在线招聘网站的设计制作,论文标准word格式排版 共84页摘要:网络的产生标志着信息时代的到来,网络成为一种新兴的经济方式,张家港在线招聘网正是利用了互联网这样一个信息化的平台,为用人单位和求职人员之间搭建了一个平台,使用人单位和求职人员可以快速的掌握最新的招聘信息和人才信息,在线招聘是一种新兴的方式,比以往那些中介所,报纸,新闻媒体都要快速...

原文档由会员 九阴真经 发布
论文标准WORD格式排版 共84页
网络的产生标志着信息时代的到来,网络成为一种新兴的经济方式,张家港在线招聘网正是利用了互联网这样一个信息化的平台,为用人单位和求职人员之间搭建了一个平台,使用人单位和求职人员可以快速的掌握最新的招聘信息和人才信息,在线招聘是一种新兴的方式,比以往那些中介所,报纸,新闻媒体都要快速和高效的多,它将取代那传统的方式,这是一种必然的趋势,如今,就业难已成为一个大家都关注的话题,无论是对高校的毕业生,还是已经步入社会的人来说,都是很重要的,所以就出现了越来越多的招聘网,人才网之类的,张家港在线招聘网是为企业和用人单位之间搭建一个良好的平台, 为三资企业和私营企业、个体工商户和居民家庭介绍用工;为城镇各类求职人员,包括技校、职校和职业培训毕(结)业生等办理求职登记、推荐就业服务的,利用互联网的强劲优势,为企业宣传企业形象,提供最优秀的人才,也帮助个人找到合适的岗位
关键词: ASP 在线招聘 求职 简历系统 发布职位
Inviting applications online for a job in the city of zhangjiagang
The information times has come as the internet appearing, and it has becomes a new ways of economy, the website of Inviting applications online for a job in the city of zhangjiagang has just build on the information flat roof ,it is primarily for the person to apply for a job and the enterprise of inviting applications for a job, the person and the enterprise can find the most new information , Inviting applications online for a job is a new fast way than that by the studio of agency and the media of news and so on, it will instead the tradition way and become a certain trend, as we all know, the problem of the obtaining employment is attentioned by us, not only to the graduate of the university but also the person in society ,it is very important, so more website for inviting come appers, the website of Inviting applications online for a job in the city of zhangjiagang is a good flat roof ,it can offer the most new job information for the enterprise privately owned 、microeconomic and commonly family;it can also provide the job information and all kinds of obtaining employment sercise for the person want to apply for a job in the town, the vocational school and so on ,we can using the advantage of the internet for propagandize the visualize of enterprise ,providing the most excellent graduate, and helping the person to apply a job finding the better post
KEY WORDS ASP , inviting applications online for a job, to apply a job,resume system,
put out job information,
目 录
第一章 绪论3
1.1 引言3
1.2 建站目的3
1.3 ASP技术及本站所采用的开发平台3
1.31 什么是ASP技术以及ASP 的技术特点3
1.32 三层Browser/Server结构的特点及用ASP技术的实现4
1.34 本站所使用的技术及开发平台6
2.1 网站的整体构架的设计7
2.21 登录注册系统8
2.22 个人求职系统8
2.23 企业招聘系统9
2.24 新闻系统10
2.25 后台管理系统10
第三章 网页设计及各功能模块的详细开发流程12
3.1 网页界面的设计12
3.11 主页 index.asp 的具体设计12
3.2 张家港在线招聘网各功能模块的详细制作14
3.21 注册登录系统的开发14
3.22 个人求职系统32
3.23 企业招聘系统46
3.24 新闻系统的实现63
3.24 后台管理系统的实现66
3.3 网站的发布82
3.1 虚拟主机的租用82
3.2 域名的注册82
3.3 上传自己的网站82
3.4 定期维护和更新82
3.4 评估和网站的可扩展性分析83
第四章 结束语84
参考文献 :85
网络的产生标志着信息时代的到来,网络成为一种新兴的经济方式,张家港在线招聘网正是利用了互联网这样一个信息化的平台,为用人单位和求职人员之间搭建了一个平台,使用人单位和求职人员可以快速的掌握最新的招聘信息和人才信息,在线招聘是一种新兴的方式,比以往那些中介所,报纸,新闻媒体都要快速和高效的多,它将取代那传统的方式,这是一种必然的趋势,如今,就业难已成为一个大家都关注的话题,无论是对高校的毕业生,还是已经步入社会的人来说,都是很重要的,所以就出现了越来越多的招聘网,人才网之类的,张家港在线招聘网是为企业和用人单位之间搭建一个良好的平台, 为三资企业和私营企业、个体工商户和居民家庭介绍用工;为城镇各类求职人员,包括技校、职校和职业培训毕(结)业生等办理求职登记、推荐就业服务的,利用互联网的强劲优势,为企业宣传企业形象,提供最优秀的人才,也帮助个人找到合适的岗位
关键词: ASP 在线招聘 求职 简历系统 发布职位
Inviting applications online for a job in the city of zhangjiagang
The information times has come as the internet appearing, and it has becomes a new ways of economy, the website of Inviting applications online for a job in the city of zhangjiagang has just build on the information flat roof ,it is primarily for the person to apply for a job and the enterprise of inviting applications for a job, the person and the enterprise can find the most new information , Inviting applications online for a job is a new fast way than that by the studio of agency and the media of news and so on, it will instead the tradition way and become a certain trend, as we all know, the problem of the obtaining employment is attentioned by us, not only to the graduate of the university but also the person in society ,it is very important, so more website for inviting come appers, the website of Inviting applications online for a job in the city of zhangjiagang is a good flat roof ,it can offer the most new job information for the enterprise privately owned 、microeconomic and commonly family;it can also provide the job information and all kinds of obtaining employment sercise for the person want to apply for a job in the town, the vocational school and so on ,we can using the advantage of the internet for propagandize the visualize of enterprise ,providing the most excellent graduate, and helping the person to apply a job finding the better post
KEY WORDS ASP , inviting applications online for a job, to apply a job,resume system,
put out job information,
目 录
第一章 绪论3
1.1 引言3
1.2 建站目的3
1.3 ASP技术及本站所采用的开发平台3
1.31 什么是ASP技术以及ASP 的技术特点3
1.32 三层Browser/Server结构的特点及用ASP技术的实现4
1.34 本站所使用的技术及开发平台6
2.1 网站的整体构架的设计7
2.21 登录注册系统8
2.22 个人求职系统8
2.23 企业招聘系统9
2.24 新闻系统10
2.25 后台管理系统10
第三章 网页设计及各功能模块的详细开发流程12
3.1 网页界面的设计12
3.11 主页 index.asp 的具体设计12
3.2 张家港在线招聘网各功能模块的详细制作14
3.21 注册登录系统的开发14
3.22 个人求职系统32
3.23 企业招聘系统46
3.24 新闻系统的实现63
3.24 后台管理系统的实现66
3.3 网站的发布82
3.1 虚拟主机的租用82
3.2 域名的注册82
3.3 上传自己的网站82
3.4 定期维护和更新82
3.4 评估和网站的可扩展性分析83
第四章 结束语84
参考文献 :85