQL Server, database, DTS serve
目 录
引言 1
1 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的系统分析 9
1.1 开发医疗纠纷信息检索系统的意义 9
1.2 系统分析 9
1.3 开发工具选取 10
2 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的需求分析 13
2.1 系统用户组成 13
2.2 对数据处理的要求 13
3 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的总体设计 14
3.1 数据处理流程分析 14
3.2 程序结构设计前的分析 15
3.3 总体框图 16
4 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的功能模块 18
4.1 系统的功能模块设计 18
4.2 设计的准备工作 18
5 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的详细设计 21
5.1 数据库结构设计 21
5.2 用户登录模块设计 24
5.3 工作选项模块(MDI主窗体模块)设计 28
5.4 用户信息管理模块设计 38
5.5 数据信息统计模块设计 41
5.6 帮助模块的设计 46
6 医疗纠纷信息检索系统的实现 55
6.1 软件环境 55
6.2 硬件环境 55
结 论 56
致 谢 56
参考文献 57
附录1 程序清单 58
摘 要
医疗纠纷信息检索系统是采用Visual Basic语言和大型数据库开发语言共同开发的,用于医院医务处对医疗纠纷的检索与统计。
本设计采用所见即所得的可视界面设计方法,在开发环境、功能上进一步完善和扩充,尤其在数据库管理、网络应用方面更胜一筹。利用Visual Basic 6.0提供的强大的可视化组件库进行编程,可以快速、高效地开发基于Windows环境的各类应用系统。在此还使用了SQL Server 2000提供的DTS服务。
医疗纠纷 Visual Basic SQL Server 数据库 DTS服务
The searching system for the medical dissension information use Visual Basic 6.0 and a big database to develop. This design is used to search and count the medical dissensions of medical affairs Dept. of the hospitals.
The reason of making this design is to reduce the manpower operation and improve the effect of recording, modifying, deleting, searching and counting work etc. of medical dissension more quickly and exactly. The development and application of this system offers a flexible and convenient management system for the management of medical dissension and hasten the work effect.
This system offers a kind of visual-interface-design, which means you can get the result as soon as you see the interface. It also improves and enlarges the development environment and functions, especially on data management and network application. It is faster and more effective to develop all kinds of application systems on the basic of Windows Environment by utilizing the powerful visual groupware room to program. So we use DTS of SQL Server 2000.
Now the functions of this software are: first it helps the recording, deleting and storing of the data and the refreshing and protecting of the data; second it can list the detailed information by searching; third, all the results can be output in the form of report that is easy for the management of analyzing, using and storing; forth, it can count the data, so the data can be showed directly in front of the users.
Medical dissension, Visual Basic, SQL Server, database, DTS serve